Shelter: All-Class Survival

Chapter 353: 1 death

Back at the shelter, Chen Chen used the power of the earth to seal the hole, and looked out the window with a solemn expression.

The red moon in the sky is about to drip blood at this moment, and the radiance it emits is like layers of thick fog spreading to the earth of the abnormal world, dyeing the whole world red.

"The abnormal radiation increased fifteen times in an instant! What the **** happened?" Chen Chen looked into the distance for a long time without saying a word, Yuan Zai hung on his shoulders and his small eyes were full of doubts.

It was three o'clock in the morning, and there were not many people awake in the area, but soon there were still people discussing the sudden increase in radiation.

When Xu An's video request came, Chen Chen immediately connected.

There were five or six elders in the video, and everyone was dazed. Some people were still lying on their beds, apparently already asleep.

"What do you think? The intensity of the radiation distortion this time is far greater than the previous ones." Xu An asked.

Chen Chen said solemnly: "So far, there have only been two possibilities for the sudden increase in the concentration of the aberrant world. One is that when you first came to the aberrant world, the radiation would increase every few weeks before the aberration day; The world touches a new world!"

Wen Baifei shook his head and said: "The first possibility is not very big. Before, it only increased a little each time, giving us a chance to adapt, but this time it has increased by 15 times. Now it is the 82nd, and there are still two days before the radiation day. God."

"So, that's the second type? The radiation intensity has increased so much, what kind of world should it be this time!" Liu Ziping looked at the crowd, as if seeking answers.

"Actually, there is another possibility..." Zhang Juncai suddenly said: "Maybe the abnormal world is about to collapse, so there will be such abnormal fluctuations."

Hearing this, everyone was silent. The third possibility is too cruel. All people, everything, their efforts, emotions, and imagination will disappear in the collapse of the abnormal world.

No, not even Yunyan should be left behind.

"Haha, that's too exaggerated!"

Chen Chen's whisper broke the silence, he said indifferently: "The abnormal world still has certain rules of operation, if it really can't stand so many messy rules, He has already increased the radiation concentration, how can it make our lives so stable ."

"Take a 10,000 steps back and say, even if the abnormal world really encounters something, it really is about to explode, it is us together, we have seen such a wonderful world, and we want to disappear with such a world, that is the best in this world. funeral!"

Hearing what he said, everyone's heavy hearts were relieved.

Tan Mo Ning, who has always been indifferent, also looked up at the sky at this moment and murmured: "It's really romantic..."

Tang Zhixing laughed and said, "Isn't this the same as watching a game? Betting on the opponent's team, I'm happy if I win, and I'm not at a loss if I lose!"

"Hahaha, me too, although I really hope the team I support wins, but I always receive coins in tears."

Soon everyone's emotions eased, Xu An said: "The current situation is not clear, everyone should always pay attention to the part that you are responsible for, Zhang Juncai, you immediately issue an announcement, so that everyone should not panic, hide in the shelter, and directly if there is a situation. Report. Wen Baifei, you mobilize the members of the area to wake everyone up to deal with emergencies..."

Xu An immediately showed his military skills and arranged everyone's responsibilities one by one, including the newly joined Gong Mingming and Lin Wen.

After that, everyone was busy, and when Chen Chen was about to leave, Xu An stopped him.

Xu An said seriously: "You are everyone's hope, don't act impulsive."

"You too!" Chen Chen nodded.

The players were unprecedentedly nervous, because it was the first time such a thing had happened, so everyone was extremely vigilant.

At this time, the division of the organization is not so obvious, including Xu An who also asked Wen Baifei to wake up the whole area at the meeting, not just the alliance.

The Star Alliance has a clear system, so the response is extremely fast. After the regional forum issued an emergency notice, other organizations followed suit, reminding members of the organization, and trying to keep everyone calm.

After about half an hour, the concentration of terrestrial radiation in the field did not decrease at all, but it did not increase, especially in the shelter area, everything was normal, completely isolating the terrestrial radiation.

And there are no distorted beasts in the wild. Staying in the shelter is no different from usual. Many people's emotions have calmed down because of this, and they began to silently wait for the night to end and the distorted radiation to change.

Time passed, and at 4:27 in the morning, the number of people in the area suddenly dropped by a value.

Players were immediately alert, and the forums were frantically refreshed with new posts, and everyone was discussing the number of dead.

Chen Chen glanced at his affiliated forces and found that the number of people had not decreased, and he felt a little relieved.

But soon Gong Mingming sent a message that the lesser one was her subordinate! Today's outer disciple of the alliance.

Gong Mingming also has affiliated forces. Although she has joined the Presbyterian Church now, she just made an oath and did not really join Chen Chen's affiliated forces. However, Lin Wen and other high-level executives have already transferred to the alliance.

There is no way to do this. Although the affiliated forces can be annexed, there are still a large number of personnel arrangements that have not been determined. It is troublesome to absorb them all.

The Presbyterian Church originally planned to merge the two organizations after the beast tide on the 84th, so that the two things could be done at one time.

Several people appeared in a video conference at the same time, and Chen Chen immediately asked: "Have you found out who it is? Hurry up and let the players near this person pay attention. It is best to send some pictures and other information."

Gong Mingming looked like he was about to cry, shook his head and said, "There are not too many people. I have asked everyone to find someone they are familiar with, but there is no result yet."

Xu An comforted everyone and eased the atmosphere, "Don't worry, there are more than ten friends per person. It should take a few minutes before we can determine the deceased. After that, we will have to wait for some time, and now we can deal with the situation in a good state."

Wen Baifei also said, "That is, the density of the shelters among our players is already very low. Even if we find out who it is, it is impossible to find out the situation within an hour or two. Just continue to pay attention to the changes."

This is true. The distance between adjacent players is often dozens or hundreds of kilometers. If the aberration beast kills this person, unless a player goes to his shelter to check, it is possible that the cause of death will never be known.

After two minutes, Lin Wen's eyes lit up and looked at Gong Mingming, "I found the information about the deceased! The id is 'Xinghe Splendid', and his neighbor 'Zhuma' Liu Zishan was the first to discover him."

Chen Chen checked it immediately, and the id had indeed dimmed. He searched the forum, but found that this person's last post was published yesterday.

[Xinghe is brilliant: Haha, joined the Star Alliance! My name matches the league! 】

Everyone cast inquiring glances at Lin Wen and Gong Mingming. After the two girls looked at each other, they whispered: "He was killed in an instant, and there is no post about him on the Big Dream Group forum. The first day was the day before yesterday, celebrating himself. The wood attribute reaches the upper limit of 9999."

"Wait, everyone keeps the video status, you can freely turn off your own voice and picture, and don't block others." There is no result. Just like Wen Baifei said, it will take at least an hour before there may be new information.

Everyone returned to their own perspective and continued to wait.


On the other side, a man in torn Chinese clothes was walking leisurely in the shelter, looking around this strange building curiously.

"Strange, strange? How can a Qi cultivator who can't even get started can understand such profound rules of heaven? If it wasn't for this protective robe that my father gave me, I'd be planted here today."

Speaking of which, the man stretched out his hand and pressed it on the giant forging machine, used his spiritual sense to explore its structure, and exclaimed, "Without any spiritual energy, you can actually control such a behemoth!"

After speaking, he shook his head again, "I have hundreds of thousands of Lei Xiu in the Cangyun Realm, why didn't I make such a thing?"

The man was very curious about everything, checked every corner of the shelter, and kept checking with his spiritual sense.

Before he knew it, he came to the defense war room of the shelter, where he killed the natives of this world before.

After walking through the automatic door and coming here, the man immediately condensed a layer of aura barrier in front of him, trying to isolate the abnormal radiation.

In the end, the man shook his head and removed the barrier, "I didn't expect Qi Hao to end up like this. I don't know where my father and the others are at the moment. Can the sect establish a passage?"

With a long sigh, a roll of sleeve robe lifted the corpse on the ground, carried it in his hand and walked back through the door.

If "Bamboo Horse" Liu Zishan was here, he would definitely be able to recognize at a glance that this was the body of his dead friend "Xinghe Splendid" Ye Wei!

Feeling that there was no abnormal radiation, the man named Qi Hao was amazed again, "I don't know what formation this kid has made, but he can use ordinary iron to isolate the chaotic rules of heaven."

When he came to the storage room of the shelter, he directly threw Ye Wei's body into the cold storage full of deformed animal meat.

Qi Hao continued to walk towards the second half of the shelter, still curious to investigate.

"Is this the case for all people in this world? I was born with a body training seedling, but I don't know why there is no body training method, but I am practicing the way of qi training. I don't know where he put the training treasure? If he can find me Maybe you can infer the level of the monks in this world..."

At this moment, Qi Hao was full of doubts. He had only read in ancient books before when he invaded other secondary worlds. Now, because he entered here by accident, he couldn't understand everything in this world at all.

He only found such a building in a radius of dozens of miles, and there was only one person. How could one person build such a huge building and the strange machines inside. Especially in the short confrontation, the man seemed to understand what he said, but he didn't understand what the other party said at all.

"Maybe this is the cave of a certain immortal!" Qi Hao's eyes suddenly lit up with greedy eyes, "This can be explained, that kid accidentally got the inheritance and has been staying here! "

Just as he was talking, Qi Hao suddenly stepped forward, kicked the door open in front of the bedroom in an instant, walked in and opened the bedside table directly, grabbing the wooden square stone in the drawer.

Qi Hao's eyes were straight, and he shouted excitedly, "There is such a pure power of wood! It even contains a trace of the rules of the heavens of wood!"

The next moment, Qi Hao was a little crazy. He finally understood why the ant had such a high understanding of the heavenly way. At least tens of thousands of such wood-type spar were absorbed, and the ant could improve to such a level.

"Damn, such a good thing is ruined like this!" Qi Hao was extremely angry. If he had tens of thousands of fire attribute spar, his combat power would be at least three times that of the current one, and it would not have been a few months ago. The sect has lost in the competition!

Qi Hao took a deep breath and tried to calm down, "Maybe there are other attributes, look for it again!"

Five minutes later, Qi Hao finally found other valuable items and stacked them in front of him.

Twenty kilograms of distortion iron, 73 wooden stones, 12 fire stones, 5 earth stones, one distortion iron spear, 3 battle cards, 23 shelter expansion cards...

Qi Hao first picked up the distortion iron, probed with spiritual sense, and tested it with magic.

He had forgotten how many times he had been amazed today, and this time he was amazed again, "It's incredible that such a mixture of heavenly rules can exist stably in metal, which directly surpasses most forging materials!"

Then he picked up the fire stone, spiritual power and spiritual sense entered at the same time, and began to absorb the power.

It wasn't until he absorbed all the 12 fire ashlars that Qi Hao opened his eyes with a sigh of relief, sighed slightly, and then put away the rest of the ashwagandha.

After that, he picked up the distortion spear again, looked at it and threw it aside, then picked up the decisive battle card and looked at it.

He could feel the extraordinaryness of this block, but after trying for a long time, he couldn't find a way to use it, so he could only put it down. He turned to try other items, and most of them were the same, which made him very puzzled.

"Well, let's rest here for a while, and then walk around tomorrow to see if there are any cultivator city-states or powers. This world is so lacking in spiritual energy, there should be no strong opponents. Even if there are, I'm afraid it is an individual physique... This place There are immortals in Dongfu, but it should not be a place of inheritance." Qi Hao couldn't help frowning when he said this.

"The chaotic Heavenly Dao rules that invade the body is a big trouble. I don't know if it can be cleaned up after so much contamination. It would be better if I ignited more cristobalites. After the cultivation base is improved, it will be relatively easy to clean up~www.readwn. com~ After he finished speaking, he took out a bottle of medicinal pill from his sleeve, poured out one, swallowed it, and began to meditate and practice.


Chen Chen and the others did not get any new news after waiting all night, so they could only regard Ye Wei's death as an accident.

Fortunately, after dawn, the concentration of distorted radiation in the wild dropped by a third, and it is still decreasing over time.

This kind of thing has never happened before, but the situation has always improved, and the players are much calmer than at the beginning.


In Ye Wei's shelter, Qi Hao opened his eyes, got up and walked quickly to the fortress on the ground, feeling the abnormal radiation in the wild. After a long time, there was a hint of joy in his eyes: "The chaotic rules are reduced, take this opportunity to explore the surroundings quickly!"



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