Shelter: All-Class Survival

Chapter 37: unusual wildebeest

Chen Chen first checked the beehives carefully and found that the beehives were in good condition, and there was no honey flowing out of the rest of the hives.

Righting the beehive, Chen Chen picked up the two frames outside, and simply scraped off the honey on it and put it into the container.

After washing the nest frame with water, put the nest frame back into the hive.

The water for washing the nest frame was packed in a wooden bucket and brought to Yuan Zai, ready to let him also wash the honey on his hands and head.

But I didn't expect that Yuan Zai was already lying on the same spot, falling asleep.

Chen Chen patted Yuan Zai's round belly to wake him up, then put his claws into the bucket and cleaned it. After that, I washed my head and mouth as well, picked it up and put it in a clean place and left it there.

During the washing process, Chen Chen also carefully checked Yuan Zai's body, and found that the little guy was rough and fleshy, and bees stung him, but he was completely fine.

Well, I also found out that Yuan Zai is a male.

However, there were about a hundred bees that died because of the use of stingers.

Chen Chen looked at Yuan Zai up and down, "I'm so resistant to beatings at birth, maybe I can really raise a little mythical beast in the future."

The beehive returned to its original position, and the second floor looked less messy. Although Yuan Zai was not particular about his appearance, there was not much honey sticking to the floor. Chen Chen quickly finished cleaning.

At this moment, the second floor was cleaned up, and Yuan Zai stopped sleeping after being carried away by Chen Chen. It seemed that he finally realized his mistake. He pressed his paws against the floor and looked down at Chen Chen.

Seeing its appearance, Chen Chen also felt a little soft-hearted, and touched Yuan Zai's head.

"You like to eat honey. Drink some honey water first. I will buy you some bamboo shoots on the trading platform."

Chen Chen put the bucket in front of Yuan Zai, Yuan Zai stretched his head to look, then looked at Chen Chen, then silently lowered his head and turned his head to the other side.

Chen Chen's hand carrying the bucket instantly burst into a blue vein, and then Chen Chen took a deep breath, "Okay, don't drink if you don't drink, blame me for not buying you bamboo."

Then Chen Chen carried Yuan Zai down to the second floor, and quickly ordered a bundle of bamboo from the platform.

No bamboo shoots.

Bamboo shoots are also food, and they are somewhat expensive.

Although Chen Chenhei didn't buy bamboo shoots, but when Yuanzai saw the bamboo, he felt that his DNA was moving.

Chen Chen nodded in satisfaction and patted Yuan Zai's little head, "You can't eat anything by yourself in the future, right? You can only eat what I let you eat."

Chen Chen repeated these words several times, dancing and explaining to Yuan Zai. After ten minutes of education, Chen Chen checked the trading channel.

Unexpectedly, I found something good when I saw it.

【Transaction: Lead-acid lithium iron battery

Seller: Sky Flying Fish

Introduction: There are two batteries commonly used in RV battery cars, with a capacity of 2 kWh. Friends who have power generation equipment must not miss it, and friends who do not have power generation equipment can also stock up first.

Trading conditions: 40 catties of meat or food of equivalent value. 】

There is another one that sells solar panels, but it only sells 4 pieces and there is no central controller.

Either the man only found four boards, or he kept the rest.

Chen Chen immediately contacted the two.

【A private message with the flying fish in the sky】

[Chen Zhen: I want to replace this battery. How about 40 jins of pork or a recurve bow and 10 jins of meat?

Sky Flying Fish: Just 40 pounds of meat, Brother Chen, I just want to save enough to eat now.

Chen Zhen: Yes, we will trade. 】

Chen Chen took out the meat from the freezer, chopped it with a Tang Zhidao for a while to get enough 40 catties of wild boar, and traded it to the other party.

With a flash of blue light, Chen Chen also got two heavy black boxes with many ports, which seemed to be batteries from a big manufacturer.

Chen Chen carried the box and walked to the second floor. When he was climbing the stairs, Chen Chen turned around and warned Yuanzi again, "Don't mess with the things here, don't mess with me!"

Going upstairs, Chen Chen disconnected the circuit and began to connect the lead-acid lithium iron battery.

"I forgot a bit, so I'd better ask Li Wusong."

Chen Chen had watched the RV installation in the video before, and he had taken the corresponding circuit course himself, but his memory was still a little unclear, so he immediately sent a private message to Li Wusong.

Li Wusong is not a big boss, he quickly answered Chen Chen, and at the same time expressed his envy to Chen Chen for having a set of electrical equipment.

Chen Chen quickly connected all the lines according to the instructions, and the solar panel also began to charge the battery.

"Yes, at noon there is more than 1,000 watts of power generation. At night, turning down the refrigeration of the freezer is enough."

In the process of assembling the circuit, Chen Chen completed the transaction of solar power generation panels and exchanged ten pounds of meat for four 50*50cm panels.

Chen Chen took the umbrella rope and was about to put it down from the second-story window.

But his highly dynamic eyes found a wildebeest not far away. It's less than a hundred meters away.

"As expected of a strange world, I only saw a jaguar a few days ago, and I saw an African wildebeest today."

At the same time, Chen Chen also realized that this was an excellent opportunity. He lurked quietly and should be able to kill the wildebeest.

The wildebeest was grazing with its head down, definitely not a mutant beast.

"With the crossbow in hand, I'm only afraid of deformed beasts and carnivorous animals. The danger of dealing with wildebeest is very small, not to mention it is not far from the shelter." Chen Chen's mind immediately became active.

Chen Chen immediately ran downstairs, put on his equipment, brought a long knife and a crossbow arrow.

Before leaving, Chen Chen sternly warned Yuanzai to stay in the house and not to walk around, and then he opened the door and jumped off the stone platform, quietly walking towards the wildebeest.

Chen Chen's shelter is mostly surrounded by shrubs, and there are almost no tall trees. Fortunately, Chen Chen's clothes are all camouflage when he goes out, and it is not easy to be found lurking in this terrain.

"Looking at the animal world as a child, it seems that the narrator has said that wildebeest's eyesight is not very good."

As Chen Chen walked slowly, he thought in his heart, "A lion can sneak up to about ten meters by its side. When I sneak to 30 meters, shooting arrows will not be a problem."

100 metres.

60 meters.

30 meters!

Chen Chen held his breath, quietly raised the crossbow arrow, installed the microfiber arrow, and the camera locked on the wildebeest.

Although Chen Chen practiced archery a lot these days, he still didn't have much confidence in himself. After thinking about it, he gave up shooting the head and put the crosshair on the torso.


The arrow passed through the grass, flew towards the wildebeest, and instantly fell into the belly of the wildebeest.

Moo~~ Moo! !

The wildebeest raised its front kick in pain and kept mooing.

Then a pair of blood-red eyes looked at Chen Chen, and rammed into Chen Chen with all his strength.

Chen Chen was putting on a new Seeing the wildebeest's blood-red eyes, he didn't have time to think about it, he quickly shot the arrow, turned around and ran back.

Chen Chen's body is very good now. He can run in 11 seconds in the 100-meter sprint in the wild, and because of his 4.6 physique, he can maintain this speed and run 500 meters.

But the speed of the wildebeest was even faster. Although the speed of the arrow dropped, it was still closing the distance between him and Chen Chen.

Quick, quick, quick!

Chen Chen used all his strength to run wildly, and at the same time secretly complained, "This wildebeest is a crazy animal, how can it be grazing leisurely over there."

Normally, animals that go crazy are fine if they don't see the player. If they see a player or a shelter, they will definitely go crazy and attack.

The wildebeest was grazing over there for some unknown reason, causing Chen Chen to misjudge.

While running, Chen Chen quickly turned his head, and then quickly turned back.

Through his high dynamic vision, Chen Chen found that the wildebeest was only ten meters away from him.

And he is still 30 meters away from rejecting the horse!

When he ran to Juma, Chen Chen saw that the wildebeest was only 2 meters away from him!

As soon as Chen Chen gritted his teeth, he took a big step and jumped 30cm in front of the horse.

The wildebeest saw Chen Chen stop for a moment, and immediately lowered its head and bumped into Chen Chen.

Chen Chen threw himself into the passage, and then the wildebeest slammed into the refusal horse, and the refusal horse was almost overturned by it.

At the same time, Shuma also stabbed the wildebeest, and the wooden thorn sank into the wildebeest's shoulder.

The wildebeest shook its head violently, and it took a few seconds to get out of it.

But when it raised its red eyes to search again, it found that Chen Chen had already climbed onto the stone platform of the shelter.

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