Shelter: All-Class Survival

Chapter 50: colorful tiger

The mangoes were very clean, and Chen Chen ate them all. Just like when he ate apples before, the seeds of these fruits were only slightly hard, and they were eaten with a crunch like chocolate.

Almost as soon as he finished eating the super fruit, Chen Chen felt that his body had been strengthened.

"It should be the work of the cook," Chen Chen looked at the panel, "Huh? This time it's intelligence!"

Chen Chen felt that his thinking became much faster.

In the past, when I didn't get enough sleep in school, my head was groggy and it was difficult to think about things. After the physique was enhanced, the energy supplied by the heart to the brain was also strengthened a lot, and Chen Chen no longer felt this way.

Now, after eating the super fruit, Chen Chen felt that his brain was groggy and wanted to sleep, and now his thinking speed is much faster than before.

"The fish and dragons dived into the water, and the last sentence was that the geese were flying too far."

This kind of feeling is really wonderful. It takes time to memorize the ancient poems that I have memorized before, but now I can pick them up casually.

"The intuitive feeling brought by the super fruit of intelligence is also on top of the super fruit of strength!"

Chen Chen then thought of a question, "If your physique is not enough, thinking will hollow out your body."


Chen Chen continued to go to the next super fruit location with excitement.

At this moment, a colorful tiger walked smartly and walked in front of the peach super fruit.

The tiger's face as big as a basin was inlaid with two blood-red eyes, silver-gray teeth pierced from its hideous mouth, and its scarlet tongue licked the fruit.

The colorful tiger's tongue easily plucked the fruit, then took a big mouth and swallowed it directly.

The big tiger's blood-red eyes narrowed slightly, as if enjoying the delicious food.

Two minutes later, Dahu's muscles exerted force, bulging fleshy lumps, and stretched his waist.

Roar! !

Like the roar of a top engine, the roar stunned the birds and beasts in the distance.

The big tiger continued to walk through the jungle, but his breath was much stronger than before.

The tiger itself is very powerful, and has a certain resistance to distorted radiation. Later, it ate an intelligence super fruit and gained a certain amount of wisdom.

Afterwards, he hunted and killed a mutant beast rabbit and a mutant beast roe deer. It also grew into a mutant beast and maintained its intelligence.

At this moment, after eating this physique super fruit again, its strength has finally reached the peak of the first-level aberration beast. After a few more days of absorbing the distortion radiation, it can grow into a second-level aberration beast!

And Chen Chen didn't know the danger at the moment, so he continued to move forward.

A chainsaw was found in the middle, which made Chen Chen extremely happy.

At this moment, a vulture flew over Chen Chen's head, and Chen Chen immediately took out his recurve bow and aimed at it.

Before getting the Revenant, Chen Chen couldn't have shot the animals flying in the sky.

To consider the parabola, the wind direction in the air, and the flight speed and path of the bird, Chen Chen simply couldn't do it.

Becoming a revenant isn't a 100% hit either.

But with the item space, it's different.

Chen Chen shot an arrow, and then pulled the bow forward empty-handed. When it was fully drawn, an arrow appeared on the string out of thin air, and another arrow was shot.

Whoosh whoosh!

Chen Chen directly shot three arrows in a row, blocking the vulture's advance route, leaving it nowhere to escape.

Three arrows hit two arrows, one arrow hit the abdomen, and one arrow hit the wings.

Chen Chen walked over and collected the vulture, "Sell it, it's worth some money."

Chen Chen happily put away the vulture, took the recurve bow and headed towards the super fruit again.

Running forward.


The big tiger walking on the other side suddenly stopped, then twitched his nose and smelled it carefully.

It seemed to smell a faint fragrance of super fruit, and its big eyes burst into a fierce light!

The big tiger followed the smell.

And the distance between Chen Chen and Dahu is only 3.5km at the moment!


In the distance, Chen Chen saw several bees flying towards him.

Chen Chen approached actively and received their messages.

"The super fruit is gone!"

Chen Chen was shocked, "Then don't go there."

"Should the super fruit be eaten by that large animal? It should be a herbivore. After all, the super fruit has no smell until it is picked."

"It is also possible that someone who has eaten a super fruit has eaten it a second time," Chen Chen shook his head, "but the probability is too small. Moreover, if this is the case, with the keen sense of smell of the beast, it is difficult for me to retreat. go back."

Running back, the threat was still there, Chen Chen looked around, then chose a big tree with the thickness of his thighs and a height of 5 meters, and climbed up.

"Wait a minute, if you follow the smell, I'll fix it. If not, I'll search for supplies elsewhere."

There was nothing wrong with Chen Chen's consideration, but he would never have thought that the one who was searching for him was an aberration beast of the first-level peak!

Standing tall and looking far, Chen Chen saw a huge tiger appearing in the distance within three minutes of waiting!

Although the tiger is big, it is very flexible in jumping and running in the jungle.

The tiger's forward direction was slightly deviated from Chen Chen's position, but before taking a few steps, the tiger's terrifying red eyes stared at Chen Chen.

Roar! ! !

At this moment, Chen Chen finally knew what a dragon roared and a tiger roared. This sense of oppression was shocking.

Chen Chen quickly took out the crossbow machine, loaded the microfiber arrow, and aimed at the tiger.


An arrow flew out and hit the tiger, penetrating the skin, but it was blocked by its developed muscles, and then fell.


Being attacked by Chen Chen, the tiger became angry and continued to run towards Chen Chen.

Chen Chen was a little flustered in his heart, but he forced himself not to think about these It was just 60 meters away, and the falling of the arrow would not cause Chen Chen to lose hope.

At 47 meters, Chen Chen's second arrow flew out.

This time I went a little deeper, but because the shot hit the tiger's shoulder, this muscle was more active, and the tiger still fell down after running a few steps.

35 meters, the third arrow flew out!

This time, he directly stabbed the tiger's big face, causing the pain to slow down sharply.

Taking the opportunity, Chen Chen's fourth arrow flew out.

He shot the back of the tiger's neck, about 7cm deep.

Roar! Roar! !

The tiger roared continuously and continued to approach Chen Chen.


The fifth arrow is fired.

The closer the tiger runs, the more powerful the arrow will be. This arrow penetrated the tiger's left rib!

The sixth arrow, the arrow that flew towards the tiger's eyes, was bounced off by the tiger's skull.

When taking the seventh arrow, Chen Chen hesitated for a while, and instead of taking the ultra-fiber arrow, he took out the arrow he made.

For the remaining three arrows, Chen Chen wanted to save them until the tiger ran to the front before shooting them.

The tree certainly won't be able to withstand it for long, but there should still be time to shoot three arrows.

The arrows made by Chen Chen, except for the armor-piercing ones, now have a slightly worse initial speed than the superfiber arrows.

With only 25 meters left, Chen Chen put on a recurve bow, and shot arrows at the tiger at high speed.

The speed of the recurve bow was much faster. When the tiger ran under the tree, Chen Chen had already shot 9 arrows.

Chen Chen's archery speed increased a little while he was engrossed in the battle.

The arrows were inserted into the tiger's body, blood flowing, and one of the arrows was inserted into the tiger's eye socket.

This time, Chen Chen took out the microfiber arrow and aimed at the tiger under the tree.

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