Shelter: All-Class Survival

Chapter 93: long-awaited bee

"The sword is as bright as the moon, this sword is called Hanyue." Chen Chen played with the long sword in his hand, and the more he looked at it, the more he liked it. "Closing the scabbard is like a dark cloud covering the moon, hiding its edge."

It's not too early, Chen Chen went to the observatory to take away the collected fog water, and by the way, he matured the newly born wave of bees, and then came to the planting room and poured some fog water on the herbs before checking the shelter. So, back to his bedroom.

Now that the waterproof paint was dry, Chen Chen directly used his own power to use the exchanged goose warm stone to add a two-centimeter-thick rock layer to the bedroom wall, completely covering the blue waterproof paint.

Chen Chen also does not require the room to be watertight, as long as it can withstand most of the humidity, and the rest can be handed over to the fresh air fan.

Chen Chen is already very proficient in the manipulation of the power of the earth, and the light blue walls paved with many warm goose stones look very comfortable. The walls are flat without any bumps, and more importantly, the six stone walls are a whole, and light-colored lines can be seen on it from time to time, which is very aesthetic.

"I feel like I don't need to lay a wooden floor anymore." Chen Chen touched the very smooth floor, "The whole room is made of goose warm stone bricks, which can be considered the strongest decoration, right?"

Of course, the outside of the bedroom is still in the style of a rough room. In order to make himself sleep more comfortable, Chen Chen went to the workshop again, made a very beautiful wooden door according to the drawings, and painted it with wood paint to force it out.

Taking the door to the bedroom, Chen Chen directly used the power of the earth to inlay the door frame into the wall, pressed the hinge and lock, and closed the door, feeling that the entire shelter seemed to have been decorated like this.

Chen Chen went to the bed and lay down, and said to Xiao Luo, "Xiao Luo adjusted the lights in the bedroom to four or five o'clock in the afternoon."

The sunshine at this time of day is the most golden and warm and not dazzling.

"The simulation effect of the sun lamp is very good, which means that the temperature is almost the same."

Chen Chen just lay down quietly for a while, and then opened the transaction information.

Sure enough, many people on the platform have started to sell charcoal, the quality is very general, and the price is relatively cheap.

This thing is not very competitive, almost everyone can burn it, and the price will naturally not go up.

However, most of these two days only wandered within 100 meters around the shelter, and there was a lot of free time. If I did too much, I would just hang up on the platform, and I could earn a little bit.

A very busy person like Chen Chen would naturally not waste time burning charcoal by himself. Now that the price of charcoal is cheap, Chen Chen bought a bunch of them.

The price of earthwork stone has dropped again, mainly because no one has the corresponding ability, and everyone can't use it.

In the entire regional channel, there are almost four or five more earthwork stones every day. So far, there are a total of 7 earthwork stones on the trading channel.

Chen Chen chatted privately one by one and took all the seven earthwork stones.

Then Chen Chen bought some other items piecemeal, three shelter expansion modules, a 1.2-meter by 0.6-meter mirror, gasoline and diesel, a Yuba shower, a common camera, and a herbal medicine with strong volatiles and mild toxicity.

Closing the door of the cold storage, Chen Chen began to put the various items that he had exchanged for in the appropriate places.

Before Chen Chen made a list for Xiao Luo, and asked Xiao Luo to help him pay attention to the cheap materials on the trading channel. As long as it was low to a certain level, he would take pictures directly, and then Chen Chen would make a unified transaction when he was free.

In the set list, mechanical parts, electronic parts, and steel belong to the first purchase sequence, followed by glass rubber, and then plastics, which are temporarily unavailable but very useful materials.

There is a limit of 100 catties of meat per day. Chen Chen asked Xiao Luo to choose which ones to buy after analysis. As time goes by, Chen Chen's resources are also accumulating.

"There are still 1,900 kilograms of edible meat left, and there is absolutely no problem in the next radiation outbreak day."

Then Chen Chen brought 20 catties of meat to the top of the shelter's portal, and directly traded with other players who were ready to exchange for a large amount of stone.

Then Chen Chen used the power of the seven-square earth movement he just obtained to melt these stones, interspersed with steel bars, and solidified a small part of the room above the portal directly.

"Tomorrow, the second floor area will be cured, and the equipment room next to the door will be built the day after tomorrow." Chen Chen yawned, "Ah~ it's time to go to bed."


The next day, he woke up, cooked the meat, and Chen Chen went to ripen the bees.

Up to now, the number of Chinese bees has reached 80,000, 50,000 of Vigorous bees and 45,000 of golden ring bees.

Now, most of the bees can finally go out to collect honey. Chen Chen took care of the larvae of the three types of bees to 50,000 Chinese bees.

The golden ring bee does not need the supply of Chinese bees to eat meat. All 50,000 strong bees go out to collect honey. Most of the collected strong honey can enhance Chen Chen's strength, and the honey collected by 30,000 Chinese bees is used to feed their own hives and bees. A powerful bee waiting to be fed.

"After nearly a week of growth, there should be a lot of flowers and honey in the wild. Let's see how much honey can be harvested today."

Then Chen Chen walked to the observation and looked out into the field.

Today, the visibility has dropped a bit, and there are only nine meters left. Chen Chen can't see the bottom of the situation from the observation deck.

"Today I don't know if the hippo is gone or not. It's a little dangerous to go out of the gate of the shelter."

Chen Chen also carefully studied the video of the hippo hitting the shelter's portal later. The muscles of the second-level aberration beast have been greatly strengthened. When the muscles exert force, they are as solid as a rock, and they don't care about the shock force when they hit the shelter's portal.

The first-level aberrations have enhanced fur and bones, as well as more powerful vitality. For players, they are only strengthened in defense, and they can still be shot remotely with a strong crossbow.

But the second-level aberration beast is different. When the defense power is increased again, the power also increases greatly, and the attack power and speed also increase with the increase of power, and it suddenly becomes extremely difficult to deal with.

In particular, the person blocking Chen Chen's door was a huge hippo, and even if Chen Chen was hiding in the shelter, he couldn't help him.

The reconnaissance Golden Ring Bee has already been sent out. How to do it today depends on the information that Golden Ring Bee brings back. It is useless to think about it. Chen Chen walked off the observation deck and went to the kitchen to eat first.

Halfway through the meal, Golden Ring Bees came back to report the situation one after another, and Chen Chen also watched carefully.

"Huh?" Suddenly Chen Chen raised his eyebrows and smiled, "I didn't run far, that's good!"

Chen Chen immediately ordered a thousand golden-ringed bees to fly out, letting them keep attacking the hippopotamus and attracting it.

Hippo was not far from Chen Chen, Chen Chen quickly took two big bites of meat, wiped his mouth and washed his hands and went to the hall to put on his equipment.

Chen Chen was all ready, moved Xiao Luo to the observation deck, and asked him to provide him with real-time pictures. After waiting on the observation deck for another two minutes, he finally heard the irritable cry of a hippo in the distance.

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