Shelter: All-Class Survival

Chapter 95: Herbs and Fruit Trees

There were 12 pieces wrapped in the rattan, and 6 pieces were scattered on the ground. Counting the 2 pieces of wooden square stone that Golden Ring Bee had delivered to him before, Chen Chen never dreamed that he would pick up 20 pieces of wooden square stone at once!

"Good luck today."

Chen Chen used the herbalist profession to sense the banyan tree again, and determined that there was nothing special about the tree, so he left and continued to move towards the super fruit.

After walking for more than ten minutes, Chen Chen finally came to the super fruit.

A peach-like fruit grows in the bushes, surrounded by several golden-ringed bees dutifully.

A very ordinary jungle corner, there is no danger.

Chen Chen stepped forward and collected the fruit.

"You can fish beasts again."

With the current strength of Chen Chen's shelter, Chen Chen is not afraid of more first-level aberration beasts.

The super fruit is the best thing that bees have discovered today, and the others are either dangerous or of average value.

Dangerous places are definitely not allowed to go, but Chen Chen still intends to take a look at other good things. The dangers of fog, aggressive plants, and poisonous insects will definitely continue to increase in the future. If you miss this time, you may not have this opportunity.

Soon Chen Chen, led by Golden Ring Bee, came to another plant.

Chen Chen couldn't name it either, but he just thought it looked a bit like dragon claw locust, the trunk was not thick but black like iron, and resin flowed out from the cracks in the bark.

Golden ring bees are attracted to these resins.

Chen Chen used the herbalist's ability to sense it, and found that the resin is mild and can balance other medicines well, which will be of great use when making medicines in the future.

This tree is only about two meters high, and the branches that stretch out are only one meter in diameter. The green leaves look good.

Chen Chen touched his chin and thought, "Why don't you take this tree back and keep it in the planting room, or maybe the tree will be gone tomorrow."

The competition of plants in the wild is very fierce, new plants are born every day, and plants that are not competitive enough are crowded out and killed.

When he went out today, Chen Chen even saw that there were plants growing on the cliff. It was not where the soil fell on the cliff, but was drilled directly from the crevice of the rock.

In this environment, most plants cannot survive.

"It's a pity, if the black vine doesn't die, it should be the king of these plants." Thinking of this, Chen Chen is also a little regretful. If there was a herbalist profession at that time, then he would most likely transplant the black vine to the shelter alive.

After thinking about it, Chen Chen decided to dig the tree back. With his current knowledge, he naturally knew how to safely transplant the plant back while reducing the size as much as possible.

"It's a bit like dragon claw locust, let's call it black claw locust, it's easy to remember."

Chen Chen pulled out the cold moon, shaved the black claw locust, and then used the power of soil to take out a 60-centimeter diameter ball.

The vitality of black claw locust is very strong, and with enough fog water to replenish it, it will soon grow stronger than it is now.

Carrying the black claw locust Chen Chen on his back, he continued to move forward, but at this time Chen Chen began to gradually explore back.

The third place is an ordinary fruit tree. It is covered with fruits. It looks similar to an apple. It tastes like an apple. It is very sweet.

"Very good." Chen Chen patted the fruit tree, "I think you are so good, there are not many trees that bear fruit for others to eat without developing themselves."

"I see your dedication in my eyes, and I will not disappoint your efforts."

Speaking of which, Chen Chen was quick in his hands and feet and picked the fruits. Most of them were collected in the item space. Some fruits were particularly good, so Chen Chen packed them in the bag he was carrying.

Separating some nutrients to support the fruit is obviously not conducive to the competition of the plant itself, but the fruit can allow its offspring to multiply as much as possible. It is obtained by a human like Chen Chen, and he will increase his strength to help it reproduce. In a sense, it is also immortal.

Chen Chen looked around and found that the top of the fruit tree had been blocked by other trees. Although it could still grow through the fog, the growth rate had slowed down after all.

Carrying a tree with popping apples hanging from the tree, Chen Chen began to return to the shelter.

But it wasn't just a hurry. Along the way, Chen Chen was constantly picking up various supplies, distinguishing plants, and collecting herbs.

During this trip, Chen Chen collected a total of six kinds of herbs, the most valuable of which was a shrub with small blue fruits.

Shrubs are not poisonous, but the blueberry is highly poisonous and is a neurotoxin. A small dose is enough to kill an adult. Even if it can't be killed for a while, its toxicity can make the poisoned person become slow and unresponsive.

Chen Chen vividly named it "Ice Fruit".

The ice fruit is acidic and cannot be mixed with the poison of the golden ring bee. The two will interfere with each other and reduce their respective efficiency.

It can be mixed with the poison of bees, but the poison of bees is not strong, and it is not very useful when mixed.

These herbal plants were almost covered on the left half of Chen Chen's body, and the living things could not be put into the object space, so Chen Chen could only take it back like Returning to the shelter, Chen Chen put everything down , planted all the plants that were brought back, and then went out to saw wood again with a chainsaw.

The field must be cleaned every day, otherwise it will be easily engulfed by plants.

Even under the protection of Chen Chen, bamboo gradually could not compete with other plants. Chen Chen felt that it would really disappear in a few days.

Chen Chen of mushrooms also harvested batches after batches, but others were also planting them, and they couldn't sell them at all. The price depreciation was extremely severe.

Seeing this situation, Chen Chen also lost the idea of ​​growing vegetables. That thing is both water-intensive and not filling, the key is that the value is already extremely low.

Chen Chen has many important things to do, so growing vegetables is a waste of time.

"In the future, the planting room will only plant various medicines, and the trees will have to open another planting room. The two expansion modules are stacked together, six meters high."

And what's even worse is that now plants are growing like crazy, and seeds are no exception.

The wind-blown rice flower planted a batch of wheat, but when I woke up the next day, I found that all the wheat had sprouted.

The same is true of other plants such as potatoes and carrots. Although the crop yields are large and fast, it is almost difficult to preserve them.

Of course, with the exception of garlic, when a small seedling grows, it is a garlic sprout. When it is placed in a dark place, it is a yellow garlic. When it grows, it is a garlic sprout. No matter how it grows, it will be eaten by players.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen raised his eyebrows, "Actually, I can provide you with a ripening service. One cubic meter of wheat is put into the item space, and all of them are killed."

Chen Chen worked hard to cut down the trees within 20 meters, and then transported all the wood into the shelter and stacked them in the hall.

Now a corner of the hall is full of wood, which can support the fuel generator to burn continuously for ten days.

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