Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 219: Moonlight organization (middle)

The twenty-first chapter of the month and night organization (middle)

In fact, she has always been a very calm and wise girl, but at this moment, she really can't restrain her inner feelings. It is incredible that the latest chapter of the church, Long Haochen, appeared in front of her like this! Even if she is close at hand, she still has a dreamlike feeling at this time.

Long Haochen smiled lightly and said: "Why don't I dare to come? What if the heart city is a dragon pool?"

Lost in the moonlight night: "How about? Do you not know that the demon **** wants to kill you, or even launch a two-year jihad? This jihad has reduced the total population of the Mozu by more than 30%. In order to kill you, the demon emperor took my father and a group of demon gods to go to the exorcism to find you. In order to kill you, the star devil Wasak sacrificed vitality to display the great prophecy. But you, but you just appeared In the capital of the Mozu, what are you going to do! You, you are a madman."

Long Haochen didn't say anything, he could understand the emotions of the moonlight at this time. Although the study was done, Long Haochen was completely out of the name in the Temple League, but if it is about the current popularity and influence, then, whether it is in the Holy The Alliance of the Temple is still in the Mozu, and he is probably second to none. The jihad launched by the Mozu is due to him!

Moonlight night, big mouth and gasping, the eyes are showing a strong incredible, watching the handsome face of Long Haochen, for a long time can not be their own.

Suddenly, she took a big step and rushed to Long Haochen, hugged him and hugged him tightly.

Her hug was to let Long Hao Chen live, so close contact, Long Haochen can clearly feel her strong heartbeat. For a time, he was a bit stunned and didn't know how to deal with the situation at hand. Naturally, he can't hold her too. In his heart, moonlight is just a partner and a friend.

There was no buzzing in the moonlight night, and the quiet room was quiet. Long Haochen did not move, and did not push her away. In his heart, the feelings of the moonlight night were somewhat inductive. He did not understand the refusal. However, this enchanted mixed-race beauty just saved his life not long ago! How can he bear to push her like this?

Holding the dragon morning, the heartbeat of the moonlight night gradually calmed down. She suddenly found that she felt so full for the first time in her life. And this enrichment is brought by the man in front of him. Feeling comfortable, she almost couldn't help but scream. But she finally resisted, she did not want him to see himself. However, now she is really reluctant to let go.

The two stood there so quietly that they had not moved for a long time.

When she was just cuddling up on the moonlight night, her body was slightly cold, but as time went by, Long Haochen obviously felt her body gradually getting hot.

The heart was amazed, Long Haochen knew that he could not go on like this anymore. He is also a normal man, and the moonlit night is so beautiful. Even if he continues to hold on to himself, this friend relationship between the two may be deteriorating. This is not what he wants to see.

"His Royal Highness Princess." Long Haochen whispered.

His imperial princess, the moonlight night, gently trembled, feeling his breath, the whole body gradually became hot and the moonlit night was like being smothered by a cold water. Subconsciously loosen and clasped his arms and quickly stepped back a few steps. Some pale, pretty faces, the blush has not completely faded.

"In your heart, I am just the Princess of the Princess?" A touch of sorrow emerged from the moonlight night. She thought she had already let go, but she really saw him and felt the breath of his body. She found that the emotion was not laid down, but was deeply buried in her heart.

Long Haochen sighed, "Moonlight, I am sorry. You know, I already have a child. My heart, besides her, can no longer accommodate other opposite sexes. ("") I am a friend when you are alive. Friends who are in love. Thank you for the news, which will save us."

"Friends? What about friends? If I am in danger of life, can you protect me with life like a child?"

"I will." Long Haochen replied almost without hesitation.

This time, but it was a moonlit night, and she looked at Long Haochen with some incredulity. Although they did not really touch the number of times, she was very clear about what kind of person Long Longchen was. He is by no means the kind of promise that is easy. But as long as he said it would be done.

Long Haochen said: "When I receive your urgent information in the exorcism, in my heart, you are no longer a partner, but a true friend. I understand how much risk you risk. If you are in danger, I will do my best to save you."

The words of Long Yuchen are not a rhetoric, nor a gorgeous rhetoric, but the firm but deep shock in the words shocked the heart of the moon. Her pale face was gradually recovering.

She turned her head and turned her back to Long Haochen, trying to calm her own feelings. After a long while, she only turned back. At this time, her look has returned to normal.

"You come to the heart of the city because the demon **** and my father are gone with a lot of demon gods, so is it empty here? If you think so, it is wrong. The magic city is the root of the demon, the five The pillars of the devil are here. Whenever there are five races, there will be strong men guarding their respective demon palaces. Finding opportunities here is tantamount to sending death. I can guess that in the past two years, your cultivation should have Small progress. But I can tell you clearly that you only need two ninth-order powerhouses, which can make you and your team ruin."

After restoring calm, the moonlight has restored her wisdom, and immediately thought of the reason for the arrival of Long Haochen.

"However, if you come to the heart city, it should be very unexpected." No one will think that at this time you will vote for the net. With your cleverness, you should not do suicide. Let's talk about it. ,what's your plan?"

Long Hao nodded and said: "In the news you gave me, in order to predict our movements, the star devil Wasak casts a large prophecy, which leads to his own weakness, and his strength is only one tenth of its heyday. Right? I came here first and asked for this."

Listening to this question, the moonlit night was shocked again. "You, you are not going to want to play the idea of ​​the star demon?"

Long Haochen did not conceal her meaning and nodded.

It’s a cold breath on the moonlight night. “It seems that you are really crazy. How is this possible? Even if the Star Devil has only one tenth of the strength, it is not something you can deal with. Do you know that he has countless kinds? The way you can make your own repairs instantly erupt to an extremely terrifying level. You might not even be able to resist even one blow!"

Long Haochen said: "We have all thought about what you said. You can rest assured that since I dare to come, I must have thought through it. I have considered all kinds of difficulties. I have never thought about killing the star gods." You tell me first, what is the status of the Star Devil?"

Moonlight Road: "The Star Devil is indeed using the Great Prophecy to be in weakness. This is what my father told me. My father never said anything, his Devil's Column is called the real month. If the father said Proverbs will greatly affect his cultivation. You are not going to kill the demon god, but come from him? Ah! I understand, you are going to target his demon pillar? Do you really destroy it? The power of the Devil's Column?"

The cleverness of the moonlight made her guess the goal of Long Haochen.

Long Haochen said: "Yes. If not, why did the demon **** launch a jihad for me? If you can defeat the star demon column or cause damage, we will come here for the purpose. You are relieved. You can rest assured that we will not be tired of you anyway. I am here today, one is to confirm with you whether the Star Devil is really in a state of weakness. The other is to tell you the time of our action, when you want Avoid it to avoid being accidentally injured."

Moonlight muttered: "You, you are really too bold, too bold... and even locked in the magic capital. Are you really sure?"

Long Haochen smiled slightly and said: "In this world, there is nothing that is absolutely certain. The main purpose of our action is to disguise it. Even you are most familiar with us. The demon **** is naturally more unexpected. We will not stay here for too long. About tomorrow evening is the time when we act. At that time, we will have a sound attack on the West. The first attack will be your Moon Palace, and then Going to the Star Magic Palace. Our attack on the Moon Palace is a curse-level attack. So, stay here and be careful."

Listening to Long Haochen said that he had already understood his tactics on a moonlit night, and he couldn’t speak at all. Looking at Long Haochen, my eyes could not help but be a little sluggish.

I don't know why, she suddenly has a pride in her heart, which is her own pride. Moonlight night thought: This is the man I chose! With his hunting demon group, he dared to dazzle so much to the magic capital, and to target the star demon pillar. This is how courage and confidence. From him, I can't see a trace of arrogance. He said that after careful consideration, then it must be well thought out.

But as he said, it is because his ideas are too bold and incredible, so no one can guess! It’s a good idea to hit the West. Choosing the Moon Palace is naturally because of the good relationship between the Moon Palace and the Star Palace.


The hunch will become a reality and will begin to erupt tomorrow. How much is exploding, and everyone will know when it bursts out. First tighten the ticket and get ready for it. It’s not too late to think that the outbreak is good.


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