Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 220: Earth dragon turned over (on) (second more)

The twenty-twoth chapter of the earth dragon turned over (on) (second more)

The low-pitched curse sang and echoed in the first floor of the Aion. This spell does not belong to any of the light dawns. The strong earth element fluctuations are so squatting here.

Not far from the front of the crowd, four figures sit together, three of which form a triangle, and their position is the three vertices of the triangle. The other one sits in the middle of the triangle, and the spell sings from the mouth.

Red, blue, green, yellow. Each of the four figures has its own different colors, and it is the four great guards that Long Haochen got from this Aion.

The Sanctuary 10, 11 and 12 formed a triangle. At this time, the fire of the soul in their eyes was violently beating. The air around the body of the Sanctuary 9 sitting in the center was severely distorted, making his body look unreal.

The Three Great Guards are injecting the power of their souls into the Holy Guardian No. 9 to help him complete the spell! In the hands of the Guardian No. 9, he also held a white gem with a fist size. With the sing of his spell, there are countless earth elements infused into the gem from it.

Long Haochen is waiting, they and they are also waiting quietly. The mission will not last long. They must complete a blitzkrieg in the city of Modu to be successful.

In the magical capital, a curse is released through a singer spell, which is no different from finding death. Even the most common moon demon can find this level of spiritual fluctuations a few kilometers away. Therefore, the spell must be done here. The gems in the hands of the Guardian No. 9 are not the hunters of the light, but the dragons and dragons from the moonlight princess, which is the most important part of their plan.

Zhang Fang said: "The time is almost up, everyone is ready, if there is no change, the morning should be coming back soon." Because of the loss of memory, when Long Haochen was absent, he let Laocheng hold the heavy Zhang release and temporarily command the light. Morning light.

Sima Xian pulls the dark gold chain in his hand and directly puts the light pill in his hand, slamming it on his shoulder. Everyone else has released their own weapons and waited quietly.

The curse of the Guardian No. 9 is getting higher and higher, and it is clear that the piece of colorless crystal in his hand has now become a dazzling crystal yellow. Strong spiritual fluctuations cause the air around the crystal to distort sharply. The earth element that is like a normal body is infusingly inward.

Concentrating all the power of the four great Guards is enough to complete a magic level of the curse. As the Aion has absorbed so many soul powers, their strength has also been improved to some extent.

At this moment, the golden light flashed, and Long Haochen reappeared in front of the partners. He did not speak, but went directly to the four holy guards.

The spell of the Guardian No. 9 has now reached its final stage, and his high-pitched humming sounds a wave of echoes in the Aion.

Long Haochen’s look is very serious. If he is not nervous now, it will never be possible. In the magic city of the city to engage in the wind, but also for the demon **** of the star devil. The boldness of this plan is enough to shock anyone. Moreover, this is undoubtedly the most difficult and dangerous of the tasks they have undertaken. Fortunately, the existence of the Aion and the eternal melody made this mission feasible. Otherwise, they could not even think about it.

Finally, the singer of Gaochun suddenly stopped, and in the violent explosion of the air, Sanwei No. 10, No. 11 and No. 12 fell almost at the same time, and only a trace of the soul of the fire was weak. The Holy Guardian No. 9 is full of yellow light, and the elemental earth element is crazy to make the final injection into the crystal.

It can be clearly seen that around the crystal, there is a complex magic pattern, even if you just look at it, you can feel how violent it is stored.

The yellow light suddenly converges, and all the magic lines disappear into the crystal in an instant. The whole crystal is presented as a dark yellow, but it radiates a faint dark golden brilliance.

On the 9th of the Guardian, the crystal was sent to the front of the dragon, and his hands were shaking, showing the consumption.

Long Haochen took the crystal and nodded to him. Sanwei No. 9 immediately sat back in the distance and silently restored the soul power that was extremely consumed.

Long Haochen turned to look at the companions, nodded to the crowd, and the golden light flashed again. He once again disappeared into the eyes of everyone.

The people of the Light Morning Hunting Devils understand that from this moment on, their plans have been officially launched, and everyone’s emotions are inextricably tense, and there is an indescribable excitement in tension.

Long Haochen quietly reappeared in the corner outside the Moon Magic Palace. The toes were lightly tapped on the ground, without any spiritual power, but with the strength of the body.

The palace wall outside the Moon Magic Palace is more than ten meters, but in front of the explosive power of Long Haochen, it is nothing. The right hand is pressed on the wall, and his head has already been watched in the Moon Palace.

At this time, his position was carefully selected. He discussed it for a long time yesterday and the night and night, and finally decided here. This place is located on the side of the Moon Devil's main hall of the Moon Demon Palace. The main hall of the Moon Demon is enshrined with the gods of the demon gods of the past, and the rear of the main hall is the place where the ordinary moon devils eat except the Moon Devils.

In the Moon Palace, there is no more important place than the Moon Magic Hall. If the moon devil Agares is in the Moon Palace, his Devil's Column will be here. At that time, the main hall of the Moon Devil was undoubtedly impregnable. But at this time, Agarez is not there, and the Moon Devil's Column is naturally not there. It is the time of emptiness.

Long Hao morning gaze slightly, judged the position, with his calm mind, at this time the heartbeat can not help but some acceleration. Once the action is unfolded, it is necessary to continue without opening the bow.

The dark yellow crystal that was held in the right hand was releasing the hot temperature in his palm. Long Haochen took a deep breath and calmed his own feelings. In the eyes, the brilliance of the coldness shimmered, and the wrist suddenly trembled. The yellow crystal in the hand was already shot like lightning.

At this moment, he no longer hides his spiritual power, otherwise he will not be able to make the full power of this crystal come into play.

Huang Guang did not flash, and crossed the space of hundreds of meters, and it landed on the land outside the main hall of the Moon Demon. The "嗖" moment disappeared directly into the soil.

When Long Haochen saw that it had not entered the ground, he immediately turned around and left. Without a half-stop, the body jumped out like the lightning at the fastest speed, looking for the direction and galloping according to the established plan. Now he can't release the wing, so that is so obvious in this magical capital. But he has already played to the extreme speed that he can display on the ground.

With the raging morning of the dragon, the main hall of the Moon Magic is still calm, and the ground outside is no different from the previous one. It seems that everything has not changed.

It was only the fluctuation of the light elements that appeared in the moment that caused the attention of the strong people in the Moon Devils. After all, in the magical capital of the dark elements, the sudden appearance of light elements is still very doubtful.

Just a few seconds after the dragon's morning plunder, a few purple figures have appeared on the side of the Moon's main hall. Before the space where the yellow crystals passed, the eyes looked puzzled and looked around. A probe has expanded.

"What happened? Just a wave of light fluctuations?" said a tall, handsome-looking moon devil. Although he wore a robe, he was still able to faintly see the muscles under his robes.

Another relatively thin figure of the moon is screaming: "Yes, I also feel it. How can there suddenly be a light element? Is there a result of the exploration?"

"No, everything is normal." The third moon shook his head. The strength of these three moons is around eight orders. In the Moon Mozu, they can only be regarded as very ordinary adult.

The first to talk about the tall moon, Shen Shen said: "It's a bit wrong. I don't know why, I have a bad feeling. The light elements will never appear in nowhere, even the light elements in the sun can't penetrate the heart. In the middle of the city, there must have been a man with a light attribute who has been here before. We will search it carefully."

In the middle of their speech, suddenly, the three moons face changed at the same time, subconsciously looked down to the feet.

They were surprised to see that a layer of seemingly soft yellowish light was slowly emanating from the ground beneath their feet. And this yellow glow is always spreading out.

How do you have earthen elements? The three moon demons have a strange feeling, but the earth elements that appear at this time are very soft and weak. For them, this is not a threat at all.

At this time, more moons have come over, and the yellow on the ground is becoming more and more intense.

"No! Look." A moon demon suddenly shouted. A group of moonlights looked in the direction of his fingers, and they suddenly found out that the walls of the Moon Magic Hall did not know when they had climbed a layer of pale yellow.

"Fast, dark suppression." A rehab with a strong moon demon, all the moons suddenly ignited a strong dark purple light.

The Moon Mozu is not powerful, and the Moon Demons in the field are almost all eighth-order powerhouses. However, their actions are a step later. Even if it is a nine-order moon demon, in the face of an already unblocked curse, all that can be done is to protect itself. I want to stop the eruption of this curse, unless it is the moon demon Agales is now in this month's magic hall.

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What is kindness? Outbreaks in the **, that is called the kind. Today is four more, tomorrow at least six more. Try your best to get a monthly ticket and a recommended ticket.



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