Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 226: Sima Xian's burning! (on)

It is almost a combination of the power of all people to resist the blow of the ninth-order powerhouse. But at this time, the ice warrior was vacated and went straight to the crowd.

There is no doubt that once he is rushed into the crowd, no one can resist his attack.

Compared with the previous black knight, the strength of this ice warrior may not be able to force much, but don't forget that in the distance behind him, there is also a fire mage to give everyone strong psychological pressure!

Seeing that he was about to rush into the ice warrior in the morning of the light hunter, the body suddenly solidified in the air, and then he gave up the momentum, and the body forcedly twisted in the air and fell to the side. At the same time, a double sword crossed the chest.

A gray glory is like smashing through the sky, and the sniper slams on the double swords of the ice warriors.

The crisp collision of the "叮一" echoed in the fourth floor of the Aion, echoing. Then the powerful ice warrior, under this attack, was smashed out of the forty meters, until the body hit a stone pillar supporting the fourth layer to stop the body. On his pair of ice-blue giant swords, it is obvious that apart from the large cracks, if it is not with his strong spiritual support, I am afraid that it will collapse directly before.

The children still stood there, and the death knives slowly fell in the hands, and the cold light shone in the eyes.

Not strong enough to block the frontal guardian knight, in the face of such a strong enemy, what she can rely on is her absolute tyrannical attack power!

The death of the seven must be the first, the death of the shackles, finally staged.

Compared with her at the time of amnesia, this death is at least twice as powerful as power. Hail is a powerful sacred guard with ancient combat skills, facing his blow, but without the ability to dodge and take advantage of it. It was hard to be taken by children, and almost destroyed the weapons. It is conceivable how terrible the power of this attack is.

From returning to the Aion to step by step, the children have never used their strength, because she is very clear, waiting for their own test will only become more and more difficult, in the inheritance and resurrection of the undead Scourge Electrolux Before Long Haochen, she must not fall. Therefore, she has been relying on the strength of her partners, and her own strength is constantly accumulating.

Memory recovery, two-stage memory fusion, but she is still somewhat uncomfortable with the power of the gods, and is merging this powerful force through constant fighting.

The ordinary attack has not been enough to stop the 9th-order ice warrior. Once he is allowed to rush in, even if everyone can defeat him at the fastest speed, but he only needs to destroy Chen Yinger’s spell, they may be afraid of this test. Lost.

At the same time that the ice warrior was smashed, the magic of the distant fire mage and the magic of Chen Yinger were almost completed at the same time.

One after another, the light door is lit up behind Chen Yinger. A total of six light doors emit strong brilliance at the same time, and each one is different. Red, blue, yellow, blue, gold, black. It is a six-element color.

In the powerful roar, six giant dragons walked out of the light door at the same time, surrounded by the people in the morning of the light, and Chen Yinger was in the center of their formation.

The spirit wing stretched, and Chen Yinger’s body instantly swelled to a position three meters away from the ground, suspended in the air, holding a crystal ball to the distant fire mage. The six-color magic six-pointed star array has already flashed. Every one of the demon hunters in it feels the volatility of the elements of the full attribute.

At this time, the fourth floor of the entire Aion has turned into a red world.

A group of golden red fireballs appeared around the body of the fire mage, and soon spread throughout every corner of his side, like a wall of fire, without gaps.

"Be careful, this is the real meteor fire. It is almost the same as the curse level." Lin Xin stunned. This level of fire magic, if placed on the battlefield, is enough to kill a legion. Although the space inside the Aion Tower is still wide, under such a full range of magical attacks, they have no chance of dodging. [More God Seal Throne, please enter]

The "sound one by one" six roars sounded at the same time, and six different colors of breath were also ejected from the mouth of the dragons at the same time.

These dragons are all nine-level Warcraft, equivalent to the human eighth-order powerhouse.

The crystal ball in the hands of Chen Yinger became the place where the six breaths meet. Suddenly, her crystal ball also became six colors.

"Go." Chen Yinger gave a soft drink, and suddenly, a six-color light went straight to the fire master in the distance.

The fire mage's staff also almost waved at the same time, covering the entire space of the meteor fire and rain with an unparalleled momentum straight to their side bombardment.

At this point, the ice warrior had already disappeared from the pillars.

A defensive mask was constantly released from the crowd, but to their surprise, no matter how hard they tried, the defensive magic that they released could not be formed. Directly dissipated in the array of six dragons.

How big can the beam from the crystal ball be? But just a little bigger than the normal person's fist, the meteor fire and rain? That is overwhelming! For a moment, even the children were nervous. However, now she can only trust Chen Yinger. Because, she clearly saw that when Chen Yinger issued six colors of light, her eyes were full of confidence.

The six-color ray is struck straight against the meteor fire. Just in the moment when these two seemingly powerful worlds have a world of magical touch, everyone in the light of the morning has a strange feeling. At this moment, everything seems to be stagnant. The fierce meteor fire was so stagnant in the air. And the six-color beam is like a small stone in the fire, splashing a soft ripple.

On the soul of the Holy Sepulchre of Chen Yinger, one hundred and eighteen spirits suddenly shed their brilliance. Her white little hands made a downward swing. Suddenly, the six-color light on the crystal ball fell down, turning into a six-color mask, with six dragons as the fulcrum, and all the people were covered.

The next moment, the time to reply, the meteor fire still blasted, but the most central part of the fire completely disappeared. At this point, it looks more like a huge fire ring. Although it is bombarded, the most center should be the fireball that has disappeared in the morning of the light.

The violent roar sounded around, and the horrible elements of fire made the air violently twisted. However, the meteor fire that lost the most central position was just bombarded in the empty space around the morning of the light, and the hot aftermath of the flame touched the six-color mask released by Chen Yinger, and it suddenly melted like ice. Did not play the slightest attack.

What is even more shocking is that the six-color beam that melted the meteor fire did not disappear, but it was still straight to the fire master in the distance.

At the beginning, Lin Xin was suffering from a big loss in Chen Yinger’s move. At this time, Chen Yinger once again showed more power than the last time she had studied with Lin Xin. Obviously, she was also a lover.

The most magical thing about these six-color beams is that they can be broken down instantly, no matter what magic elements they encounter, and their power is not affected.

The fire mages released a meteor fire, and suddenly saw the six-color light coming straight to himself, and suddenly he was shocked. Hurry and put a heavy flame shield in front of him.

At this time, an ice-blue figure appeared in front of him, facing the six-color light, and the two swords crossed out.

"噗" six colors of light fell on the ice warrior, the body of the ice warrior suddenly condensed, his powerful ice attack of nine levels has no effect on the six colors of light. The whole body shines with the eye-catching six colors solidified there, like a dazzling statue.

Elemental cage.

Chen Yinger’s face is quiet. At this time, she still has the usual playful appearance. The right index finger is gently on the crystal ball, and the crisp sound echoes in this vast space.

"Elements, decomposition."

The scene of horror was staged. I saw the six elements of the ice warrior, which represented the water, fire, earth, wind, light, and darkness. They suddenly became six colors and separated, but they were separated. For a moment, an indescribable attack appeared on the ice warrior.

The body of the "铿" ice warrior was so broken, first turned into six pieces, and then twisted into black powder by the black hole generated at the center after the six elements were separated.

Just this blow, the power is already equivalent to nine classes.

However, after launching this attack, Chen Yinger’s face was obviously pale, and the 108 brilliance of the soul sacred clothes was even more dazzling.

I saw her hand type change, suddenly opened her mouth, a blood spray on the crystal ball in front of me.

The six earthworms were shaken at the same time, and they spit out a breath again and re-concentrated in the crystal ball.

"Go one by one" Chen Yingerjiao gave a soft drink, and suddenly, it was a six-color radiant electric shot, pointing to the fire master in the distance.

At the same time she launched this second shot, the child had already dragged her death knife and smothered it.

The fire of the soul in the opposite side of the fire master violently beat, facing the six-color halo, such a strong man can not help but appear a moment of loss of God. The magical ability that has been passed down from ancient times, but also the inability to understand what Chen Yinger’s ability is. You can only lay down layers of flame defense in front of yourself, trying to consume the power of the six colored beams.

However, the six-color light is like a completely invincible existence, and the defensive flame defense is directly ignored by it. The six-color halo ran through, and eventually fell straight on the fire mage, turning its body into six colors.

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(To be continued)


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