Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 227: Giant Spirit God (on)

The light pill that flew out after three rounds of circling has been fully presented for the amethyst color, and the horrible snake electric has the brilliance of incandescent color, and there is a touch of violent blood.

The moment of the one-meter-diameter light pill flew out, Sima Xiankou was already **** and squirting, and his close-fitting red dragon was actually broken. The explosion exploded, revealing his upper body full of scars.


The earth warrior who was retreating was stunned by the power of the Sima Xian all the power and belief. A pair of giant hammers were instantly broken, and the next moment, the light pill was directly branded on his chest.

"Boom, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang", twelve roars, like a magical cannon alternately launched.

In these twelve explosions, the body of the earth warrior trembled fiercely, and without a burst, the crack on his body would spread more and the crack would become finer.

When the last roar sounded, the body of the Turkish warrior had completely collapsed. Even the worship of the master did not sound, and a yellow light was shot out and incorporated into the eternal melody of the chest.


At the same time that the warriors collapsed, Sima Xian also fell to the ground in front of the children in the same way as pushing Jinshan and pour jade pillars. The criss-crossing wound in the upper body is already bloody, and at the same time that the madness is over, he has become a blood man.

The two golden lights fell on Sima Xian almost at the same time, and they were the guardian of the light of the memory of the memory. After the two released their instant magic, they immediately sang more powerful healing magic.

Han Yu came to Sima Xian and opened his own light-hearted spirit furnace to help everyone recover their spiritual power. Lin Xin stepped forward and hugged Sima Xian's fallen body, stuffing several medicinal herbs into his mouth and checking his injuries.

Relying on Lin Xinhuai, Sima Xian’s chest was violently undulating, and blood continued to emerge from his mouth, nose and ears. However, his face full of blood had a smile on his face.

"I..., Cheng Yu",... Deputy head... Then you have to... face... maybe go...,...have the field...the wind is strong..."You are teaching,...going,...good. Just now..., this one..., quite..., force..., the natural friendship,”...we..., the lords...” Certainly... the resurrection group came,”...

Sima Xian’s words were continually repeated, and the body was shaking sharply. Fortunately, the high-order healing magic of Zhang Fangfang and Xiaoyi was completed and fell on him. Healed his scar.

The scar on the surface is well treated, but the internal scars are not so easy to treat.

Cai's knees fell to Sima's side, and she held her lips strong, not letting her tears fall. She is now the leader of the entire team and she must be strong.

"Kema, thank you."

Sima Xian shuddered and gradually fell into calm under the healing magic, but his life was becoming weaker and weaker.

Wang Yuan originally grabbed Lin Xin’s shoulder and asked eagerly: “How?”

Lin Xin clenched his teeth and did not answer the question of Wang Yuanyuan. Instead, he took out several medicinal herbs and stuffed them into Simaxian. at this time. Sima Xian has fallen into a coma and cannot swallow. Lin Xin did not hesitate to mouth the mouth to help him.

Under the increase of Han Yu's light-hearted spirit furnace, the memory of the memory is almost always used by the memory and the release of the memory. After half a time, Lin Xin’s face finally relaxed a little.

"How?" Wang Yuanyuan eagerly asked.

Lin Xin gasped and said: "The bald head is big, and it is finally a life. His spirits are back, mad, and the anti-phasing caused by the use of sacrificial skills. Most of them are epic-level red dragons. A bears it. Otherwise, can an epic-level equipment be so broken? Even so, it almost killed his life. His internal organs have collapsed and failed before. They were treated by my drugs and Zhang Ge. Forced to hang his life. This guy is hard, the injury has stabilized, at least it can't die."

"Hey, hey..." Mom, it’s a big loss. How did I kiss this guy's big hou lips. Lost dead. ”

The tense atmosphere finally relaxed a bit in the last sentence of Lin Qi. In addition to the children, there was a smile on the faces of others. For the usual time, they probably have already laughed out loud. But now, their moods are heavy.

This is only half the test of the fifth floor. They have already lost Chen Yinger and Sima Xian. The test later will only be more difficult. Can they finally reach the seventh floor of the Aion?

Although Sima Xian defeated the local warriors with one person's strength, after they used the Siamese to strengthen the spirit, everyone fell into weakness. Although Lin Xin has been continuously improved and many rare materials have been added, the reversal of Siamese Lingdan has been weakened a lot, but it has also been fighting in a row. Even the recovery of the blessing of light will not allow them to ascend to their best.

Although it is anxious to pick up children, it is obviously impossible to move on. Moving on, they will still face a strong opponent in the field. In the current situation of the team, only the use of Siamese Linglian will have a chance.

"Everyone is resting in the same place, waiting for the weakness to eliminate us and move on." After saying this, Caier carefully untied the dragon on the back and laid it flat on the ground.

Looking at his pale face without a trace of blood, the body of the child can not help but tremble. Raise his hand and gently rub on his face, tears can not help but rush again.

Fools, fools, no matter what the price, I will definitely save you.

The time for this rest was obviously much longer than the previous one. Under the efforts of Lin Xin, Zhang Fangfang, Han Yu, and Yi Yi, Sima Xian's physical condition finally stabilized. At least there will be no worry about life.

At this time, the role of Mori forged Dan was revealed. Compared with the same-level professional, the strong external spirit makes them more resistant to the side effects of the Siamese Lingling than the average professional. This can be clearly seen from the comparison of the memory.

After about eight hours, Caier and others have already recovered, and the weak state of the memory of the memory is still going on. In this state, he can not take the Siamese Linglian again. Therefore, even in his repeated requests, Caier decided to let him stay and take care of Sima Xian.

"Everyone is ready to join the body to increase the spirit." Caier said with a deep voice, "Lin Xin, there is spare in the body to increase Ling Dan?"

Lin Xin nodded and said: "I have a set here. Plus everyone's hands, we can also support the two wars."

The child's brow was slightly wrinkled and nodded slowly. In less than a day, they passed the test of the third and fourth floors of the Aion, and the fifth layer passed half. However, this Aion has a total of seven floors! It is only in this fifth layer that they have to face the powerful sanctification of the possession field. Then, what will be the test of the sixth and seventh layers?

At this point, everyone's expression is very serious, although they are not willing to think about it, but they are faintly aware that with their current strength, it is probably difficult to finally reach the seventh floor of the Aion. It’s just that no one wants to say this fact, and he is even less willing to believe it. In any case, they will make their best efforts to gain time and opportunity for the resurrection of Long Haochen. This Aion is also their only chance!

Caier took a deep breath and said: "After a pass is a pass, then we should face the wind magician who owns the field. The attack speed of the wind magician must be extremely fast, how is his field? We still don't know. After a while, I will attack you. I will increase my strength with Siamese Spirit. I must defeat him in the shortest time, and I can't let his attack power come into full play."

As she said, she had already carried Long Haochen back on her body and tied it with a chain.

"Cell children." Wang Yuanyuan suddenly called her.

"Hmm?" Caier looked at her with some doubts.

Wang Yuanyuan stared at her face in a burning gaze. "Let me come."

"No." Caier almost refused to reject her proposal. Before Sima Xian had already used life to fight, and even almost died. As a temporary leader, how can she let other partners take risks? What's more, among the team, the strongest is her.

Wang Yuanyuan grabbed the shoulders of the children and held them in front of her. "Cell, you listen to me. We are a group. The resurrection leader is definitely not your own. Sakura and Sima have already made Their best efforts. Let me come next. I am confident that I can succeed. The space system will restrain the wind system. Moreover, each of us has our own killer. I have certain certainty."

Caier still shook his head. "The original, I know your kindness, but my grasp will be even bigger."

Wang Yuanyuan suddenly excitedly said: "I know that your grasp is bigger than me. However, do you have the confidence to retire while defeating your opponent? You don't. With your current cultivation, you want to defeat a possessive field. The magician must use the seven gods of death, and you have used it once in twelve hours. Once you use it again, you must have a strong counter-attack against you. Don’t forget, we are not facing the last level. There are sixth and seventh layers in the back. Your strength is the strongest, but you have to leave this strength as much as possible behind.

Ask for a monthly ticket, recommend a ticket. Everyone continues to give strength! The update of 咱 is also absolutely good-looking.


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