Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 227: Giant Spirit God descends (below)

The 227th chapter of the giant spirits descending (below)

"Boom, bang, bang." When the empty silver crystal forcibly entered the last inlaid hole, three consecutive roars almost rang in no particular order.

In the fierce roar, the space spirit exuded by Wang Yuanyuan also issued three expansions. No, it should be said that it was three explosions.

A shocking scene appeared. During the three explosions, everyone in the Light Morning Hunting Demon Group saw only a piece of silver. However, at the end of the explosion, they were surprised to find that the wind was extremely strong. The field of the system actually collapsed in these three explosions.

What strength can this be done? They never imagined that Wang Yuanyuan actually had such ability.

A huge figure does not know when it has appeared in front of Wang Yuanyuan. The figure is ten meters high and the whole body is covered in silver armor. Outside the armor, it is not the silver mans, but the **** red blood.

This ten-meter-high giant warrior, in the left hand, is holding a shield, which is the enlarged shield of the giant spirit. The huge shield is as tall as his body.

In the bang, the soldiers suddenly stepped forward. The entire Tower of Eternity trembled fiercely as he stepped forward.

At this point, Wang Yuanyuan's eyes have completely turned into a silver, and the shield of the giant spirit that was previously picked up by her has disappeared. It can be clearly seen that from the skin that Wang Yuanyuan was exposed to outside, the fine blood beads are oozing out quickly, and her whole body is also shaking violently.

God descends, this is clearly God's descending! However, unlike the god-dropping technique that Caier and Long Haochen once performed, Wang Yuanyuan was not a god-dead. She was a god-dropping technique that was launched with her own weapons.

Taking the blood of the giant spirit as the source, and using the shield of the giant spirit as the medium, she actually completed this incredible call.

At the same time as the horrible giant spirit stepped out, the giant shield of up to ten meters in his hand had already flown out. In an instant, there is only silver in the entire space. The harsh tears made a star river appear in the place where the shield passed.

The power of God, this is the power of true God. The child asked herself, at least in the gods that she had used, that there was no single blow that could be compared with the giant gods in front of me, even if it was Long Haochen.

What do you need to pay for such a terrible attack?

Caier, Lin Xin, Han Yu, Zhang Fangfang, four people only feel that at this moment, the heart has been tightened.

The wind magician was completely shocked by this sudden scene. The crazy rhythm in his hands, a complex rune bursting in front of him, the broken field re-aggregated, just between the two, a series of nine small tornadoes have been Gathered in front of him.

These nine tornadoes are very different from the previous ones. Although they are much smaller, they give people a more horrible feeling.

Every little dragon roll exudes a brilliance of blue gold, and the flight speed is very slow, but it is the only way to advance in the shield of the giant spirit. After releasing the nine little tornadoes, the fire of the soul that beats in the cyan eyes has become much weaker. Obviously, the release of this magic is not easy.

"Oh--" The first tornado was broken at the moment of contact, and countless glare splashes, followed by the second, third, fourth, and fifth. Five consecutive tornadoes failed to stop the advancement of the Giant Spirit Shield.

However, when the Great Spirit Shield defeated the sixth tornado, it was a slight meal. This meal also seems to indicate that it has been exhausted.

"Kill--" Wang Yuanyuan screamed in the sky, and in the anger, another **** spurt out. In an instant, huge blood and light bursts out from her body, and is integrated with the giant spirit in front. I saw that the giant spirit of the gods waved, and the giant shield of the gods that swayed suddenly erected.

The seven empty silver crystals on the shield of the Giant Spirit illuminate the radiance. Then, a huge silver beam of light has come out.

That is a silver light column with a diameter of ten meters!

The remaining three cyan tornadoes, along with the cyan scorpion, were swallowed in an instant.

The fierce roar, the whole tower of the Aion trembled fiercely, and every time there was a tremor, there was a strong volatility of death.

At the same time as the end of the attack, all the superimposed power generated by the Siamese Spirit is also exhausted. Wang Yuanyuan fell to the ground on one knee. Like the former Sima Xian, she has become a blood person. The difference is that the blood on her body is oozing from the body, but there is no trace of scars.

The figure of the ten-meter-high giant spirit was broken, and after a series of hovering of the shield, a slamming sound was inserted in front of her.

"叮-" The sound of the shattering sound, the seven empty silver crystals on the front of the giant spirit shield are broken at the same time. The shield also completely lost its brilliance and turned into a black.

Wang Yuanyuan did not move there, and the silver awn in her eyes gradually disappeared. However, her gaze kept looking at the front and watching the position where the huge silver light column gradually disappeared.

Finally, the silver light completely converges, and the cyan scorpion still stands there. There is a solid cyan mask around his body. At this time, it seems to be solidified.

Didn't kill him? The four people, such as Caier, looked incredibly at the cyan.

However, in the next moment, the sound of "咔嚓, 咔嚓" sounded, and the blue light around the cyan body was like a broken egg shell, which was cracked slowly, and the cyan body was also cracked.

"Sanwei No. 3, surrender to you." The blue light shines, like a blue light arrow usually shot in front of the children, quietly into the eternal melody.

The children can't take care of the warmth of the eternal melody, and one step has already crossed the front of Wang Yuanyuan.

What she saw was that Wang Yuanyuan’s strong murder and persistent beliefs were gradually melting, and a touch of relief and gratification gradually emerged. However, her eyes have become a grayish white.

At this moment, suddenly, a blood red light illuminates from the side, and then, in the blood red, a rune with a fist size flies in front of the child and is directly introduced into Wang Yuanyuan's forehead.

Wang Yuanyuan's body trembled fiercely, and the original pupil turned into a grayish white regained a certain amount of magical color.

Caier rushed to catch her body, while on the other side, there was another person who fell down, Zhang released.

Wang Yuanyuan has already fallen into a deep coma, and Zhang’s consciousness is still sober. There is a smile of satisfaction on his face, muttering: "This is my original person, and it can only be my person. Oh, I am very satisfied. You must be successful!"

After saying this, Zhang put his eyes closed and fell into a coma.

When he was in a coma, some strange scenes appeared. Wang Yuanyuan and Zhang Fang put all of them with a faint blood-red glow. On their foreheads, they also had a blood red rune that began to shine.

The two runes are not the same, but it can be seen from the edge that if they are put together, they will be able to compose a complete rune. But what exactly does it mean?

Han Yu supported Zhang’s body and slowly placed him flat next to Wang Yuanyuan. On one knee, the right fist crossed the chest, and he gave them a most solemn knight.

This is already the same etiquette as visiting the teacher.

"Han Yu, use healing magic! Why don't you treat them?" Lin Xin, who was on the side, couldn't help but scream.

Han Yu shook his head silently. "It's useless. Treating magic will not have any effect on them. Zhang Xiong is the most respectable young knight I have seen except the boss."

The children asked anxiously: "Will they have something?"

Han Yu shook his head and said: "Life is worry-free, just..."

Lin Xin is also anxious. "Do you talk about half of it? Is it what happened to them?"

Han Yu took a deep breath and his eyes were filled with emotions. "If I didn't guess wrong, the power that I used to use has been completely beyond the scope of her. The **** of the blood and the shield of the gods of God have triggered the gods. And she launched two attacks in a row, she has exhausted her vitality. She burned her life in a bursting way, and raised the blood to the strongest level, so that this summoning can be completed! So, After the battle ended, the original life came to an end."

"Don't you say that their lives are worry-free?" said the child eagerly.

Han Yu nodded and said: "Zhang Xiong is really worthy of admiration. Although I don't know this magic, I have seen it in ancient books. What he used should be a kind of continued secret method passed down from ancient times. Passing your vitality to others, let the dying person share the life of the caster, and thus continue the life. Looking at Zhang's appearance and the brilliance of this rune, he should directly give half of his life to the original. That is to say, if he could have lived to a hundred years old, then he and the original can live to 50 years old together."

Listening to Han Yu said that Caier and Lin Xin couldn't help but **** a cold breath. No matter how cold the character of the children, they couldn't help crying at this moment.

"Original, why are you doing this! If you let Haochen know that you are giving him such a contribution, he would rather not want to choose to resurrect." The body of the child is shaking violently, step by step, there have been three The partner was caught in a crisis of sudden death, and Zhang Fangfang shared half of his vitality. In order to resurrect Long Haochen, they paid too much.


I am exhausted, I am exhausted, and I cough. I am so poor! Quickly vote for the recommended ticket to comfort me, I know that the monthly ticket is almost clean, um, let's first recommend the ticket. These two days can be forced by you!



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