Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 229: Death Seven and Six Colors (中)

The 229th chapter of the seven gods of death and the six colors of light (middle)

The remaining half of the field has also become weak in an instant, and it can be vaguely seen that the Dark Master is half lying in the remaining half of the field. ("") His right hand holding the staff and the right half of the body are all broken. Purify in the gray light.

However, at this time, the light warrior on the other side moved, the golden light shone, and he held his epee in both hands and raised his head. The strong Jin Yang seemed to be completely integrated with his body at this moment. The glaring golden red is reinforced by the madness of the body during the flashing of the figure.

The feeling of this blow seems to be to open up the earth, and it is like the burning of the sun.

The children turned half-turned, and a long, grayish hair rose from the back of the brain and all flew away. It's like a grey waterfall back. The Death Scythe brings a beautiful arc and slams down very slowly.

The diamond-shaped gray crystal on the forehead disappeared, but there was an incomparably strong gray light on her chest.

Everything around me suddenly slowed down, and the movement of the children was slow. The bright warriors who had been rushing at the speed of light were also slow. Both of them are so clearly visible.

In the process of all slowing down, a transparent gray light and shadow was quietly separated from the children. It is exactly the same, but it looks illusory and transparent. Hands are constantly flipping and changing on the chest. A flash of gray light flashes, forming an extremely complex gray rune brand behind the pick.

The seven gods of death, the fifth must, the death and death.

In the slow waving of the Death Scythe, just on the gray rune imprint on the back of the child, suddenly turned into seven, the speed of the seven-handed death sickle is not the same. The first handle is the slowest, and each handle on the back is a little faster than the previous handle. Quickly chase throughout the journey.

When the Death Scythe swept to the Dark Master who had been devastated, the seven-handed Scythe had been instantly combined, and a crystal-clear gray-light blade was first swept from the Dark Master and then flew toward the bright warrior who had rushed. ("")

This light blade is very strange. The body is gray like solid crystal, but there is a strong white light around the light edge. These white light is in a liquid state and wobbles around the light edge. There is no murderousness, no death, but even if you just look at it, it gives people a sense of suffocation.

At the moment when the light blade flies out, time and space also become normal. The moment of speed recovery is the moment when the sword of the bright warrior collides with the dead and the dead.

The Dark Master at the foot of Caier directly turned into a gray cloud of smoke disappearing, and the black light flashed. His soul of the strong has been integrated into the eternal melody.

"Oh--" The harsh friction sounds with a white smoke rising. It’s like a red-hot soldering iron suddenly inserted into the ice water.

The momentum is so fast, and the bright warriors who combined their own strengths in the field are so blocked, and the whole person is stuck in the air. The strong golden red light on the body was suppressed by a layer of white halo and converge inward. It has an extremely strong collision with his own light elements, and white smoke is the result.

That white light is the light of the purification of silence that is attached to the fifth death and death of the **** of death. It can purify all elements of power. Even if it is a more powerful element attack than it is, it will be greatly consumed and purified.

Although the Bright Warrior possesses a bright attribute, he himself is the undead creature of the soul of the strong. It is the light that is purified and fully restrained. Therefore, even if it is combined with the power of the field, he has not been able to rush out of the erosion of this purification light in the absence of minor trauma.

"Celling children -"

At the moment, the people of the Light Hunting Demon Group have unconsciously exclaimed. The battle has arrived here, and the children have used the five musts of the Seven Deaths. But now, she still has no pause. A gray trail suddenly spread out from under her. When this trail appeared, she had fallen to the ground.

At least on the surface, the current picking is no different from the previous one, and it seems that it has not been affected. But everyone knows how much the death of God is tolerant to the extent of her death. ("")

Just in the light warrior, it is hard to consume a lot of spiritual power to offset the erosion of death and death. The gray light of the trail has also been connected to his feet.

In the next moment, when the children moved, she wanted a gray butterfly and rushed to the light of the light that the bright warrior was rising.

Is the moth fighting? No, of course not. The current children have completely entered a special state.

The Scythe of Death is attacking at an alarming speed. Under the crystal clear gray light blade, the fire of the soul that is beating inside the eyes of the bright warrior is full of fear.

Seven deaths, the first must, the death of the shackles, the second must, the death of the net, the third must, the death of the whistle, the fourth must, the death kiss, the fifth must, dead and dying.

The five must be connected, and bloomed under the stunning figure. Five in one, five must burst. That is the power of death that cannot be dodged. It is an unparalleled journey of death.

This is the seventh death, the sixth, the road to death. Five perfect ones, turned into the sixth power of this.

The first, the dead, the bright warrior barely resisted with his epee, but when the second came, his epee was full of cracks, and the whole body was once again shrouded in the light of purification. The scream of death bursts and his body is stiff. The kiss of death and the death of death are shining.

The body of the children has appeared behind the bright warriors.

The gray and white colors converge slowly, and the faint glow flashes. The children stand quietly there. Both hands are held on the slender handle of the Death Scythe. She seems very silent. The grayish light of the body is also dissipating at an alarming rate. But she stood straight and did not feel the slightest weakness.

"噗-" The solid golden light instantly turns into a powder, and a strong golden light instantly draws an arc, which is wrapped around the body of the child and injected into the eternal melody of her chest.

Success, yes, she succeeded. With the six imperial powers of the seven gods of death, it is hard to defeat the two major nine-level sacred guards. The field of fusion of light and darkness separates in the presence of death. The mighty power of light and darkness perishes in purification. Yes, the reincarnation of the Virgin was successful. She almost forcibly passed the test of the sixth floor of the Aion.

At this moment, she looks far less fierce than the first few partners, but at this time, Chen Yinger and Wang Yuanyuan in the serious injury can not help but overflow their tears. They don't know what kind of counter-attacks the bearer will bear after the death of the six gods. However, this counter-terrorism horror may last for a long time and for a long time.

The child stood there quietly, but in the next moment, her body suddenly trembled. Just in her chest position, a layer of halo spread out quickly.

The first is red, then blue, cyan, yellow, black, gold, reciprocating reciprocating, and the six-color halo flashes alternately, which makes the children's delicate body a dazzling brilliance.

It is also with the flashing of these six colors, the sixth floor of the entire Aion Tower is lit up. The six-color halo is stirring, and the unprecedented dazzling appearance is in the Tower of Eternity.

It was a dazzling gaze, and it was an indescribable embarrassment.

All of this light comes from the eternal melody, from the chest of the children.

The body trembled a little, and the children shook a little. The next moment, the six colors of her body became more intense.

The display of the six gods of death has taken all the power in her body. If it wasn't for the reincarnation that evolved because of the original synthesis, then at this time she could only be a walking dead.

The first mortal sputum she can not be used for any anti-phagic, but after the use of the five must, all the phlegm is all on her.

People have six senses. Once the six senses are all gone, it is not intentional with death. At this moment, there is only one feeling left in the six senses of the children, that is the feeling.

Vision, hearing, taste, smell, and touch have all disappeared. The only thing left is the feeling.

However, at this moment, she was already weak, and even her fingers could not lift her. Surprisingly, the magical power was spreading around the chest, and then the huge energy around it was being sent to her at an alarming rate. The body is condensed.

The feeling of warmth spread throughout the body, and the endless weakness disappeared in an instant. The spiritual power in the body is recovering at an alarming rate. Even this magical force is still fighting against the resilience of her reincarnation. In other words, the level of this power can be compared with the synthetic reincarnation.

Yes, this is the power from the Tower of Eternity, from the power of the Holy Spirit and the undead Scourge Electrolux.

The six-color halo is getting stronger and stronger, and the children are the center of this light. The dull skin regains its radiance. The children’s even surprises found that the feeling of losing themselves was actually recovering.

It’s not just her who feels the same. Although she is the core of this six-color light, she is the most direct moisturizing. The partners in the distance, including the dragon on the ground, also bear the baptism of the six-color halo.

The wounded people are recovering at an alarming rate, even if it is the vitality consumed by Zhang Fangfang and Wang Yuanyuan.

This six-color ray is so amazing that any known treatment curse cannot be compared to it. That is the power of an element of purity.

At this moment, everyone seems to feel that Vulcan, Water God, Fengshen, Earth God, God of Light and God of Darkness have all come. And together they cast their power to heal the wounds for everyone.


Everyone should be able to see that ** has reached the most critical moment, and the last sacred guard has appeared on the sixth floor. So how do you go to the seventh floor and how to resurrect the dragon? After 12 o'clock tonight, I will send one more in advance. Then the third child will be ready to break out tomorrow.

Two missions are released to everyone, recommend the top three tickets, add two more, the monthly ticket advances to the fifth place plus two more, the bottom two. If you have the ability, let me put the six out tomorrow.

Slightly reveal that these six will be unbeatable.


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