Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 233: Eternal Heart (on)

Chapter 233 The Eternal Heart (I)

The grief in the eyes of Electrolux gradually became cold. "Do you think that it is only Fuluo’s betrayal that I betrayed the light of faith? You are wrong. If this is the case, it is not enough for me to make such a change. The latest chapter of the church, Long Yuchen, you are also the son of light. You should understand how firm our heart is as the chosen goddess of the goddess of light. However, it is not only Princess Fuluo but also the whole world that betrayed me. ”

"Through the scrolls, I got rid of their siege. At that time, I only felt that my heart was cold. All the good things in my heart seemed to disappear with Fu Luo’s betrayal. But even then, I was then I haven't hated her yet. I love her very much. Anyway, I am willing to think of her in a good place. The black man who appeared last made me guess, maybe, Fuluo was also coerced, not allowed. For this. Although I know that she is a princess, there is no way anyone can coerce her, but I am still willing to think about it. I was so stupid at that time."

"Fu Luo's thorn, right in my left chest. But she does not know, I am different from ordinary people, the heart is growing on the right. Therefore, her poisonous dagger will kill me, but it is not fatal. I resisted the pain and found a tree hole to rehabilitate. With the medicinal herbs I got while traveling, I stabilized the poison in my body, and then gradually eliminated these toxins through my pure light elements."

"This process is painful and long. But I know very well that even if I want to go to Fuluo to ask clearly, I have to wait for my body to fully recover. I have heard many people outside the tree hole. The process seems to have a lot of signs of the army being mobilized. But I did not expect that these troops actually moved because of it."

"For a full two months, I managed to recover the injury and resumed the cultivation. In the latest chapter of the church, I quietly went out of the tree hole and returned to the Imperial Capital. However, before I entered the city gate, it was like being thundered by five thunders. general."

"On the side of the city gate, there is a very obvious royal notice. The notice says: The prince of the empire, Electrolux, raided the princess and snatched the exercises because of the powerful exercises won by Princess 觊觎芙洛. Even the princess was seriously injured. The treason flees. It is convicted of treason. Deprivation of the title. Everyone has to be deaf. If a civilian finds that his trace must be reported, reward 10,000 gold coins."

"I never thought that they were so despicable to such a degree that they actually fell down. And, not only did there be a royal notice, but also a notice from the Holy See. The content is almost the same. Say I am heresy, saying that I have been eroded by the darkness. ""

"At that time, I was sluggish for half an hour, and I gradually woke up. I love Flo, but I am not really a fool. At this time, if I still don't know that I am in a huge conspiracy. I am not worthy of being the inheritor of the Son of Light. I immediately found a hidden place to disguise and dress up. I thought, I must find evidence to find evidence that they have blinded the Majesty and the Holy See to prove my innocence. It’s on Fuluo. So I’m going to ask her to ask.”

"Maybe it is because of the past few months, or I thought that I was already dead under the poison, and there was no martial law in the emperor. After I disguised myself, I returned to the Imperial Capital very easily. Look at this familiar place. My heart hurts even more. At night, I sneaked into the palace quietly. I am familiar with everything here. Although I am a magician, I have too many ways to sneak into my thoughts. Where I went. I came to the palace of Fuluo, where I saw another person, the son of the Pope, Perot."

"They are talking, and they are in the bedroom of Fuluo. At that time I have already guessed some of the relationship between them, but I still don't want to believe. (")) But when I hear their conversation After that, I realized how stupid I was, and how big the conspiracy was."

"At the time, Fu Luo asked Pero, why haven't found me yet. Perot told him that he had already dispatched the power of the Holy See, and was looking for my trace with the power of the empire. Live to see people, die to see the dead. Must take The trick to my hand. From their words, I gradually heard the clue. It turned out that as early as the years I went out to travel, Perot came to the Royal Academy of Magic. He came two The purpose, one purpose is to communicate with the emperor, hoping to introduce me to the brilliant Holy See. The other is to pursue Fuluo."

"Your Majesty did not agree to join the brilliant Holy See. And Perot stayed. He pursued Fuluo by various means. And Fuluo, a monk, could not stand his rhetoric and the various exercises from the brilliant Holy See. The temptation of medicinal herbs eventually fell under his offensive. Perot suggested to her that because I have the physique of the Son of Light, it has threatened the future rule of the Holy See, so the Holy See must remove me. Their veins ruled the Holy See forever. When he became the Pope, Fuluo was his queen. Originally, Fuluo had some feelings for me, but when Pedro finally proposed to him, the brilliant Holy See was willing to help the Pangbo Empire. Unify the mainland, defeat the other two empire, and tell Fulu that the exercises I got can give her time to learn. Whether it is the Imperial royal family or Fuluo, it finally falls under this interest. And I, It has become a victim of this interest."

"Their plan was almost perfect. Taking advantage of me and Fuluo's outing, besieging us and consuming my strength. On the way home, Fuluo, I am not ready to start with me. This makes it difficult for me to escape. By then, as long as I am killed, and then the Empire and the Holy See will give me the crime of treason. Then, even if I was the pride of the Empire, it will soon be overwhelmed by the direction of the official opinion."

"I hate, I never thought that my country, my lover and my faith would betray me at the same time. At that time I only felt that my brain was blank. Just when Fuluo and Pero were intimate, I They rushed in. They launched a deadly attack on them."

"My appearance is too sudden for them. Although they are also the best of the younger generation, there is still a big gap in strength compared to me. It is also in the case of a surprise attack. Soon I was taken into the initiative. Pero was seriously injured by me. Flo was also subdued under my attack. At this time, although a large number of court powerhouses came, I used the life of Fuluo and Perot. They are hostages. They don’t dare to act rashly."

"I asked Fuluo at that time, why should I do this to me, what is wrong with her? She just pleaded with me for her life. But I heard them in the previous conversation! How can I believe her? At that time, I only had one idea, and I was with them. I used to be the pride of the sky, but at that time, I became a traitor. The huge gap made me unacceptable. I am already alive. Love. I just want to go with this pair of dogs and men."

"Kona Pero is the son of the Pope, and there are many ways to save his life. Just when I am ready to go with them. He used a special method to attract the Pope. I was hit hard. And I still can't bear to Fulu. I can only choose to break through and escape. When I finally rushed out of the encirclement and hidden in the secret place of the emperor, it was already bruised and bruised.

"Finally, the emperor began a large-scale search in the city. Looking for my trace. I once saved a scorpion in the emperor, with his help, I was lucky enough to escape their pursuit. But when I just When I was raised, I learned a message like a blue sky. They caught my family."

Electrolux gnawed his teeth and said: "They knew that I was hiding in the Imperial Capital and issued an announcement to kill my family with treason. I still remember that day. The sky seems to have turned into blood red. When you are in the Imperial Capital In front of the people, the order of killing was issued. When I saw Pera and Fuluo wearing the armor and cutting the head of my loved one with a sharp edge, the last hope and light in my heart was completely silenced."

"Can you imagine? One person, seeing all his loved ones killed. Father, mother, sister, sister, and all family members, even if they are young children, they will not let go. cut."

"I know, they were waiting for me to appear. Waiting for me to fly moths. They know my character too well. But at that time, a black token I had received in one experience was affected by my resentment. I was tempted. At the time, I was cold and cold, but I couldn’t move. Because of this, I watched my family being killed by one and one!"

"At that time, I was crazy, and I was completely in a state of madness. The blood of my loved ones dyed the land of the Emperor Plaza. My family went up and down, 367, and none of them survived. All died under their butcher's knife. When I recovered from that cold, my family, no one survived. I seem to see their grievances in the sky."

"I didn't do it. My family is dead. I left there with the resentment of the sky. I have never appeared in this killing, and they have thought that I have left the Imperial Capital. The big search is over. But they I searched for my traces across the continent."


First, there will be at least three more today. I will try to see if I can write more. However, it has been a little tired for more than half a month. If everyone voted a lot, it will make me feel so strong. I don’t rule out the possibility of a fourth...

Seek monthly ticket, recommended ticket.


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