Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 235: Beating Eternal Heart (below)

The 285th chapter beats the eternal heart (below)

In the quiet room, the two old men sat quietly facing each other. Both of them looked very serious, and the atmosphere in the entire quiet room was somewhat suppressed.

If there are people familiar with the top of the Temple Alliance, you will be surprised to recognize that these two are the important figures in the Temple Alliance. The two main halls of the Knights' Temple. Yang Yihan and Long Tianyin.

Yang Yuhan is not only the lord of the Knights Templar, but also the ally of the Temple Alliance. Of course, his lord's position will also reach his term at the beginning of this temple.

According to the rules of the alliance, the alliance ally can not be re-elected. That is to say, this year, Yang Yihan must be resigned as a ally.

"Dragon brother, this time, you can only rely on you. Hehe..." Yang Xiaohan sighed and looked a bit lonely.

Long Tianyin’s brows are wrinkled. “I am afraid this situation has changed! We are afraid of the Knights’ Temple...”

Yang Yihan naturally knows what he wants to say, and smiles with a wry smile. "What is the solution? In the past ten years, the younger generation has emerged the most outstanding talents in our Knights Templar. However, in that holy war, the biggest loss is also the same. It is us. Although Xingyu is back, but I don’t know why, he is only willing to stay in Yulongguan and say that he is not willing to participate in this big ratio. He can only bother you."

Long Tianyin snorted, "Don't mention the unfilial thing. No one knows what he is thinking about in a gloomy face all day long."

Yang Yuhan comforted: "You don't even blame Xingyu. I have been missing for so long, can he not worry?" When the two words of the morning are mentioned, these two powerful knights can't help but be silent.

Yes! Since Long Haochen took Han Yu to leave Yulongguan, it has disappeared for more than four years. The last time they appeared, they were still in the Temple of the Soul. After that, there is no more news. For this matter, Long Tianyin and Yang Yihan used to kiss the soul temple to inquire about the news.

Long Tianyin’s fierce shot of the table in front of him, remorse and praise: “I blame me, I should not allow him to reorganize the hunting demon. If he has been staying in Yulongguan, how can we be so passive now? More than a year ago, he broke through the eighth order. With more than four years, even if it is the ninth order, there is nothing impossible! He is the son of the light, the gods. Even if it is weaker, if you can get eternal and The recognition of the **** of creation is the recognition of the throne. This temple will surely shine. This will make our two old guys feel embarrassed here."

Yang Yihan looked bleak. "This incident is still due to Wen Zhao. If it is not to save Wen Zhao, they will not disappear. We used all kinds of methods to inquire about the news, but there was no discovery. But I never believed. They will really be harmed by the devil."

In the eyes of Long Tianyin, there is a strong sense of sadness. "Who will be willing to believe it? The best talents of the younger generation of our Knights Templar are missing. Now it is in the middle of nowhere. In the recent period, Li Zhengzhi At the coalition meeting, it has clearly expressed support for the reorganization of the six great temples, ending the state of loose alliances between the alliances, to be more closely integrated, and to establish a coalition-style country. This is clearly challenging us! He does not want to do Is this the first ally of the new alliance?"

Yang Yihan said: "Li Zhengzhi, this person, has strength. But his character is too gloomy and sturdy. Although it is superficial, but the bones are extremely proud. With his character, if the new alliance is reconciled, it is not a blessing. But Now, we may not be able to stop him any more, unless it is the predecessors of the title Hunting Devils."

Long Tianyin shook his head. "That is impossible. Those predecessors have made it clear that this time the Dawei will only appear as a judge. It is impossible to participate in Dabi. Li Zhengzhi, hey, the old man has to look at it. How much progress has he made in the past ten years. Can you pass me?"

It is said that Tiger Laowei is still there. When this statement comes out, Long Tianyin suddenly issued a strong war.

Yang Yihan said: "No matter who the ultimate ally is, the establishment of the new alliance is no longer a matter of urgency. The jihad more than four years ago has brought us huge losses, but it also shows us the dawn. If the alliance can sound inside Unify and unify all resources. Then, I believe that it will take us a long time to launch a counterattack against the Mozu."

Long Tianyin nodded and said: "I met with the holy month yesterday. The Assassin's Temple expresses its support for us. On the other side of the Warrior Temple, I also greeted Qiu Yonghao, but they have always had a good relationship with the Magic Temple. I don't think the chance is great. The pastor's temple has always been neutral. Now, the attitude of the soul temple is the most important. If they can support us, then our chances will increase."

Yang Yihan said: "In terms of supporters, I don't think I have to worry too much. After all, we have reconciled the alliance for so many years. The degree of recognition will not be weaker than the magical temple. Now the key is the result of the big ratio. This is very Important. Confronting with the Mozu, it is inevitable that it will collide with the Demon Emperor. Strength will become the most important part of the decision of power after the establishment of the new alliance. Li Zhengzhi is a gifted person who has been forbearing for years. Dian Dabi, he obviously has reservations. Obviously, there is no absolute certainty at that time. In this session, he is obviously high-profile, and he is sure to win! Laolong, you can’t care. Li Zhengzhi wins after all. In the young, I think, his inner spiritual power may have exceeded 200,000, and maybe even higher."

Long Tianyin said: "In any case, always try to fight, he wants to beat me, it is not so easy."

Yang Lanhan said: "There are still three days, the temple will begin soon, let's go, I am going to rush to the elders of the Knights' Templar to open a meeting and unify the thoughts."

"Yeah." Long Tianyin nodded. The two strong men got up at the same time and walked out.

At this moment, there was a powerful voice outside, "Reporting to the lord, someone asked to see."

“Hmmm?” Yang Yihan’s brow furrowed and said: “Who is this?”

"He didn't say it, just let me give you something." The voice outside replied.

Yang Yihan opened the door and went out. Outside, a middle-aged knight wearing a treacherous base of Mithril stood respectfully, with a token on his hands.

Long Tianyin swung a large sleeve, and the token had already flown toward them. Yang Yihan raised his hand and let the token fall on his hand. The eyes of the two great goddess knights also fell on the token.

What shocked the Mithril pedestal knight was that when the eyes of the two goddess knights were all concentrated on the token, the two of them were shocked at the same time.

Looking at the subconscious, Yang Yuhan and Long Tianyin almost screamed in unison to the miracle pedestal knight: "Where is the person holding the token?"


The headquarters of the Temple Alliance, the quiet room belonging to the Magic Temple.

Li Zhengzhi, who is short and fat, sits silently in the middle of the quiet room, and a layer of faint blue light covers his body in a stable manner. The blue light exudes a distinct metallic luster. It is clearly a form of coffin. And it looks like it's exactly like a solid mask, with no illusory changes.

Long export gas, Li Zhengzhi slowly opened his eyes, and two cyan cold electricity also suddenly appeared from his eyes. Straight stabbed in front of the coffin.

"叮 ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” 轻微 轻微 轻微 轻微 轻微 轻微 轻微 轻微 轻微 轻微 轻微 轻微 轻微 轻微 轻微 轻微 轻微 轻微 轻微 轻微 轻微 轻微Li Zhengzhi took a deep breath and suddenly, these cyan spots were all disappeared by his inhalation.

"The lord of the temple, the elders are all together." A respectful voice came from outside.

"Yeah." Li Zhengzhi promised, his body slowly suspended, his feet landing, and slowly walked out of the quiet room.

A middle-aged man in a blue robes quietly waited outside and saw Li Zhengzhi coming out. This led the way.

The sacred headquarters is divided into six major areas according to different temples. The magical temple naturally has its own part. Through two corridors, the middle-aged magician led Li Zhengzhi into a luxuriously decorated conference room.

Although in terms of status, the Temple of Magic is inferior to the Knights' Temple, but to say wealth, there is no temple in the entire Temple Alliance that can be compared with the Temple of Magic.

When Li Zheng arrived, everyone in the conference room got up.

Li Zhengzhi's body shape was slightly translated, and the next moment, he had already reached the seat at the forefront of the conference room.

At this time, there are about 50 people in the entire conference room. Although this is just a simple meeting room, if there are outsiders coming here, you will be shocked to find that in this conference room, the concentration of magic elements is at least ten times that of the outside world. Just a simple breath will have a sticky feeling. Undoubtedly, this strong magical element is naturally brought by these people in the conference room.

More than 80% of the magicians who can sit here must be made white. They obviously have already waited here, waiting for Li Zhengzhi to come to preside over the meeting.

From this point, we can also see the position of Li Zhengzhi in the Temple of Magic. When other temples hold similar meetings, the Lord will not come to the last one. This is because of the respect for the elders of this temple. Li Zhengzhi is obviously the last one. Apart from his own temperament, the most important thing is his control over the Magic Temple.

Li Zhengzhi glanced over from everyone in the room, Shen Sheng said: "Elder elders, the temple is about to begin soon. According to reliable news. This time, the Knights Templar will participate in the Dragon Seal. The Knights Templar has been Supporting the establishment of the new alliance, and this time our support, basically has been a nail. I have never agreed to establish a new alliance, the integration of the power of the six temples, not not optimistic about the advantages of the new alliance, It's because our magical temple doesn't have the dominant power. But this time the temple is different."


Seek monthly ticket, recommended ticket. There is still more at 12 o'clock tonight. do not forget.



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