Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 237: The purification field of the children (below)

Perhaps, Caier’s ability to comprehend her skills in this field is not strong enough. However, being able to own it is enough. In the Assassin's Temple, there have been no strong people who have been able to comprehend the field skills for thousands of years.

Xue Zhisheng is not afraid of the field skills of the children, but has completely conquered him after the field technology of the children. As the chief elder of the Assassin's Temple, he already has his own choice.

Seeing that Shengshi Lotus finally dissipated in the hands, even picking herself, it was a slight relief. As she said, she can't fully control the skills in this field. As for the real power, she has not tried it, and more is just to shock Xue Zhisheng.

Seeing that the children picked up the field skills, Xue Zhisheng held a short blade and turned his wrists backwards with both arms crossed, and his arms crossed.

This is the standard etiquette of the Assassin's Temple. In the Assassin's Temple, the chief elder Xue Zhisheng can only do this as the holy month of the temple, but it doesn't have to be awkward. At this time, it is better to say that it is more than what you need. The degree is also equivalent to indicating his attitude.

The Holy City has not been so lively for many years. Especially after the Mozu jihad, the two-year jihad caused the population of the Temple Alliance to drop sharply. Fortunately, the rear was not destroyed, and the alliance had basically recovered its strength in just four years. But the economy and strength are restored, but the population is still affected to a considerable extent. Therefore, the Temple Alliance has been encouraging fertility. And increased the welfare of ordinary people.

The Holy City is the largest city in the Temple League. These days, the hotel has already been full. There is only one reason, that is, the ten-year event, the temple is bigger than the ratio.

Although only a few people can really see the sacred trials. But there are many people who are willing to come to the Holy City at this time to feel the warm atmosphere. There are also some elderly people who come to the Holy City with their children to see if they can meet the opportunity to let the children worship a strong person.

The dark ages have passed for six thousand years, two years of jihad, and finally ended with the retreat of the Mozu, so that many discerning people have seen the dawn of hope in this dark age. Almost all humans are looking forward to seeing one day the human army will take the initiative to attack the Mozu.

The temple is different from the hunting squad, because it is important, so it is open to the public. As long as you can buy tickets, you can see the six most important temples in the temple. The collision between the strongs enhances the confidence of the people in the alliance. Almost every session of the Temple will cause a sensation and can greatly mobilize the mood of the entire league. After the big ratio, the number of recruits in the six major temples will increase significantly.

In the holy city, some obvious landmark buildings are now marked with a notice of bright yellow. The above details of the time and the rules of the competition for this session of the Temple.

Each session of the Temple will have such notices posted, and the rules will be notified at the first time.

At this time, a young man wearing a white cloak stood in front of a five-story hotel. He stood in front of the notice and looked at it.

As early as a month ago, the notice was posted, and the general public did not know how many times it was read. Therefore, before this notice, only he stood there alone. The white cloak covered his head, making him look conspicuous and awkward.

Although the body is covered by a cloak, it can be seen that the young man is very tall, nearly two meters tall and has a wide shoulder, but it is not that exaggerated and robust.

The perfect proportion of the body and the silence standing there give a strange feeling. It seems very ordinary, but it has an indescribable soft temperament.

Passers-by, passers-by, most of the eyes will be attracted by the young people who are standing there quietly. It seems that they will look at him more, and even their mood will become calm and comfortable.

On that clear notice, the time and rules of the temple are written in detail.

Tomorrow is the day when the temple is about to begin. At that time, the top six temples will gather at the sacred trial ground. Each temple will send a team of 36 people to participate in the temple. The six temples totaled 216 people.

The temple will first draw lots and play one-on-one in the first three days. That's right, only three days, all are knockouts. After each round of the knockout, the next round will start immediately and there will be no more rest time. Among them, the participation in the individual elimination tournament does not include the pastor's temple. Pastors are not good at fighting, so they will earn points in another way when the individual game is going on. That is the spiritual evaluation. The specific calculation method was not announced in the notice, but according to the results of previous temples, after the individual knockout, the points of the pastor's temple will be in the middle.

One hundred and eighty players from the other five major temples in the individual elimination tournament, the points are calculated in this way, and one victory is won. Through the second round, add two more points. By analogy, each additional one round, the added points are multiples.

At the same time, there are strong restrictions in the individual knockouts. First, no equipment or remedies are allowed. Participate entirely by individual strength. Second, during the game, there must be no cases of disabled opponents, otherwise they will be eliminated directly. This is the temple than the ratio, not life and death. These two seem to be simple, but the limit is extremely strong. I would like to ask if the competition is at least a strong eighth or higher. Under such a level of confrontation, it is necessary to do not tolerate the opponent and control the requirements of oneself. How high is it?

Within three days, the individual match must be completed. Then sort the points. This is also the first round of the temple.

The reason why so many people participate in the competition is to comprehensively assess the overall strength of the major temples. A person is powerful and cannot represent the entire temple.

After the individual match, the highest spiritual competition will be played. Each of the six temples has three players, and the age is not more than one hundred years old. Perform a spiritual test. Based on a hundred years old, every young one can add an additional 1,000 spirits.

In the end, the three players in each temple will join in the ranks. The first place will receive 200 points, the second place will be 150, the third place will be 120, the fourth place will be 90, and the fifth place. Sixty, the last one has no points.

After the end of the spiritual game, the temple is bigger than the third level, which is the ratio of the field. Each of the six temples sent three contestants.

Conduct team field confrontation. Eighteen strong players in the field played at the same time, and which side of the field could not hold, they would withdraw from the test, until only three of the temple were left. The score of this level is extremely high, and the final number is awarded. The point income is as high as 500. For each difference, the score is reduced by 100. The last one has no points.

It’s not that the strong field is bound to take advantage of this kind of team confrontation, and it is best to have complementary effects in the fields between the three people. Therefore, it is not necessarily the strongest of the major temples in this battle, but it must be the most tacit three.

In the last temple of the Great Hall, the Knights Templar relied on the defense and co-ordination of the **** of the Indian Knight Yang Hanhan, the control and restraint of the **** of the Knights of the Dragon and the ruling and judgment of the **** of the Knights of the Dragon, the three gods of the Knights The combination of the fields has won this crucial victory. This laid the foundation for the first point of the Knights' Templar.

And the last game of the temple is a real team battle. Ten people were selected for each temple. In the round robin, each time you win a victory, add 100 points. In the team competition, the priest's temple will not participate, directly get 300 points.

All four matches were the highest level of the Temple League. In general, the Temple of the Holy Sepulchre is the least affected by the Temple. The importance of the pastor is unquestionable, but the pastor is clearly not suitable to become the ruler of the Temple Alliance. The competition for the rankings of the other five great temples is very fierce.

The last ranking of the previous temple is the first of the Knights' Temple, followed by the Temple of the Magic, the Temple of the Soul, the Temple of the Assassin, the Temple of the Priest and the Temple of the Warriors.

The Priest's Temple, by virtue of some of the advantages of the big ratio, eventually surpassed the Warrior Temple and ranked fifth. The bottom of the Warrior Temple is also regular.

In this notice, there is no description of any changes to the structure of the alliance. But as long as there is some in-depth understanding of this temple, everyone knows. The final ranking of this big ratio is extremely important for the upcoming major changes in the alliance. Especially for the title fight, it will definitely be more fierce than the previous ones.

The white youth stood there for half an hour. He was like a sculpture. From the time he just stood there, he has never moved too far.

"A notice, is it so beautiful?" A cold voice suddenly sounded behind him. A woman wearing a blue magic robe came slowly.

This woman looks beautiful and looks like she is in her twenties, but it gives a sense of pride that is high and inaccessible.

A blue-colored magic robe looks very simple, and there is no elemental fluctuation. She appears behind the white-shirted youth, and a faint gleam of light, which is indistinguishable to the naked eye, quietly rushes from the back toward the white youth.

This female magician is the only rumored disciple of Li Zhengzhi, the master of the Temple of Magic, Tan Wan. For more than four years, Tan Maru has been practicing hard, with Li Zhengzhi's full guidance, coupled with the tilt of various resources of the Magic Temple, her cultivation can be said to be a thousand miles.

Xuanyuan Yan, who once named her, has now fallen far behind. Now her cultivation has broken through the eighth order, and learned a lot of powerful wind magic created by Li Zhengzhi. This time the Temple is bigger than Dae, she will also represent the Magic Temple in individual competitions. At her age, this is absolutely great glory.

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