Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 239: Participate! Morning light (below)

Such a young eighth-order pinnacle knight? There is no doubt that Yang Wenzhao’s appearance shocked the audience. Especially for other major temples, there is great deterrence.

Who said that the knights of the Knights’ Temple are old, they have cultivated such a young paladin. It is almost conceivable that it will not take long for Yang Wenzhao to be able to break through to the ninth order. It is even possible to become a new generation of the Knights of the Knights Templar.

The role of the sacred mask is what the discerning eye has seen, and it is to find the trace of the assassin. After the assassin is invisible, as soon as he collides with any spiritual power, he will immediately appear. Yang Wenzhao's holy mask is so large that once he detects the position of the assassin, he will certainly have a reaction time. Not only that, but the red mans in his eyes are clearly the lock of the knight.

In a sense, the Cavaliers themselves are restraining the Assassin. Once locked by the Cavaliers, the Assassin can only choose to fight hard.

The assassin was also calm and sophisticated. In the face of this situation, he was not eager to shoot, but quietly hid. After the six-in-one test of the St. League test site, the venue was extremely wide. Yang Wenzhao's shroud was a large area, but it was far from the area of ​​the entire competition venue. Therefore, in his view, as long as he does not take the initiative, Yang Wenzhao cannot find himself.

For him who is using stealth skills, Yang Wenzhao, who is also using the spirits, the mask, and the locking skills, is much more expensive in terms of spiritual power consumption. Perhaps the time of this game will last for a long time, but the eighth-order emperor hidden in the dark is very confident to win this battle.

Just when the Emperor had already thought about the countermeasures, Yang Wenzhao moved. He stood there silently, and the thick golden fog rose from his body. Ready.

At the beginning, when Long Haochen participated in the Hunting Magic Group trials, many people had suffered big losses under his accumulated skills. Yang Wenzhao is now painting the gourd.

If you can understand his thoughts, I am afraid that only the light of the morning will be the people of the hunting magic group. Other spectators do not understand why Yang Wenzhao will do this. The accumulated skills can increase their attack power to a stronger level, but what is the use if they can't find the target? Will only accelerate the consumption of spiritual power!

Sitting on the seat of the Knights’ Temple, Long Tianyin showed a faint smile at the corner of his mouth. “Wen Zhao’s child has been missing for too long. Many people have forgotten what his abilities are. It seems that he It will bring you a surprise."

The emperor’s heart with Yang Wenzhao is also full of doubts. This young paladin is able to show me the power, is it to lead me out? It’s too crazy to think about it. Don’t you know that the most important thing at the moment is the state of mind? How can this kind of mistake be made?

The imperial thorn was hidden in the dark, and even crouched there, and he did not move. He wanted to see what Yang Wenzhao could do after this momentum.

From the beginning of the individual competition to the present, the first cold spot situation has emerged. But many people know that in this situation, as long as the two sides take the shot, they must win the game. If Yang Wenzhao can find his opponent's position, and with his mighty power and his own eight-level peak, the eighth-order assassin must be defeated, but on the other hand, if Yang Wenzhao can't win Then, if you give the emperor a chance, he will have no chance to make a comeback.

Yang Wenzhao’s gains did not last long. In his chest position, he did not know when there was a group of pale green light. This group of light was not obvious under the cover of his own strong light system. It must be Look carefully to find out.

After the green light appeared, a strange green light suddenly emerged from the chest of Yang Wenzhao. This green light appeared in a fan-shaped shape and swept directly toward the front. What is shocking is that the green light is in contact. After the protective cover of the sacred trial site in the distance from Yang Wenzhao, it was actually worn through and did not seem to collide with the protective cover.

What is this ability? Actually not blocked by the protective cover?

Soon, everyone will understand what this ability is. Yang Wenzhao’s gains ended, and his body made a half-turn. The green light that he released on his chest was like scanning, sweeping the audience. The invisible assassin, under this scan, was suddenly presented in the green light. Then, a little red mans fell on him, the knight, locked.

Behind the wings of the two wings, Yang Wenzhao, after the momentum, is like a golden lion, the speed of light flashes. Fighting in front.

When his powerful sacred light fell on the assassin, Yang Wenzhao's scorpion sniper slammed on both sides of the assassin's body. At the same time, launching the Holy Light knock, the other side of the shock turned over, hit the protective cover and then rebounded back.

If you come to the assassin and choose to fight hard, maybe he still has a few chances. However, in the case of Yang Wenzhao's completion of the situation, if the swords were just smashed to him, he would be undoubted.

"I lost." Difficult to say these three words, the seventy-year-old emperor has a desire to find a piece of tofu to hit si. It’s not shameful to lose the game. It’s a shame that you lose even if you don’t play out your strength.

He was obviously blinded by Yang Wenzhao's young and previous actions, but he did not expect that Yang Wenzhao would have a spirit furnace with powerful detection capabilities.

This is the spirit furnace that Yang Wenzhao obtained at the Hunting Magic Group trials, Long Haochen gave up the reward, although the spirit furnace itself has no offensive and defensive capabilities. But there is a natural restraint to the assassin. At the beginning of Yang Wenzhao, it was with his own spirit furnace that led the hunting demon group to achieve a lot of results, but unfortunately, finally hit the hands of the dragon riding demon.

He has been missing for so long, and he remembers that the people he owns this furnace can be said to be few and far between. Even the Knights' Temple is not clear to anyone, let alone the assassin.

As the first person to play in the light of the morning hunter, Yang Wenzhao brought a good start for the dawn of light.

Looking at the exiting venue, Yang Wenzhao, who was in the morning of the light hunter, and Li Zhengzhi’s mouth twitched. He knows very well that there are already two knights in this morning light hunter. Yang Wenzhao certainly knows that Yang Xiaohan’s grandson and son. However, in his eyes, this Yang Wenzhao should be much worse than Long Haochen. His strength has reached the peak of the eighth-order peak, then, what is Long Hao Wu?

Thinking of this, Li Zhengzhi’s gaze couldn’t help but look at the person standing on the far left of the Hunting Magic. Although I couldn't see the appearance, the soft temperament emanating from him coupled with the reward of Tan Wan yesterday, Li Zhengzhi knew that the person should be Long Haochen.

The face fat trembled a little, Li Zhengzhi narrowed his eyes, and thought in his heart, Long Haochen, I would like to see, how far can you compete in this session of the Temple. He never thought that a hunting demon might compete with the temple on the Temple.

Long Haochen did not choose to return to the Knights Templar. Is it because he does not want his team's partners to return to the temples?

Until now, Li Zhengzhi did not want to understand why Long Haochen appeared in the Temple in this way. But he is very clear that Long Haochen will return after more than four years, and in the near future, he will definitely become his most powerful competitor. Li Zhengzhi never looked down on him because of the youngness of Long Haochen.

The game continues. The strength of the major temples has also begun to come out. The three strongest temples are still the Knights' Templar, the Temple of Magic and the Temple of Soul. The Temple of the Warrior and the Assassin's Temple are obviously weaker.

It is a little strange that more than a dozen games have passed in the past, and the people who hunted the magic group in the morning of the light were not selected. Until the game reached the twenty-fourth game, the light of choice was once again shining on the members of the Light Hunting Demon.

This time, the place where the light of choice is the one with the tallest body in the morning of the light. At this time, a girl sitting on the VIP table of the Warrior Temple suddenly stood up. Because of her excitement, her hands kept shaking.

White dress, Feng Linger.

As early as when Chen Zi said the four words of the morning light, Feng Linger was stagnant on the VIP table like a lightning strike. The dawn of light, isn't it their team? After missing for more than four years, this bastard, this **** is finally back?

This sudden news made her brain so blank that her eyes sisi stared at the tallest and strongest person in the morning of the light, and the tears were always rolling in the eyes.

Sitting at Feng Linger's side at night, they are naturally qualified to come to the VIP stage as representatives of the Alexandria Grand Auction. The four words of Light Morning are not too shocking to her. At this time, she did not know what to say to comfort Feng Linger, she could only hold her hand tightly and use her temperature to comfort her heart.

At this moment, the choice of light selected the person, selected for more than four years, so that Feng Linger did not know how many times quietly crying guys. Feng Linger could no longer restrain herself from stirring, and then she suddenly got up.

The night did not catch up with her body, "Linger, don't be excited, this is the temple ratio. If it is really him, I will always see."

"Bastard..., bastard..." Feng Linger’s red lips trembled. If there was no support at night, I’m afraid she would fall. He is back, it must be that he is back.

Tears can no longer be restrained, like a broken line of beads that continually slips along her white face.

Under the watchful eyes of Feng Linger and Ye Weiyang, the tall and light-colored morning hunter-hunter demon group walked slowly to the entrance of the knight's temple. The right hand flipped and pulled off the big cloak. A dazzling, shiny and bright bald head.

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