Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 244: Starry Holy Knight (below)

The 244th Star Star Holy Knight (below)

Although Li Zhengzhi is excellent, he has been planning for a long time. ("") But he has lost, lost to Yang Xiaohan who did not come to participate in this temple, but is the former leader of the Temple Alliance. Yang Yihan is the real person who is really calculating!

After Yang Haoyu got a positive reply from Chen Zi, he nodded to Long Haochen and said, "Okay, you can put on the equipment now."

"Thank you for your predecessors." Long Hao morning nodded, squatting down, pedaling the fine gold pedestal, the flashing orange-red brilliance of the armor instantly upper body. When he jumped back to the back of the holy unicorn, he also had an epee in his palms.

The left-handed epee, the green light in the middle of the white light, the right-hand epee, the golden red brilliance in the colorful flashes. It is the blue rain, the hibiscus of light and the sigh of the goddess of light.

Looking at Long Haochen, who wears his whole body equipment, Yang Haoyu unconsciously reveals an appreciation. He appreciates the calmness of Long Haochen.

For other young people, there is such an achievement at the age of Long Haochen, and there will be emotions such as arrogance. In this temple ratio, in the presence of so many powerful, Yang Haoyu proposed to let him put on equipment and fight. This is undoubtedly a contempt for him. After Long Haochen got the permission of the chief referee, Chen Zidi, he was wearing the equipment without being arrogant. His eyes are always calm, and his emotions are not changed at all. This calmness is far beyond what he can have at this age.

"Please enlighten the seniors." Long Haochen right hand bright goddess aria slammed his left shoulder and gestured to Yang Haoyu.

Yang Haoyu slightly decapitated, the two-handed epee pointed to the ground, and said: "Get started."

With the beginning of his voice, the two of them almost shine at the same time.

The vast golden light bursts out from the body around Long Haochen, and with the pleasant sound, it seems to be filled with the entire large trial field facing Qiu Yonghao. ""

However, Yang Haoyu also sheds his brilliance, the same is golden light, but unlike Long Haochen, after his golden light burst, it is in the night sky.

Taking Yang Haoyu's body as the center, the space around the large piece is turned into a starry sky, just like he moved the starry sky here. In this starry sky, there are countless golden light spots, with strange spiritual fluctuations, it is hard and The field of the **** of light in the morning of Long Yuchen formed a tendency to resist the court.

The fields of the two sides have thrust each other, making them farther apart from each other.

On one side is the vast and pure gold, and on the other is the mysterious and endless starry sky. After the emergence of the two major fields, there is a big difference.

Yang Haoyu’s plain voice sounded, “Your light **** domain is established by the gods’ affinity and understanding of light. And my light comes from the starry sky, does not belong to this world, and is not in this world. Under the control of Light God, you can't deprive me of my light. This is my star field. Take my star strike."

As he said, Yang Haoyu did not move, and the right-handed epee suddenly lifted up, pointing to the dragon. Suddenly, thousands of stars flashed from his field, gathered at the tip of the sword, and then turned into a straight golden light, and went straight to the dragon's morning bombardment.

The power of the stars is used for its own purposes. This is the star rule that Yang Haoyu created.

The light of the stars seemed to be very peaceful, but when it entered the field of the light **** of Long Haochen, it did not seem to be affected by the half, and it immediately came to the morning of Long Haochen.

Long Haochen did not attack and attack. The huge six wings behind him stretched out at the same time. The blue rain of the left hand and the hibiscus of light suddenly disappeared. A small colorful shield replaced the position of blue rain and hibiscus.

"Oh--" The moment the starlight fell on the sun and the moon, and it sounded like a metal cymbal. ("")

Long Haochen has used the gods to block, but at this time his feelings are like being hit by a star on the front.

In an instant, the sun and the moon snail shield on the colorful golden light, can clearly see, the dragon's chest, a group of golden light violently beating. It is the heart of eternal.

In the battle with Qiu Yonghao, Long Haochen used his eternal heart to smash his opponent. At this time, every beat of the Eternal Heart will make his spiritual power recover rapidly, and the colorful golden light on the Sun and the Moon will become more and more intense.

The domain of the light **** is turned into a circle of golden halo, and the body of Long Haochen is converged. The space inside the large trial field has almost collapsed.

On the VIP stage, Chen Zi, who is the chief referee, is now a dignified face. He is headed by all the referees, and all the referees are fully injecting spiritual power into the shield to keep the shield stable.

The starlight finally weakened, and the body of Long Haochen was pressed against the shield.

A strong blow, in order to withstand this starlight, Long Haochen has almost exhausted all his strength. He did not expect that Yang Haoyu's strength has reached such a degree. Perhaps, he can't compare with the demon god, but it is definitely the level of repair of the moon demon and the star demon.

Yang Haoyu smiled and said: "It's a bit interesting, this is not your full strength, let me see, where is your limit."

In his star field, thousands of stars re-emerged, only to see his swords lifted at the same time, drawing a mysterious trajectory in the air, and finally turning the thousands of stars into nine points. The nine-point starlight turns around in the air, and then condenses only one, turning into a white and innocent starlight. Attacked the dragon.

This white starlight just entered the field of light gods, and the field of Long Haochen, which was stirred immediately, fluctuated wildly, as if to tear his field of light gods.

This hit, there is a world of discoloration.

Long Haochen’s face was very dignified. The sacred unicorn under his body made a long sigh, and a strange colorful light was released from the unicorn and spread out. Long Haochen did not continue to use the shield as before. Instead, the eyes closed, and the eternal heart beat at the chest became noticeably sharp.

Get the increase of the holy unicorn, the dragon is all rendered into seven colors. The volatility of the field of light **** suddenly became strange, and the golden light was closed, and instantly returned to the diameter of ten meters around his body, and accompanied by the eternal heart's beating and rhythm. It is like the domain of the whole light **** has become the spread and expansion of his eternal heart.

At the same time, the field is in the doldrums. Except for the range of the light gods that Long Haochen has collected, all other places in the large trial field are covered by the star field. It seems that Long Haochen seems to have been suppressed to the limit.

However, when the white starlight once again touched the domain of this contracted light god, it encountered a strong block. Just a little deeper, it stagnate in the volatility of the heartbeat in the field of light gods, and with every wave of the field of light gods, the white starlight is obviously weakened. The white color on it gradually disappeared, turning into gold, and the gold gradually faded. Eventually turned into a myriad of crystal stars.

Long Haochen didn't open his eyes until this time, and his right hand, the goddess of light, made a sigh of action.

"Please ask my seniors to pick me up."

The sigh of the goddess of light became a golden color in an instant, and the golden light of the light god's domain was collected into a round of halo. On the right hand side of Long Haochen, a golden light blade was separated from the sword and slowly. Flying forward.

The starlight that Yang Haoyu launched before was instantly defeated and scattered. After the golden light blade defeated the starlight, in the process of continuing to fly forward, the color turned out to change from golden to white. What is even more bizarre is that there is a pleasant sound in the light blade. When it sounds, the voice is heard in anyone's ear, and there is a feeling of peace and quiet. Behind the light blade, there are even two more white wings.

Yang Haoyu’s eyes became dignified for the first time. As soon as the right-handed epee is lifted, the stars in Xingyu are all lit up.

The white light blade entered the star field almost as soon as the field of light gods. The place where it passed was not blocked.

A star that is closest to it emits a ray of light and falls on the white light edge. A strange scene appeared. After the white light blade was hit, the forward speed decreased again, but its volume increased by one point. And the starlight is broken.

In this case, Yang Haoyu was the first encounter, and the right-handed epee was lifted up and the void was drawn. Thousands of stars suddenly condensed into a huge light blade, and it looked like a lightly fluttering sword in the morning.

The two light edges, which are completely disproportionate in size, touch in the air. The magical scene is also followed.

It seems that the light blade from Long Haochen should be damaged in an instant, but in fact, after the two light blades are in contact, the glue state appears.

At the same time, the two light blades stagnated in midair, and the huge light edge of the starlight slowly rolled forward, and the small light blade of the suppressed Long Haochen slowly retreated. However, in the process of retreating, the small light blade is gradually increasing, and the big light blade is gradually shrinking. And the speed at which the small light blade retreats is gradually decreasing.

"Decomposition, broken." Yang Haoyu shouted, and the two swords waved at the same time. A loud bang, the star field violently swayed, and the star blade of his star was instantly broken, turning into countless starlights, and the light blade of Long Haochen was finally blown up by this powerful explosive force. For countless white light. But they did not collapse, but quietly returned to the field of the light **** of Long Haochen.

The violent beating of the heart rang through the audience. Just in the moment when the white light was recovered, the domain of the **** of light launched a counterattack to the star field, and the star field oppressed by the amazing momentum returned to the previous range, each occupying half the sky. appearing again.


The new week is coming, in order to maintain the status of the gods, ask for a ticket! ! !


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