Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 247: Haoyue, the first demon above the starry sky? (on)

The second hundred and forty-seventh chapter, the first demon above the starry sky? (on)

"When are you going to accept the test of the throne of God?" Yang Haoyu asked quietly.

Long Yuchen said: "After the end of the temple, I will return to our Knights Templar for the first time and accept the test of the throne of God. Not only me, Han Yu, Zhang Fangfang will go together. They also break through. The ninth order has this qualification."

Yang Haoyu nodded and said: "You really have this qualification. I am calling you today, I hope you are ready. If your goal is to be the eternal and creative **** of the throne, then, from now on, Think about it."

In the heart of the morning, he knows that among the knights in the world, Yang Haoyu should be the only one who has tried to win the throne of eternal and creative God. Although he failed, the experience must be the most valuable asset.

Yang Haoyu said: "Do you know why I did not become a Knight of God?"

Long Haochen said: "Because you put all your energy into the recognition of the throne of God who is eternal and creative?"

Yang Haoyu smiled and said: "Speaking, this is the problem of the stars. When I was young, I climbed the Knights of the Holy Mountain, but I didn't get the right World of Warcraft. So, just like you, I was looking for it in the transmission array. Your one Multi-headed Warcraft, it should be obtained there. Speaking, our luck is very good. I also got the recognition of the stars there."

"The strongest ability of the Starry Beast is fusion. It does not have any offensive and defensive capabilities, but it can bring the power of the stars to help me cultivate and fight. At the same time, along with the improvement I have made, its ability will also Gradually increased. This is the reputation of the first beast under the stars."

"In a sense, although the throne of God is the signboard of the Knights' Temple, if it is only the other five gods, the benefits they bring to me are far less than the stars. Starry for me, Not only artifacts, but also an excellent partner to assist in cultivation. My talent is actually not as good as the old one, that is, with the help of the stars, I have today's achievements. However, the higher the level of Warcraft, the more pride there is. It's not that I don't want to choose other thrones, but the starry sky doesn't allow me to choose. It tells me that it won't depend on artifacts lower than its own level. So, I can only challenge the eternal and creative gods. The recognition of the throne. In the end, I failed."

Long Haochen suddenly realized that there was such a story behind Yang Haoyu. It is no wonder that he did not have the throne of God with his cultivation.

Yang Haoyu said: "What surprised me the most today is not your cultivation, but the contrast between the starry sky and your long-term Warcraft. At the last moment, after you summoned the multi-headed Warcraft, it screamed and made the stars and me temporarily. This situation, or the first time I met with Stars after the contract was concluded. Do you know what the idea of ​​the Stars passed to me at the time?"

Long Haochen shook his head.

Yang Haoyu said: "The starry sky is in fear, in fear. In my understanding, the starry sky has always been arrogant, even for my contractual partner. But for the first time, I felt the weakness in his character. After the game, I asked him what was going on at the time. After a moment of silence, he told me that if he is the first beast under the stars, then your multi-headed Warcraft is the first demon above the stars. He and Your World of Warcraft is far from being the same level. If you are more, he will not say it again."

"On the starry sky, the first demon?"

Yang Haoyu looked at the shocking color of Long Haochen’s face and couldn’t help but be surprised: “Don’t you know the origin of your World of Warcraft?”

Long Haochen shook his head. "When Haoyue was summoned to the world by me, it was just a lizard-like Warcraft. At that time, it was bruised and bruised..."

Now, he will save himself to the moon with blood, so that it has the second head of the light attribute, and then it will continue to evolve in the next month, with more and more strength, even the Devil's column is destroyed by it. Said it again.

After listening to Long Haochen's description, Chen Zi and Yang Haoyu looked at each other, and the two legendary powers all showed a shocking color. They originally thought that Long Haochen destroyed the Devil's Column by virtue of the pure light power of the Son of Light. Now I know that it turned out to be the ability of Haoyue.

"The original demon **** wants to kill you, in order to use the **** relationship between you and Haoyue to kill it. What kind of alienation is this month, even the devil gods are afraid." Chen Zi reveals the color of thinking, but With his life experience of more than three hundred years, he also has no impression of this kind of Warcraft.

Yang Haoyu smiled and said: "Old Chen, you don't have to think about anything more. Although we don't know the origin of this month, one thing is certain, it will definitely be used for us. The binding force of blood is not you. Still don't understand? It is equivalent to being part of the morning body."

Listening to him saying this, Chen Zi’s face is also showing a sense of relief. Indeed, there is a **** constraint. The stronger the moon, the better.

Yang Haoyu said to Long Haochen: "So it seems that the two huge bulges on the left and right sides of the Warcraft neck may turn into heads again. It is already the eighth-order peak repair, if it can evolve Eight heads, isn't the strength going up to what we can't imagine? Not much, as long as it's repaired to be equivalent to the third-order third-order or so, and also has the ability of the field. Then, with it, I am not an opponent at all. At that time, you are really the first strongest in our temple alliance. In the morning, you must hurry and help it break through."

Long Hao nodded in the morning, and in fact he had plans in his heart. His improvement over the past four years not only helped Haoyue to cure all the injuries, but also made great progress in Haoyue’s strength. He absorbed in the past five years. All the spiritual power from the Aion was transferred to Haoyue. Haoyue is definitely a thick and thin hair. The accumulation of the foundation is enough, and breakthroughs can be made at any time.

However, Haoyue told him through his thoughts that this breakthrough is likely to lead them to face the most powerful existence of the plane in Haoyue. The strong man of that plane is already on the alert. If this time can no longer prevent the evolution of Haoyue, then they will no longer be able to restrict the moon.

Therefore, Long Haochen must be fully prepared, which is related to the lunar month and their life and death. After the end of the temple, the dragon will first go to fight for the recognition of the throne of the gods, and then help the moon to break through, the grasp will be enhanced.

Yang Haoyu said: "In addition to the eternal and creative **** of the throne, the other five gods of the throne can be said to be its imitations. Although it has reached the level of artifacts, but with the eternal and creative gods The Indian Throne is not a layer of existence. With your talents and cultivation, you can certainly get the recognition of these five gods of the throne. You can become a **** knight directly. But if you want to be the eternal and creative **** of the throne The owner, then, must accept the test of it. At the beginning, I failed when I was tested."

“Testing?” Long Haochen asked curiously: “What is the test of Grandpa Yang, the throne of eternal and creative God?”

Yang Haoyu said: "This is exactly what I want to tell you. My main failure was in..."

Long Haochen and Yang Haoyu and Chen Zi talked for more than one hour before leaving the Hunting Magic Mission Tower. Yang Haoyu not only told him the magic of the eternal and creative God of the throne, but also gave some of his own experience in the field to Long Haochen, which benefited him a lot.

The chaos in the Holy City has gradually subsided. Under the guidance of a large number of six great temples, the order in the Holy City returned to normal.

The St. League test site is being repaired intensively. At least thousands of craftsmen have invested in it. Fortunately, the internal guardianship system has not been destroyed, but the external damage, with so many craftsmen's concerted efforts, one day is enough to repair it.

Early the next morning, the temple continued.

When Long Haochen led the morning light of the hunter to enter the sacred trials again, they got the attention of all the six great temples almost instantly.

Yesterday's third round of the game has come to an end, and soon, the last few games are over. The first twenty-four decided.

At the end of the third round, each winning player will receive four points. After this round of competition, there are only five contestants left in the Knights' Temple, six in the Magical Temple, three in the Temple of the Soul, two in the Assassin's Temple, and only one in the Warrior's Temple through the third round. The Light Morning Hunting Devils became the biggest dark horse, and a total of seven people passed the third round.

After the third round, there have been some changes in the ranking of the points. The Knights' Temple is sixty-six points, the Magic Temple is sixty-five minutes, the light morning is the demon hunting group, fifty-six points, the soul temple is forty-two points, the assassin The temple is thirty-four, and the temple of the warrior is twenty-four.

The light morning hunter demon group participated in the individual competition with ten people. After three rounds of competition, it jumped to the third place, and although the gap between the two is the same, it is not out of reach. There is only one point left between the Temple of Magic and the Knights Templar.

At this point in the individual game, it has reached the final battle for whitening. The fourth round will definitely change the ranking again. In this round, each winner will receive as many as eight points. There is no doubt that the Morning of Light Hunting has become the biggest hot spot. They have seven players in the fourth round and will participate in seven of the twelve games.


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