Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 248: Field skills, Shenguang waltz (below)

There is such a killer in the Temple of Magic, which no one thought of.

"If the boss is right, he will be fine." Han Yu could not help but say.

Mo Wu is a dark mage, and the field of light gods owned by Long Haochen can perfectly restrain him. Naturally not afraid. But picking children, OK?

In the morning light of the hunter, the strongest is undoubtedly Long Haochen, and then the children. If the children lose the game, then the blow to them is quite huge.

"Do not worry, picking children will be able to do." Long Haochen did not know when he had opened his eyes, the children played, and encountered a huge threat, he immediately felt.

At this time, looking at the situation inside the scene, it seems that the children are completely at a disadvantage, but is it really true?

After the appearance of the Dark King, he did not make any special sounds. In the void, he stepped out in one step and went to the front of the children who were banned by the prison of black prisoners. The sword in his hand raised his head and slammed into the children.

And the fog that completed this 召i summoned the magic is sitting on his dark altar with his eyes closed. This dark altar is his field, which can greatly increase the power of all the dark magic he exerts. Enhance the speed at which his magical recovery. Perhaps in the field, it is not too strong, because there are no small restrictions, but once he has taken the initiative, the power of this field will be fully revealed.

In the face of the squat of the Great Sword, the body of the child suddenly disappeared. Yes, no signs disappeared.

Momo almost immediately noticed that the dark purple triangle did not appear again. The next moment, his body disappeared on the altar.

A white light mark appeared on the dark altar, and the altar was broken instantly, turning into countless purple and black air streams. And the children appear in the place where Mo Mo was located, suspended there.

Mo Wu was shocked because he did not know how the children were separated from the black prison. The black prison cage is the ninth-order imprisonment magic! And it seems that the previous children have been there, and there is no action!

How can he know how powerful the picking after the break of the ninth order, and the moment she was in the black prison cage, she used the avatar skills to use both the avatar and the stealth.

Changing someone else's avatar is not sustainable, and it will be discovered by the magician's keen perception. Even the body can't escape the lock of the black prison cage.

But the children are different, she is a reincarnation of the saint, she has the power to purify. As the best assassin, if she can't get out of her opponent's lock, she doesn't deserve to be called a reincarnation.

However, in order to maintain the stability of the avatar, she can not act rashly after she leaves the detachment, otherwise the avatar will disappear immediately. Wait until Mo Mo summoned the Dark King to attack her avatar, and the child was suddenly launched.

However, Mo Mum does have a very sensitive and accurate judgment, and is once again detached by a technique similar to teleportation at the moment when the child is about to be hit. Despite this, his clothes are soaked in cold sweat, and if he is slower, the attack of the children will fall on him and lead the game.

The Dark King apparently felt that it was wrong. A dark purple light sprang from his chest, not for the children but for the mist that was teleported to him.

The light and shadow flashed, and the fog suddenly disappeared into the dark purple light of the dark king. It seems that it is similar to the previous Chen Hongyu.

In this way, unless the child defeats the Dark King, she will not be able to attack the fog.

This is also Momo can not think that for him, the best situation should be that the Dark King madly attacked him and he recovered his spiritual power in the field of his altar. In this case, as long as he is given a certain time, he can even summon a dark king to come out. It will not work now. After being integrated into the Dark King, he can command the Dark King, but the spiritual power will not be restored at all, let alone use that field. He can only hope that the Dark King can defeat the children.

For the power of the Dark King, Mo Wu also has some confidence. In any case, this Dark King also has the equivalent of the 9th-order second. The Eternal Tower of the children’s picks yesterday shocked the audience, but it was equipment after all, and it was not allowed in the individual competition. Under the bare hands, can the assassin defeat the heavy king of the heavy armor?

"Hidden?" There was a sneer at the corner of the mouth. Of course, she knew that the biggest competitor they came back this time was the Magical Temple. She would not leave any affection for the magician of the Magic Temple.

The slashing knife of the light of purification was slowly lifted up. She did not fly again, but ran to the dark king.

The scythe of death was dragged behind her, and the eyes of the children were turned into white, the color was beautiful, the temperament was cold, and the huge sickle was added. Formed a beautiful and bizarre picture. And her opponent's armor is very dazzling. But in front of this scene, the vast majority of spectators can't help but put their faith on the children. After all, they are abhorrent to dark creatures, not to mention that children are so beautiful and so young.

In the eyes of the dark king, the purple light flashed, and the right foot was heavily smashed. When the plucking of the child, the rushed over, and the huge purple-black epee was held in both hands to make a picking action.

The most terrible thing about this Dark King is that he can condense his dark spirits. Spiritual power is not released, it is attached to weapons, but its explosive power is much stronger.

The children did not dodge, and did not use any skills. The sickle in her hand slammed down, and her whole body white light rose, and the momentum reached its peak in an instant.

Overlord! This is the skill that was made by the tyrannical thorn. At this time, it was used by the children, and her whole person was filled with indescribable strong hegemony.


"In the crisp collision sound, the death slasher in the hands of the children is broken. This is not the real death sickle, but the spiritual power is condensed. On the offensive and defensive, it is far from the artifact-level death sickle."

However, the Dark King did not feel good. It was clear that when the two collided, the purple-black scent of his body rose completely backwards, as if he were to be separated from him. At the same time his actions are also a stagnation.

The children are not reasonable, the body rises high, and it is a scorpion scorpion condensed in the hand, a leisurely white light flashes in the air, and even a harsh tearing sound appears in the sky. A bang, squatting on the opponent's epee.

The dark king whispered, and the purple and black mists rushed, and the momentum was flourishing, as if there were countless black light and shadows spreading from him. All the purple-black bubbles that boiled in the earth rushed up, turning into countless purple-black rays intertwined in the air. In the field, this is the realm of the Dark King. Although no one knows the name of this field, there is no doubt that this is a field of group attack level.

It turned out that the black bubbles just belonged to the fog, but belonged to the dark king. The dark creatures of the ninth order have already possessed dark creatures in the field. This misty dark summoning is more terrible than the summoner of the Soul Temple. But the more shocking scene is behind. When the child's body appeared again, it was already about ten meters above the head of the Dark King. The field of the Dark King has broken out. This is an all-round attack area, and there is no room for dodging. Mo Mum is ready to stop the attack as soon as the child can't hold it. However, the next scene made him unforgettable.

Suspended in the air, the children again made a move of hands together, and a piece of clean white light turned into a petal-like downward swing.

A strange scene appeared. The purple-black light bursting into the dark king's field immediately turned into contact with these white light, and immediately disappeared into nothingness. The white petals flew more and more, and the dark purple light became less and less. It is like suddenly blooming a flower of purification in the endless darkness, bringing hope to everyone. In that strange purification, all darkness is transforming into nothingness, and gradually reveals the taste of light.

Li Zhengzhi’s surprised Zhang’s mouth, the dragon’s field of light and god, he can still touch some rules. After all, it is pure light. The field that can be used by the children at this time is beyond his cognition, this breath...

The dark king's body trembled a little, looked up at the picking in the air, and looked at the rapidly spreading field of purification. His body suddenly swayed, and then appeared on the edge of the big trial. The epee in the hand flies in the air, and a dark purple six-pointed star, stepping out, has stood in the six-pointed star.

I saw the dark king's body suddenly shocked, the next moment, the body of Mo fog was smashed out, and the dark king disappeared directly in the purple six-pointed star.

When the Dark King left, his field naturally collapsed, leaving only a mist of mist. He did not understand why the Dark King had gone so hurriedly without being at a disadvantage. Is his home clothes hanging out, it is going to rain?

This weird thought flashed through Momo's mind, and in the air, only the release of the field was quietly watching him.

"I know that while you are majoring in dark magic, you also have space magic. Perhaps, your space magic can also teleport. However, you can try, in my purification domain, your teleport Can you succeed?"

White has spread to the front of Mo Yu, his body has just come into contact with the field of the children, and immediately understand why the Dark King will flee.

An indescribable pain appeared in the depths of his soul, and the body trembled fiercely. He said: "I admit defeat." Ask for a monthly pass and a recommended ticket. (to be continued


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