Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 253: Horror purple gold moon sword (middle)

Although the spiritual power consumption is large, Long Yinchen can still withstand the eternal heart to help him quickly recover the spiritual power. At the same time, the holy unicorns have also provided him with an additional nearly 200,000 spiritual power. stand by. Enough to keep him going on.

Li Zhengzhi saw that the true meaning of his own wind was so easily broken by Long Haochen, his face has become extremely dignified. He knows that this war is not the same as what he expected. It is not only difficult, but the victory seems to be getting farther and farther away from him.

However, as the master of the Temple of Magic, the ambition of a generation of strong, he will never easily admit defeat. Li Zhengzhi knows very well that the more powerful the ability, the more he will pay for it. The Dragon Sword of the Dragon Sword must not be so simple to motivate. Therefore, he has a long knife in his hand. The true meaning of the wind is from the "Watermark of the Throne of God". Launched a full-scale attack on him.

Long Haochen forced the other side with a steady pace. At this time, he has already doubled the field of light gods in order to save his spiritual consumption as much as possible. With the horror power of Zijinyu Yuejian, the Fengshen field has not pose any threat to him.

The nine golden purple light lines on the forehead of Long Haochen became more and more shining, and even the eyelids became purple gold.

Although Zijinyu Yuejian continues to convey his thoughts of destruction and destruction, as the owner of the **** of light, the mind of Long Haochen is like his eternal heart, and will never be easily easily polluted.

In the hands of the sword, let go, Li Zhengzhi's true wind, there is no way to face the purple gold moon sword. Broken in the air one by one. The distance between Long Haochen and Li Zhengzhi has also become closer and closer.

In the field of Fengshen, after entering the dragon's morning, in the face of the horror power released from time to time by Zijinyu Yuejian, there are traces of broken and broken from time to time. At this point it is already a somewhat fragmented feeling. Once the Fengshen field is completely broken, Li Zhengzhi’s field skills will naturally not continue.

On the VIP platform of the Knights' Temple, Yang Haoyu sat next to Chen Zi’s side, and his face was shocked. Muttering to himself said: "I thought I was really letting this kid out of my mouth, but he let me be right. His Warcraft is so strong that it is so strong. No wonder even the Devil's Column can destroy. ""

Chen Zi smiled and said: "The waves in the Yangtze River push forward waves, and the waves before the death are on the beach. What is so strange. When you repaired beyond me, I am the same as you are now. However, in the morning The nature of his heart, he seems to be a bit overbearing."

Yang Haoyu smiled slightly and said: "This does not need to worry, although this Warcraft is special, but after all, there is a blood contract.

Chen Zi nodded and said: "This little guy can really bear it! It was only in the last battle that he took out all his strength. I see that his sword of Warcraft can be called a field killer. Li Zhengzhi's Fengshen field can not only perform two fields of technology, but also has already completed an evolution. This level of field can not stop the purple and golden swords. I am afraid there is no field to stop it. The morning repair is enough, and in the future he will not be able to challenge the demon god."

Yang Haoyu’s eyes have become extraordinarily bright. “If he can get the recognition of the creation and the eternal **** of the throne, plus this sword. The hope of mankind really comes, and his morning light will be famous. Return."

The battle in the field has gradually become clear, and the field of the light **** of Long Haochen has been completely retracted, and the field of Fengshen of Li Zhengzhi is like a storm, and it is likely to be broken at any time.

The power of Li Zhengzhi’s true wind has become smaller and smaller, and Long Haochen only feels that the sword in his hand is getting heavier and heavier.

The consumption of Zijinyu's sword is indeed huge. Even if it is the speed of recovery of his eternal heart, some can't keep up with this consumption.

Moreover, in the previous game, his spiritual consumption has not recovered.

Li Zhengzhi suddenly screamed in the sky, and the field of Fengshen, which was full of cracks, suddenly gathered. He held a long knife in his hand and absorbed all the blue-green light on his long knife. Then, in the midair, it seemed as if a blue lightning flashed, and the blue light flashed, and it was in front of Long Haochen.

This knife has no warning. But the power is great, but far beyond all previous attacks. Only Li Zhengzhi knew that this was his third field skill that he had not yet completed. He was a bit like the field, but he could not reach that level. He called it a field like a knife.

Between the haste, what Long Haochen can do is the cross sword. He is not a generation of genius, even if it is not allowed to do this, still complete the posture of the gods.

The blue light and the purple golden swordsman collided in the air. The first time the blue light occupied the upper hand, it was clearly a blue lightning. There were numerous magnificent patterns on the lightning, and the electric light was lingering, and the oppressed display of the gods Long Haochen body moved back and forth. The giant sword in his hand is slowly retreating.

at this time,! The roar of horror sounded from the epee in the morning of Long Haochen. It was an unwilling roar, the anger after the dignity was violated. The sacred armor on the dragon's body was turned into purple gold at this moment, and then the shadow of Haoyue emerged from the back of Long Yuchen.

On the phantom, the two outermost bulges broke slowly, revealing two purple-golded heads. Then, the eight big heads made a loud roar at the same time.

Long Haochen only felt that a huge force emerged from the blood and the epee in the body of the "God of the Throne". Give a big drink and squat in front of the Excalibur.

The blue lightning was finally broken, and it was completely swallowed by the purple-gold sword. Where the purple-gold light passed, went straight to Li Zhengzhi.

The blow just now was originally the final offensive of Li Zhengzhi. Seeing that the purple-golden swordsman, who was several times stronger than before, went straight to himself, Li Zhengzhi sighed, and he no longer defended. He watched the purple-gold sword and went to himself. Because he knows that even if he is fully defended, it is impossible to resist this sword.


Zijinyu Yuejian pointed to the sky, and Long Haochen's arms trembled fiercely. Then he saw that he had picked up the purple golden sword in front of Li Zhengzhi, slanted and rushed out, and the sacred trials. The protective cover is like a paper paste for it. It breaks the defense directly and goes to the sky. Wherever passed, all barriers are turned into nothingness. Disappear.

The halo flowed, and the purple gold 皓 剑 剑 剑 为 为 一道 一道 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 皓 皓 皓 皓 皓 皓

Star King supported Long Haochen with his own body and prevented him from falling.

Long Hao morning pale as paper, "wow", after a large mouthful of blood, it fell softly to the star king.

The Fengshen descended gradually, and only Li Zhengzhi, who had a dull gaze, stood there.

Looking at the dragon that was softly beside the star king, his eyes were full of complex colors. Long Haochen not only won the game, but also won the respect of the audience.

The last sword was that Long Haochen tried his best to change the direction, which left Li Zhengzhi a life. Otherwise, with the destructive power of Zijinyu Yuejian, Li Zhengzhi will die!

Although Long Haochen had been soft, but all the spectators stood up on the watch on the four sides, and the warm applause resounded throughout the audience.

After Li Zhengzhi’s sluggishness lasted for a minute, he gradually woke up. With a hint of solitude and a touch of relaxation on his face, he walked slowly to the front of Long Haochen and helped him up.

The body of Long Haochen is powerful and has the existence of an eternal heart. His spiritual power is recovering at any time. Every time the Eternal Heart beats, it will help him recover a considerable amount of spiritual power. Therefore, although he was burning inside, he did not faint.

"You won." Li Zhengzhi nodded to Long Haochen.

"You have already qualified for the challenge of the Emperor. The future of the Alliance of the Holy Ghost will be based on you. I believe that you will be able to lead the Alliance and get out of the trough and completely change this dark age."

After saying this, Li Zheng took a shot of Long Haochen's shoulder, and then turned and walked outside the venue.

Although the individual game is only the first in the four major competitions of the temple, but the loss to Long Haochen, Li Zhengzhi's mentality has changed dramatically. He is very clear that after the end of the first game, the position of the dawn of the light has been fully laid.

Long Haochen helped the star king and walked out of the competition venue slowly. Caier and his friends are waiting there. When the dragon stepped out of the light curtain in one step. The children immediately greeted them and hugged his body tightly.

After working hard for so long, Long Haochen’s plan is finally nearing completion.

In the first round of the sixth round, Long Hao morning wins.

In the second round of the sixth round, the children were the only remaining knights in the Knights Templar.

Since the holy knight consumed too much in the last battle, he finally chose to quit the game and win without winning.

In the third round of the sixth round, Wang et al.

Although the drug brother was extremely unwilling, he eventually conceded in the eyes of Wang Yuanyuan.

At this point, the first six rounds of the individual game were all over, and the light morning hunter demon group won the top three horror results with amazing strength.

In the sixth round, each winner will receive thirty-two points.

At this point, the individual competition points are ranked: the light morning hunter hunter 256 points, the magic temple one hundred and five points, the knight temple ninety-eight points, the soul temple fifty-eight points, the assassin temple three Fourteen points, twenty-four points of the Warrior Temple.

However, the game is not over yet.

After the completion of the sixth round of competition, Long Haochen, Caier and Wang Yuanyuan stood at the site at the request of Chen Zi.

The temple is about to end, but the more exciting plot is still behind. Let's take a look.

Seek monthly ticket, recommended ticket. Three more. (To be continued)


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