Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 254: Far ahead (on)

Chapter 254 is far ahead (on)

Because in the previous individual competition, everyone knows each other's spiritual power. Therefore, in this spiritual competition, there is actually not much suspense.

As the final champion of the individual competition, the light morning hunter demon group will be the last to appear in the spiritual competition. This is also one of the benefits they have received.

As with individual competitions, the highest spiritual competition cannot use any equipment and drugs to increase, and all can only rely on their own personal strength.

A total of twenty-one people have been standing around the crystal column to form a circle. As the chief referee, Chen Zi is standing on the side of the crystal column. When anyone conducts the spiritual test, he must be under his concern. It is completely impossible to chew.

Chen Zi turned to Qiu Yonghao, the head of the Warrior Temple, and said, “According to the first round of rankings, the highest spiritual test is started from low to high. The Warrior Temple is tested.”

Qiu Yonghao nodded and went on to evaluate the two warriors.

The overall strength of the Warrior Temple is indeed the weakest of the six great temples, but the number is the six largest temples. After all, the threshold for becoming a warrior is the lowest.

Qiu Yonghao took the lead and raised his right hand and pressed it on the crystal column. Suddenly, the transparent crystal column began to change color.

Reddish red appeared at the bottom of the crystal column and slowly climbed upwards. When climbing to one tenth of the ten-foot-high crystal column, the color began to turn orange, continue to climb upward, and after one tenth increase, orange It is yellow.

The speed of the color rise in the crystal column began to slow down, and Qiu Yonghao’s face began to become dignified, and his forehead saw sweat.

It can be distinguished from the color, red red represents 100,000 spiritual power, orange is 100,000, and entering the yellow area means that Qiu Yonghao's spiritual power has exceeded 200,000. He is also over 100 years old this year. He will not have too much growth in age and can only rely on his own strength.

Finally, the color in the crystal column stopped at a position that climbed to more than half of the yellow, and Qiu Yonghao would not be able to move up any more.

With a sigh, Qiu Yonghao closed, and a huge golden number emerged from the top of the crystal column.

Twenty-seven thousand three hundred and sixty-four.

This is the total amount of spiritual power of Qiu Yonghao.

Next is the other two soldiers of the Temple Powerhouse. Their repairs are still different from Qiu Yonghao, and they are not strong in the field. The inner spiritual power of both of them is around 200,000.

In the end, plus the calculation of age, the total strength of the Warrior Temple is 694,160.

This result is not too high.

Behind the Temple of the Warrior is the Assassin's Temple. The Assassin's Temple is slightly better. In the end, the total amount of spiritual power is 783,200. It is quite good.

The Temple of Soul was in the first round of the score of fifty-eight, which was inferior to the sixty-seven priests, so they made their third appearance.

With the strong play of Chen Hongyu, the master of the Soul Temple, the total number of their spiritual powers reached 83,2,241, surpassing the two previous temples.

It is a bit tricky for the pastor's temple in the first round. In the second round, they did not have an advantage. Ling Xiao and Ling Lao played together, plus another field-level pastor. In the end, their total spiritual power barely stood 800,000, but it was slightly weaker than the Temple of the Soul.

At this point, the rankings of the four temples have been basically confirmed, and the remaining magical temple, the knight's sanctuary, and the light morning hunter demon have not been tested.

Everyone knows that this is the time for a real victory. The highest spiritual power competition, no one will be optimistic about the light of the morning hunter demon group, although they have an age advantage, but the overall spiritual power is no more than 900,000, it depends on the magic temple and the Knights Templar who can rank first.

The Magic Temple is played by Li Zhengzhi, Mo Yu, and the magical sanctuary who has the strongest defense in the magical temple.

Dark Master Mo Wu and the Earth Master have nearly 300,000 spiritual power. Plus they are less than a hundred years old, and there is a bonus. After the two spiritual assessments, the total spiritual power of the Magic Temple is close to 600,000.

Li Zhengzhi made his last appearance. In the crystal column, the color of the light rises rapidly. Red, orange, yellow, green, when the light column finally enters the cyan area, although many people have guessed Li Zhengzhi's cultivation, they still can't help but exclaim. This means that Li Zhengzhi’s inner spiritual power has exceeded 400,000!

In the end, the light column stagnated in the cyan area, and Li Zhengzhi’s spiritual power was more than 420,000. Together with the spiritual power of the two previous magicians, the magical temple eventually totaled more than one million, one million seven hundred and four hundred and four hundred and twenty-three.

Can the Knights Templar surpass the Magic Temple? Soon, the Knights' Temple gave a strong answer.

The three of the Knights’ Temples did not even have the gods of the Knights’ Dragon Seal, but Yang Haoyu led the team, plus the strongest shield of the Knights’ Temple and the one who broke into the Sixth.

When the three knights went there, Li Zhengzhi’s face became ugly.

The strongest shield was the first to shoot, and the spiritual power was fixed at more than 321,600.

The top six knights took the second shot, and the spiritual strength was fixed at more than 338,800.

Finally arrived in Yang Haoyu's appearance, he calmly came to the front of the crystal column. Lift your right hand and pat it on the crystal column with one palm.

A shocking scene appeared, the color of the crystal column was like a blowout, and the red, orange, yellow, green, and blue colors flashed and passed into the blue area.

The first person in the Temple League is not to say that simple. Yang Haoyu defended the dignity of the Knight's Temple with his own strength. His inner spiritual power is as high as 56,800,000, far exceeding Li Zhengzhi's 420,000.

In the end, the Knights' Templar was overwhelmed by the magical temple with a total spiritual power of more than 1.2 million. After this round, the rankings of the two temples will inevitably change.

The light of the morning hunter demon group last appearance, Chen Yinger first battle, the first day of spiritual power 170,000.

The second appearance of the children, the first day of spiritual power of 190,000.

When I got here, a lot of people have secretly sighed in my heart. This morning of the light, the hunter is still young! In the field of spiritual competition, they really do not take advantage.

Finally, it was the turn of Long Haochen. It also brought the only bright spot to the dawn of the light hunter, and with the radiance of the eternal heart, Long Haochen’s first day of spirituality rushed straight to the 300,000 mark and eventually stagnated at 300,000. position.

After these days of competition and comprehension, Long Xichen’s cultivation has improved. If it does not count the extra 90,000 innumerable power of the eternal heart, his own inner spiritual power will reach about 220,000.

In the end, the three men’s scores were added to more than 570,000.

At this time, the advantage of age is revealed. Long Haochen is twenty-five years old, Caier is twenty-four years old, and Chen Yinger is twenty-eight years old. Their spiritual power is as high as 233,000. Plus 570,000 results. In the end, it turned out to be 800,000.

The most funny thing is that I don't know if I have been taken care of by the **** of luck. Although their total spiritual power is inferior to the temple of the soul, it surpasses the pastor's temple, and the advantage is only a weak 13-point spiritual power...

In the end, the highest spiritual competition, the Knights' Temple won the first place without any controversy, then the Magic Temple, the Soul Temple, the Light Morning Hunting Devils, the Pastor Temple, the Assassin's Temple and the Warrior Temple.

After the end of the game, the points also changed. According to the rules, the first place will receive 200 points, the second place is 150, the third place is 120, the fourth is 90, the fifth is 60, and the last one has no points.

Because of the addition of a light morning hunter, the original six parties became the seven parties, so the sixth place won 30 points, the last one still has no points.

The rankings are as follows: Light Morning, hunter demon 442, Knights' Temple 298, Magic Hall 255, Soul Temple 178, Pastor's Temple One hundred and twenty, the Assassin's Temple is sixty-four points, and the Warrior Temple is twenty-four.

Although the light hunter demon squad only won the fourth place in this round, but because of the huge advantage of the first round, it is still far ahead, and the Knights' Temple, under the leadership of Yang Haoyu, overtakes the magic temple. The Warrior Temple is the worst, only twenty-four points, the bottom. In the next two games, they are probably hard to make a difference.

Although the first two rounds of competition are intense, the game that really decides the final ranking will be held tomorrow. Because, in the third round of field competition, it is the most points in all four major games. According to the rules, the first place will receive as many as 500 points. Moreover, now it is no longer a six-party competition, more than the seventh party of the light morning hunter demon group, it is likely that the points will also rise.

In this game, it is very likely that there will be a situation of turning around. After all, Long Haochen, they compared the Knights' Temple, they only have less than one hundred and fifty.

Therefore, today’s game is over, and Long Haochen quickly returns to the headquarters of the League with his partners.

"Is Lin Xin still not coming back?" Long Haochen asked Sima Xian.

Sima Xian shook his head and said: "Not yet. When he left last night, he told me to go to his grandfather to learn magic. Then it has not appeared yet."

Long Haochen slightly decapitated, he can faintly guess what Lin Xin is going to learn. Because the second round and the third round of the game do not require him to participate, Lin Xin does not affect everyone to participate in the big ratio.

"Head, let me go tomorrow." Wang Yuanyuan said firmly.

Chen Yinger suddenly became anxious. "In the original, you can't grab it with me! This third round is allowed to wear equipment. I have the soul sacred clothes to help, and I will not suffer."

In the third round of the field battle, each party will appear three people, all of whom are required to be strong in the field. Among the light morning hunters, there are four strong players. Long Haochen and Caier are definitely going to play. This third place is naturally chosen between Wang Yuanyuan and Chen Yinger.


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