Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 257: Dress up! Morning light (below)

The br&gt king was replaced by an epic armor, and at the same time gained enough empty silver crystal.

The last time her giant sacred shield was used, the empty silver crystal was lost. With this addition, the Shield of the Giant Spirit can once again show its epic brilliance, no, it should be immortal. . After all seven empty silver crystals are set, the Shield of the Giant Spirit can reach the immortal level.

Lin Xin’s harvest is even greater. The glory of the sacred fire adores the magic robes, and there is also a super wand with a dragon nucleus. These two things are actually immortal. It can be said that Lin Xin is the most profitable one.

Sima Xian did not choose equipment, Feng Linger said that she has prepared a set of suits for Sima Xian at the sacred auction.

Han Yu and Zhang Fangfang did not choose any equipment, and both of them were determined. Although they did not say it, everyone could faintly guess their purpose. Like Long Haochen, they are aiming at the Shenyin Throne that can provide full set of equipment for attack and defense.

Don't choose any equipment in the hunting magic group trading center, just to break the boat and not leave any retreat for yourself.

Compared with them, Yang Wenzhao and hesitant hesitantly chose equipment. Under the deliberate arrangement of Long Haochen. Yang Wenzhao won a pair of epic swords, and the memory is an epic shield plus an epic epee. The equipment of the two of them alone consumed more than six million merits.

In addition to these nine personal equipment, Long Haochen also purchased several team equipment and drugs. Two of them used in the field of the 9th-order powers of the Epiphany, and they spent a horrible merit. The two medicinal herbs were given to Lin Xin and Sima Xian.

Four of the original seven people in the light of the morning hunter have had the field Han Yu's next goal is the **** of the throne. Therefore, Long Haochen naturally takes priority to Lin Xin and Sima Xian who have already been in the ninth order. Although Zhang Fangfang is also a ninth-order, he and Wang Yu have taken the initiative to give up the competition of medicinal herbs.

What the dragon team likes most in the team equipment is a field called flash. This piece of equipment is a necklace that looks quite ordinary if it doesn't shine with an orange-red glow that represents an epic level. It is a simple silver necklace with a clear crystal pendant. The crystal is snowflake-shaped and slightly unique.

The reason why the name is called flash is because this epic equipment is domain-capable in a sense.

The owner can inject spiritual power under his own spiritual guidance, and release multiple flashes of light from the field of flashing light to connect with his partner. In the battle, he can instantly move the partner of the flash of light to his side. The flash of light has domain priority, which means that even if the partner is restricted by the enemy field, it can be transmitted.

However, there is a limit to the flash of light, which must be accepted by the exhibitor in order to form contact with the exhibitor.

With this team equipment, coupled with the powerful spirit of Long Haochen, he can deploy the position of the partners at the core of the team on the battlefield. With the soul chain, it greatly enhances the survival ability of the Light Morning Hunting Demon on the battlefield.

It can be said that today's dress-up has made a qualitative leap in the overall strength of the dawn of the light. Just wait for the approval of the Knights of the Knights to get the throne of the gods, and Yang Wenzhao and the memory of the Knights of the fine gold base. An unprecedentedly powerful hunter is born.

That night, everyone in the morning of the light said goodbye to their relatives. The next morning, just after dawn, they left the holy city with the knights who participated in the Knights’ Temple and went straight to the Knights’ Templar. .

At the same time, the new federation has begun to operate at high speed. Li Zhengzhi and Long Tianyin stayed in the Holy City and were responsible for the formation and training of the First and Second Legion of the New Federation. The six temples have been urgently selected for the combination of the Holy City and the professional powerhouses near the Holy City. Even a part of the strong who participated in the temple was stayed.

As the first two combined corps of the new federation, it is natural to cultivate the strongest existence. Thus showing the correctness of the federal policy, and guiding the people to trust the new federal

Mozu, Modu, and Magic Palace.

"What? Long Hao morning is not dead?"

The Emperor Huang Fengxiu grabbed the hands of the seat and slammed it hard. The pinched black throne armpit squeaked, but there was no sign of any damage. This throne is said to have been made from the skeleton of the first generation of the demon god, representing the majesty of the demon god. Have a very important meaning in the Mozu

Sitting in the first place of the devil, A Bao quietly sat there, with a long black hair and black hair on his shoulders. Compared with a few years ago, he seems to be a lot calmer. The whole person looks like a statue. The handsome face is slightly pale. When I heard the three words of Long Haochen, his originally calm eyes suddenly became sharp, as if there were two electric lights flashing in the magic palace, even if it was the demon god, it was also a slight eye.

In five years, Abao is like a personal change. His character is restrained a lot. Become dumb. But only the devil of the devil knows how great Abao has paid in these five years. Even if the Mozu is the affair of the mad god, it is impossible to compare with Abao's hard work in cultivation.

As the son of the demon **** emperor, A Bao has a pure blood of the anti-Dragon dragon family, coupled with the hard work and hardship of the day after tomorrow, his cultivation has already turned upside down.

Standing below to report, it is the Devil's Black Dragon Guards commander Huang Shuo.

"Yes, my Majesty, according to our return in the Temple Alliance. Long Haochen not only did not die, but also led his hunting demon to participate in the Temple League of the Temple of the United States, and won the championship. Long Haochen Dawei has shown extremely strong strength and already has a field." Huang Shuo said respectfully.

A Bao concentrated and listened, his expression seemed calm, but his hands were clenched into fists without knowing it.

The demon **** brow wrinkled, Shen Sheng said: "Long Haochen is my own kill, how can it be resurrected? The heart is destroyed, even a strong human priest can not restore him. This news must have problems. Huang Shuo You launch all our spies on the human side, get more news at all costs, fast."

"Yes. Your Majesty, will it be a human being?" Huang Shuo said.

The devil's emperor said: "It's not impossible. Can I kill the dragons that I killed myself? But why do humans do this? Didn't the jihad more than four years ago give them enough lessons?"

"Father, let me go to the human side and take a trip. If Long Haochen is still alive, I will bring his body back." In Abao's heart, there is only one person who hates most, that is, Long Haochen. Long Haochen had crushed his self-confidence and made him lose his favorite woman. It also caused him to have a obsession, lack of strength, and everything is illusory. Therefore, he has been madly practicing in these years, preparing for his future takeover of the devil.

"No. It is not necessary. Long Haochen is indeed dead. Huang Shuo, you are going to invite the Star Devil, I have something to ask him."

"Yes." Huang Shuo's respectful promise to leave quickly.

A Bao Shen Sheng: "Father, I don't understand why you didn't smash his corpse in the first place, but let go of his companion and his body?" He has been extremely puzzled about this and does not understand the devil. Why is the emperor so?

At this time, the face of the demon **** was also ugly, and he snorted. "You don't need to inquire about this matter. I have my own claim. I do this, and naturally have the meaning of doing this."

A Bao no longer spoke, bowed his head and chose silence.

With the improvement of his strength and his age, his status in the Mozu is getting higher and higher. This is true of the demon gods of all ages. When they are still princes, with the improvement of cultivation, the status of the demon dragons will become higher and higher, until the old demon emperor is accompanied by the aging is over or the old demon **** After death, inherit the position of the demon god.

In the history of the Mozu, there have even been cases in which the next generation of the demon gods personally killed the last demon god.

Not long, the star devil Wasak accompanied by Huang Shuo came to the Magic Palace.

"Big Brother, are you looking for me?" Washak respectfully bowed to the demon god, and greeted Abao with a slight decapitation.

A Bao just fainted, but did not stand up and did not speak.

The devil's emperor said: "The third brother, Huang Shuo should have told you about it. The news came from the human side, saying that Long Haochen was resurrected. What do you think of this?"

Star Devil Wasak laughed and said: "The rumor is nothing. The big brother has forgotten that Long Haochen was killed by you personally. Moreover, after his death, I immediately predicted the future of our Mozu. Although I have shown It’s just ordinary prophecy, but what you see is the bright and transparent future of the Mozu. The earlier threats have completely disappeared. Although I don’t know why humans are doing this, I can be sure that Long Haochen must have It’s dead. Even with Austin and Griffin, it’s dead.”

After listening to Washak’s affirmative answer, the Emperor’s emotions relaxed a little, and nodded, “If this is the best, I am afraid that humans have any special ways to bring him back to life.”

At this time, A Bao suddenly interjected: "Three uncles, if you use the big prophecy again, can you predict the situation of Long Haochen?"

The demon **** brow wrinkled, said: "A Bao does not talk nonsense. Do you think that the big prophecy can be used casually? When your uncle used to perform a large prophecy, how long you have been weak, you don't know. Recently Just recovered."


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