Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 258: Heaven and Man are united (below)

Chapter 258—Heaven and Man Unity (Part II)

"When we first went to the exorcism gate, you made a small home for us. At that time I promised you, I will definitely give you a warm home in the future. Although today, my father and mother have already set aside for us. Marriage, but I have never officially proposed to you. I will not let you suffer any grievances, I want you to be the happiest person in the whole world."

As he said, Long Haochen's handsome face was slightly reddened, and his eyes became jealous, using his lips to gently touch her long eyelashes.

"Stupid. I have already given myself to you when I will not forget the ring on your hand. As long as I can be with you, what are the grievances and grievances? The future journey against the Mozu is long. I don't want to wait any longer. I am afraid that if I am old, I can't give you my best moments."

The voice of the children was very light. She almost affixed to the dragon ear and said this. The voice of soft Nono, with the faint aroma of Lan Ruqi, constantly invaded the heart of Long Haochen.

Long Haochen licked the waist of the child with one hand, and the other hand rolled up her long, soft hair, letting her innocent and exquisite face be presented to herself.

Four eyes are opposite, their hearts seem to be immersed in the reflection of each other's eyes, bowed their heads, and Long Haochen gently touched some cold lips.

There is a trace of slipperiness in the softness, and there is a slight trembling, but the simple touch is completely incomprehensible in the next moment.

They have been together for more than ten years, born and died, and have experienced many things that ordinary people can't imagine. Especially in the Star Devils Tower, the Dragon Wars died in the morning, and in the Eternal Tower, in order to resurrect Long Haochen, after almost paying their lives, they are no longer two people, but have a whole of two hearts.

Hold tightly and kiss each other gently. At this moment, the only thing left in their hearts is satisfaction. Years of love finally has a quiet time to bloom the most beautiful flowers. They are so tacit, both physically and mentally, and at this moment they have already fully invested in each other.

Long Haochen with the tender body of the child dumped on the bed, their lips are always connected, and the dragon's morning hot burning hands are also in the slight shudder of the picking. The curves under the nightdress are attached to her straight and slender. It is more like a warm jade-like long leg.

Warmth, accompanied by a hint of numbness and crispness, made the heartbeat of the children more and more powerful, but she did not have any symbolic resistance, but just licking her man’s neck and fitting her full love and attachment. In his heart.

When the scene after the children's fusion in the Fantasy Temple appeared in front of Long Haochen, everything happened naturally.

Gently whispering, whispering softly, their love is sublimated again in the blending of each other.

Long Yuchen and Caier are oysters, but human primitives and instincts promote their mutual integration in oysters. The light pain and more love are constantly rising in this blend. The perfect combination of spirit and desire finally makes the last layer of thinness that has already been called out, and the barrier has been completely smooth.

It all seems to come a little bit suddenly, but it is so natural. The oysters gradually become more explored and become more proficient. They all have a body that is far superior to ordinary people, and it is more able to release the love that is in the hearts of each other.

In the morning, when the first touch of sunlight penetrated into the room from the window of the Yulongguan mountain wall, Long Haochen slowly woke up from his sleep.

His mind was slightly confused, but the next moment, he was shocked by the beauty of his eyes.

The light of the gentle sun shines above the slenderness outside the quilt, reflecting the crystal clear luster. Her blown skin is more radiant than jade, with a hint of pink, it seems to be The aftertaste of last night has not returned.

The children slept very sweetly, with a faint smile on the pretty face, and a drop of happy tears hanging on the cheeks that she could blow. The dragon couldn’t help but kiss it gently.

Gently holding her, and fearing to wake her up, the goodness of last night, and even let Long Haochen feel that his soul has evolved. Let his heart that is like a gold-like light have more infinite vitality.

A man who has never had a woman is always incomplete. They are now real men and women.

Long Haochen looked at the children, and the light in his eyes became more and more gentle. It seemed that no matter how long he looked, he still didn't see enough.

Perhaps it is the warmth of the dragon's morning embrace, and the child gently leans against him. Let the two people fit closer together. After she changed from a girl to a woman, the aroma of the body seemed to become more intense. It was almost impossible to make a self-made dragon.

But when she remembered her whispering pain last night, Long Haochen still resisted, just gently stroking her silky back. Whenever his hand swept over the striking and fascinating arc between the waist and hip, he couldn't help but sigh the perfect creation of the Creator. At this moment, he really wants to melt her into her arms, and always look at her like this and love her.

The hand of the child, I don’t know when I’m holding back Long Haochen, and I’m screaming with a bit of lazy and shy voice. “Let’s go. They should be waiting for you. I’ll wait here. You triumphantly come back. No matter what the test, you must remember that I am waiting for you, waiting for you to come back. For me, only your talent is the most important."

Long Hao morning tightened his arm and whispered: "When I come back, we are still like last night, okay?"

The children did not say anything, but they used a small hand to screw a soft meat between the dragon's waist and the waist, but after all, they were still not willing to work hard. Just pull the quilt aside and hide your head.

Long Haochen’s face was a happy smile. She patted it on the quilt and couldn’t help but pinch it on her hips. Then I wrapped her in the quilt and put it on the quilt. On, softly said: "When I come back. Your man will definitely become a **** knight."

After half an hour.

When Long Haochen appeared in the main hall of the Knights' Temple, Han Yu and Zhang Fangfang had already waited there. Also waiting here is Long Xingyu.

Seeing Long Haochen, the three are a little glimpse. Because they were surprised to find that the dragon spirit of Long Haochen seems to have a qualitative leap, the whole person has even changed the temperament. Originally purely bright, he had an indescribable life. The spirit of the spirit has also reached its peak. Especially his eyes, it looks more unpretentious and more gentle. They all have a feeling that the repair of Long Haochen has been on the upper floor between the night. It’s just that they don’t understand how this trick changed.


Put on a lavender dress and sit at the window. It snowed outside, the snow fluttered in the air, and it fell slowly on the window.

There was a faint smile at the corner of her mouth, and her heart was very happy and quiet. In fact, she is very clear, if it is not her initiative, Long Haochen will never ask her at this time. However, she has to choose at this time.

The power of purification can purify all impurities. As a **** of death, she chooses to be one with him at this time, in order to be able to further purify him and give him the deepest love.

Purification and light are the perfect combination. Her field and the field of Long Haochen are complementary. Breaking through the last line of defense between the two means that they are completely blended with each other's atmosphere and field. The children gave themselves to the man who was completely and completely, and it also put him in an unprecedented peak.

Last night's Long Haochen, there was only endless love and pity in my heart. Until this morning, when he felt the change in his body, he understood the painstaking efforts of the children. But he did not say anything. With their tacit understanding, there is no need to say anything.

In the same way, after the pure light of Long Haochen, the current children are so radiant, she can feel the sublimation of her purification power.

Suddenly, the child smiled and muttered to himself: "Is it because we should have been..."


"Are you all ready?" looked at the three young people in front of him, Long Xingyu said.

The three men also saluted Long Xingyu at the same time. "The **** of the Knights, we are ready."

Although Long Haochen is the Federal President, at the moment he is about to challenge the Knights of God, he is now just treating himself as a regular knight in the Knights Templar.

Long Xingyu nodded and said: "The recognition of any holy knight to challenge the throne of the gods is a major event. You can only have one chance to challenge each level on the ninth-order road. How many knights are there? The holy knights should be seen when you are in the temple. But the gods and knights are only three of us. The process of challenge can only be experienced by you, because each person’s experience is different. Even the same The two personal challenges are completely different. I can only teach you one sentence, strengthen your faith and move forward."

After saying this, Long Xingyu suddenly got up, and a kind of smashing weather suddenly burst out from him. Compared with Long Tianyin and Yang Yuhan, the three men are all gods and knights. But on combat effectiveness, in fact, Long Xingyu is the strongest of the three knights, because only he is the disciplinary knight. It is also the owner of the doomsday and the **** of killing.

"follow me."

Long Xingyu led the three people of Long Haochen straight to the depths of the main hall. There, there are six sculptures of the throne of God. Yes, just sculpture. Even if it was just a sculpture, when the three dragons walked to the front of the six gods of the gods, they could not help but raise a strange feeling.


I’m going to go down, oh, next, I’m going to play. The main point is. The **** of the throne will finally appear.

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