Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 262: Moonlight Queen and Tree of Destruction (on)

~ "" ~ 226 chapter moonlight queen and tree of destruction (on)

Long Haochen has just completed the advanced, coupled with the short-term engulfing of Easton’s life field, he feels that he is in an unprecedented state of strength. But the eternal heart in his chest is constantly beating, as if he is recovering spiritual power.

"Human, why are you entering my territory." Kingston's voice is still deafening and inversely proportional to his figure.

Long Haochen Shen Sheng said: "Iston King, you are bullying the weak for your own selfish desires, but also committing the crime of destroying the genocide. Today will make you pay the price."

As I said, Long Haochen’s hands were on top of his head, and the bright goddess aria and blue rain and the hibiscus of light had already merged. The colorful light of the dragon rises instantly, and the domain of his light **** is also like the water waves.

"Far fart." Kingston's screaming, the giant axe and the giant hammer waved at the same time, suddenly, his green field of life instantly turned into a number of plant forms in the air toward the dragon's light gods Come.

The green light enters the colorful golden light, and the result is exactly the same as before. The green color can only help the power of the colorful golden light. The power of the dragon god's domain can instantly increase rapidly, and the speed of rushing out becomes faster.

"How could this be?" Kingston was shocked. Hurry up and collect your own field, and start to go straight to the dragon.

The situation is completely restrained, and this situation is extremely rare, and only when the degree of mutual gram in both fields reaches the extreme will occur. The field of Long Haochen and the field of Kingston are not only as simple as restraint, but also have similar characteristics. Kingston's life field is almost the best fuel in the field of the Dragon's Morning Light, but between this, the strength of Long Haochen's field has already exceeded his control.

In the face of Kingston's slamming, Long Haochen was not afraid at all, and his hands were holding the sword of life and creation, and it was the Shura.

Now the Shura is not the beginning, not only the strength of the field of Long Haochen, but also his understanding of the sword and the soul of the sword. I saw a colorful golden light that fell from the sky, and the whole mountain was covered with chill. At this moment, Long Haochen, the body exudes unprecedented majesty.

When the green light of Kingston's body touched the colorful golden light on the dragon's sword, it was weakened as if it were melted, and even the pair of artifact-level weapons in his hand were greatly affected.

However, the strength of Kingston's spirit is far above the dragon's morning. He shouted, and his hands and arms were one point. Suddenly, the dragon's sword was shredded by a horrible force. At the same time, he It was also near, the right hand axe and the dragon's life and the sword of creation collided.

The horror color appeared on the face of Long Haochen. He never thought that the power of a person or any kind of creature could get such a terrible degree. He can even be sure that even if it is a demon god, it is impossible to have such strength in terms of strength.

Only the sword of life and creation was touched to the edge. At the next moment, the whole body of Long Haochen flew out like a cannonball, and the slammed impact on the distant wall.

The stone wall in this mountain is extremely hard, but this is the case. When Long Haochen's body hits it, it is also a green splash of debris, and he has a big pit.

With the repair of the third-order third-order of the dragon, and the suppression of the opponent's field power and swordsmanship, the power of Easton's king will actually have this result.

The eternal heart violently beaten, but Long Haochen couldn't help but spurt a blood. He only felt that his body seemed to be crushed by a huge stone. There was no pain in the whole body, especially the arms. At this time, it is not like his own.

After the instant contact, the sword of life and creation has completely split and changed back to two epee. And all the above appeared fine cracks, and the eyes will be broken. Although Long Haochen’s own body is recovering rapidly, how can such a battle continue?

No wonder, no wonder even his pet has such a strong power, no wonder his short stature but this horrible grunt. It turned out that his power was terrible.

The sound of the proud King of Easton sounded, "Haha, this king has the blood of the king of Titan. In terms of strength, even if God came to me, he could only bow down to the court."

In his triumphant work, the thick golden light has slowly drifted out of the cave that Long Haochen’s body has pulled out. Compared with before, this colorful golden light has become more intense. And it is following a strange trajectory with a slight squeak. The colorful flow, the light is actually rotating quickly. In the next moment, Long Haochen has reappeared in the air.

Taking a deep breath, Long Hao morning stared at Easton King. "Since I can't compete with you in strength, then I only use the field."

In the next moment, Long Haochen turned into a sun, and colorful golden light shot out, instantly shining in every corner of the mountain.

King Easton is also not immune. Although he has extremely terrifying power, he is completely suppressed by Long Haochen in terms of attributes. Colorful golden light shrouded him, and Easton suddenly felt that his spiritual power was drawn by the colorful golden light at an alarming rate.

At this time, of course, he can't display his own field, which will only speed up his own cultivation to be swallowed up by the domain of the **** of light. Only the attacking enemy will be saved, and defeating the dragon will be able to lift the threat to him in this field of light.

King Easton screamed, and the right-handed hammer suddenly flew out, flying in the air like a huge green meteor.

Long Haochen smiled lightly. "In the strength competition, even if it is a hundred, I may not be your opponent. However, your field is completely suppressed by me, without the weakening and countering of the field. Your strength is stronger, too Just a non-domain powerhouse."

In the time of his speech, the hammer has passed over him, but the smashed is just a light and shadow. The giant hammer is empty, and an arc is drawn when it is about to touch the cave wall. King Easton. In this cave, Kingston can only see the colorful gold.

The world of light and **** made him see the world, only colorful, the cave seems to have disappeared, and everything around it is colorful.

As Long Haochen said, there is no confrontation in the field. There is no chance for the ordinary strong to confront the strong in the field. The dominance of the field alone makes him powerful and nowhere to be.

King Easton was silent, and a pair of brown eyes glared at the glare. In the hands of a pair of huge weapons on both sides of the body, he is in the position of the dragon. However, he soon found himself doing nothing. Because in the field of Long Haochen, his perception can only be light. A trace of soul can't be detected.

Long Yuchen is now hidden in the domain of the **** of light, is rapidly treating his body, and the brain is also running at high speed.

If it is not the absolute restraint of the field, even the sacred knight Yang Haoyu, the first strong man of the sacred continent, is not the opponent of Easton. His strength is really terrible. In his field, the power of life is so pure. Fortunately, the evolution of the light gods of Long Haochen has the effect of controlling the life process and then generating the fusion of life. Otherwise, he has no choice but to escape.

Influenced by the domain of the light god, his own spiritual power is greatly reduced. Even if his strength is stronger and he loses his spiritual support, he can only be killed by the dragon one by one.

Kingston's eyes were full of unwillingness. This battle was too sorrowful. He never thought that someone might have the ability to restrain his field. Be aware that his field of life has the power to control the vitality of all animals and plants. Once covered by his field, the enemy's vitality will be quickly taken away, plus his super strength. In this Easton world, no one has ever been able to pose a partial threat to him.

What is counterproductive is that he is in big trouble today. He has always been self-proclaimed in the field of the **** of light, the field of light **** after the evolution of the dragon, like a firewood, a fire, (cough...), then he can only be ignited.

A roar of anger in the sky, the life of Kingston's life suddenly erupted like a blowout, and the hidden gods of life once again bloomed. Although this is just a matter of drinking and quenching thirst, but only in this way, through the collision of the field, he can find the position of Long Haochen!

The body flashed, and the speed of Kingston was instantly raised to the extreme. At the same time, the two-handed weapon flew out at the same time, covering the direction of Long Haochen.

I saw that the two great artifacts rushed to Long Haochen, but at the same time they were about to touch, they also turned and collided with each other, bursting with a roar of horror. A layer of strong emerald-colored lightning scatters, covering at least three hundred square meters.

"Haha, see where you are still running. I am hit by my squad, even if your field restrains me, you have to be paralyzed and shocked. Hehe..."

Only when I said this, King Easton realized that it was wrong. Because he found that the dragon's figure disappeared, and the domain of the **** of light is accelerating the fusion of his life domain.

"No, this is impossible." Kingston's two incomprehensible catches of the two artifacts that flew back, the face of which is incredible.


Ok, I admit that it’s really not much more than two every day, but it’s too embarrassing to explode last month. It’s really hurting, and you’ve squeezed a ten more at the beginning of the month. After my grandmother became ill, I couldn't even bring my mother to help bring my child. I can only bring two children with my wife. You have to understand that an old man is forced to take a child at home, pick up a child, and accompany his child to the hard work of English class!

It is not easy for an old man to maintain a stable update every day. Therefore, the monthly and recommended tickets are still justified! ! !



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