Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 263: resurrection! Yating's kiss (below)

~ Date: ~09月27日~

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"It's useless, don't waste your efforts. The Queen of the Moon is the patriarch of the night elves, and her dark attributes are deep-rooted." Although Kingston turned around and did not look at Long Haochen's actions, his perception was still Naturally understand what Long Haochen is doing.

After all, Ya Ting is an elemental elf. In a sense, it is only the existence of the soul form. Even if her soul is solidified, it is still only the soul. → This morning is to find a body for her. The moon-night queen who lost her soul is obviously the most suitable elf. The fusion of elemental elves and real elves is far more than Other ethnic integrations are much easier. But the premise is that the attributes should be the same, and no exclusion will occur.

King Easton is the master of the power of life. Naturally understand this truth and know what Long Haochen wants to do. But he does not think that Long Haochen can succeed.

Long Haochen thought for a moment and said: "Perhaps, there is only another way." As he said, he raised his right hand and slowly printed it on the towering and firm left chest of the Queen of the Moon.

Kingston’s feeling of Long Haochen’s practice was shocked and he said: “Friend, don’t shake your own light.” He is afraid of the dragon’s fascination, what should be done The thing is really like that, his power of light will certainly become no longer pure.

Long Haochen shook his head gently, and then he pressed the hand on the chest of the Queen of the Moon to have a faint red light. A drop of blood appeared on his five fingers at the same time. Then slowly infiltrate from the skin of the Queen of the Moon.

"You, you are..." Kingston has already had to look at the Queen of the Moonlight night, and suddenly turned around, and some looked dull and looked at Long Haochen.

"Is it worth it? Even if you can succeed, you will definitely be hurt. The elemental elves will follow you forever if you don't have a body."

Long Haochen shook his head gently and said: "Yating is not only an elemental elf, but also my partner. I have never regarded her as a follower. She is my friend. Missed this opportunity, maybe she will I can never have an entity. For me, Yating has already paid a lot, and I am just hurting what is it?"

The same thing → I used to do it once in the morning, that is, on the Mount of the Knights, in order to save the life of Haoyue, I changed the attributes of Haoyue with my own blood.

Yes, if you want to get rid of the darkness in the blood of the Queen of the Moon, then you can only use the power of the blood to wash it. → The morning is to replace the darkness of the Queen of the Moon with your own blood, with pure blood and blood. Ting creates a perfect body.

In the air. Ya Ting’s body was shaking slightly. The mood is very volatile. However, her integration has not yet been completed, but in the control of the light gods of Long Haochen, it is impossible to move. I could only watch a drop of blood from the dragon's hand on the morning of the dragon into the Queen's body.

The tears of big drops and big drops are constantly dripping from the eyes of Ya Ting, how lucky she is! Fortunately for your choice. Looking at Long Haochen, she suddenly felt that her feelings had become rich and colorful. Just like it is really a living body and not an element. She slowly closed her eyes, and the light from her body became even more embarrassing.

Long Haochen used his own actions to make Ya Ting comprehend a higher level of light, and her soul began a common evolution with the body of the element.

Long Hao morning is not the original dragon morning. At that time, he died in order to save the life of Haoyue, and he almost died of blood loss. If it was not for the timely return of blood in the next month, I am afraid that he would have died.

But now it is different. He has the genius of light, whether it is in the sacred continent or in the world of Easton, it is the purest light physique. When his first light **** was immersed in the body of the moon goddess. The dark blood of the moon goddess has produced huge fluctuations.

If the Queen's soul is still in the moonlight night, she can still control her own strength to force the rejection, creating difficulties for Long Haochen. But now she has lost her soul, and the power of darkness has no head, it can only be a struggle of chaos.

One drop after another, the blood of the **** of light flows into the body of the moon goddess. Not enough pure darkness encounters extremely pure light, and the result is imaginable. Black is gradually replaced by gold and can be clearly seen. A layer of black mist spread out from the Moon Queen, and her skin became more crystal clear and began to glow with a touch of gold.

In the eyes of Kingston, there is a color of respect, which is the first time he has such an emotion towards a human being.

Under his command, he ruled the elves. But even the good-natured elves and the character of this man can't compare!

He slowly flew behind the dragon's morning, his hands pressed on his vest. At the chest, a group of bright light illuminates and shines on Long Haochen.

Vaguely, I can see that the chest of the Easton is a flash of green leaves. It is one of the seven eternal leaves at the top of the Eternal Tree and the source of power for Kingston. He is mobilizing his own vitality and the vast vitality of the eternal tree to help Long Haochen.

With the support of Kingston, the speed of the dragon's eternal heart beat more than doubled. In this rapid beating, the blood circulation has become more powerful. With a huge vitality support, his feelings of weakness suddenly swept away, and the blood has a much larger life, and it is easier to clean up the darkness of the Queen of the Moon.

Finally, when the last trace of darkness was cleared from the moonlight queen, her body was full of radiant radiance, and there was a faint glow under the white skin. It is like a perfect sculpture.

At this time, the integration of Ya Ting's own strength was finally completed. The strong white light column rises to the sky and connects to the top and bottom of the cave. Under the holy light, the three pairs of wings behind Ya Ting become four pairs, and there is an extra golden light on the forehead. .

In the softness, her breath has an indescribable holiness and sharpness. Her original excited eyes have become calm, and she looks at the dragon morning silently, just like the child is watching his father. There are reverence, love, and countless positive emotions.

Long Haochen smiled slightly and said: "Yating, this body should be able to accommodate your soul. Come on, as long as the fusion is successful. You are the real elf."

Gently nodded, Ya Ting flew to the front of Long Haochen, "Master, no matter what Yating becomes, you will always be my master."

Long Haochen touched her head and said: "Stupid girl, don't say this. If it is not because of me, you will not be almost broken. I can really help you reshape your body. I am really happy. I have been you when you are Look at my sister. You are my sister in the future. If you like, follow my last name and call me my brother."

Ya Ting's red lips shivered slightly, and suddenly plunged into the dragon's morning arms, "Brother -" her voice is really sincere. Yes, in the body that she is about to merge, the blood that belongs to Long Haochen is flowing! When she is integrated into the body, she can really be a relative of Long Haochen.

Long Haochen gently stroked her back. "Don't cry, this is a happy day."

Ya Ting suddenly raised her head, arms around the neck of Long Haochen, and stared at him with tears. "Master, before you have become my brother..." She said, she suddenly kissed like lightning. Long Haochen's mouth.

Her speed is too fast, and all this is coming too suddenly. Long Haochen still maintains the state of the moon-night queen, and she is suddenly being kissed by her.

At this time, Ya Ting, or the body of the element, her lips are very cold, but it has an indescribable emotion → some morning in the morning, and the look of Kingston behind him is a bit strange. The kiss of the elves is one of the most precious things in their lives.

The elf is a race that is extremely specific to the relationship. Even if it is the Elf King, there will only be one lover in life. And the way they offer their bodies and minds to their lover is to offer their own kisses. It means that you are loyal to your lover and have no regrets for life. Although Ya Ting is still an elemental elf, the golden grain on her forehead, Kingston, understands that when she has her own body, she will become the elf king's level. More powerful than the moonlight queen → I recognize her as a sister in the morning, but she has already given her emotions to him. Should the guy not know the customs of the elves?

Ya Ting’s kiss was very short, and she raised her head gently and looked at Long Haochen. “Master, if there is a future life, I will not be your sister. I want to be your lover.”

After saying this, her figure suddenly flashed into the body of the Queen of the Moon, which was removed from the darkness.

Ya Ting’s kiss and her words made Long Hao’s heart full of shock, even more shocking than when it was a battle with Easton.

Although he does not know what the elf's kiss means, he can feel the emotion of Ya Ting! However, he could not accept this feeling, because in his heart, he had already filled the green bamboo stick, the blind woman, the present love.

On the moonlight queen, it began to emit a strong golden light, and the soul and the body began to fully integrate.

Ya Ting is not only integrated into the Queen of the Moon, but also her pure light attributes and powerful elements. After the completion of the previous fusion, Ya Ting's repair has been upgraded to the ninth order. And then the body of the Queen of the Moon, which was baptized by the dragon's blood, is as easy as water. However, in this way, the blood of the dragon's morning is flowing inside her body, and it is no longer possible to have any emotional entanglement with him.

When she had no body before, she didn't know how long she could become a real elf, not a pure elemental elf. However, when she really blended her body, her heart was full of disappointment.


Coming soon, the third child is here to wish everyone a happy holiday.

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