Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 267: Ten kings (on)

The 267th chapter of the Ten Kings (on)

Lin Xin’s current appearance is absolutely pulling the wind, wearing the golden red gradient of the radiant flame, holding the immortal dragon fire. Of the world's fire masters, I am afraid that no one can match him in equipment.

Two pieces of immortal equipment, it is equivalent to two pieces of artifact!

The immortal dragon fire is high in the air, Lin Xin mouth spells non-stop, his singing is very fast, but it has a special rhythm, the end of the dragon fire, the dragon crystal red light, the whole colorful light shining The inside of the hood is a red fire.

This plane where Haoyue is located is a black and red world. Lin Xin’s singing is in the protection of the Sun and Moon. However, with the continuation of the spell, in the cracks in the outer earth that had magma flowing, the strong fire elements began to rise, the cracks expanded, and the magma rushed. Suddenly, many low-order undead creatures fell into the magma and turned into fly ash for a moment.

Lin Xin is singing a spell here, and Ya Ting is directly working on it.

When Yating is still a light element elf, it is entirely based on magic, and more is to assist Long Haochen. But now she is completely different. She is the Queen of Light Elf, and her field has already determined the direction of her ability.

With his right hand pointing forward, Ya Ting has raised a colorful golden flame. Just a flash of body shape, the scope of protection of the sun and the moon Shield. A large golden sword appeared in front of her, and the volume was rising in the storm. In the blink of an eye, it has turned into a length of kilometers.

Ya Ting hands in a circle, the golden giant sword swept the void. Suddenly, the sky filled with undead creatures was suddenly clean.

"It's too strong." Sima Xian's eyes widened, not just him. Others looked at this scene as well. The attack power that Ya Ting broke out at this time has completely exceeded them. Moreover, Ya Ting has no equipment!

Of course, they did not know that Ya Ting’s ability was similar to that of the warrior’s temple, Qiu Yonghao, and did not require the assistance of weapons. (-<>-net.)

In front of the sword of the king, the low-end undead creatures can't even resist half-point resistance. Ya Ting's hands are constantly changing various gestures on the chest. The huge sword of the king has been swaying in the air. I am the only one who is alone.

Every sword is swept out, and thousands of undead creatures are turned into fly ash. Just a few times of breathing, the pressure on the sun and the moon is greatly reduced.

"Ya Ting sister, you leave me some!" Lin Xin has some anxious voices, at this time, his spell has been completed.

I saw Lin Xin above the top of the head, and there was another round of fierce yang. Isn't it the holy mantra that his grandfather studied?

However, Lin Xin and Lin Chen are different. The round of the sun on his head is blue, and the heart is blue.

At this moment, even the immortal dragon fire has turned into the same blue under the fire of the heart. The heart is burning and the sun is slowly rising. The volume is also growing. Just a little while, it already has ten times the size of Lin Chen’s sorrowful mantra.

In the sun and moon **** shield shield, the temperature rose sharply, and his nearest Sima Xian, even more a bit of burnt taste.

Not waiting for the partners to avoid, Lin Xin has stepped out, like the previous Ya Ting, out of the shield. The difference is that he appears above the shield, not the front.

A sneer appeared in Lin Xin's mouth. "You have no sun in this world, then I will send you one." As he said, the immortal dragon fire pointed upward. Suddenly, the huge fierce sun rises. In the process of ascending, a blue pillar of fire descended from the sky and enveloped Lin Xin. The pillar of fire was recovered, and Lin Xin’s body disappeared.

In the range of the blue light of the holy sun, all the cracks in the magma are cracked in an instant, and a large amount of magma spits out. Within a few tens of miles, it was suddenly turned into a large piece of fire.

Sima Xian was surprised: "How did the drug brother disappear? This guy will not be playing with fire**?"

Han Yu laughed and said: "You hope him to order. -<>-net. Lin Xin also understands the field. And he is in the field of imitation for me! This holy mantra is really magical. Grandpa Lin If you know that the magic of your own research is carried forward in Lin Xin, you will certainly be proud of him."

The eruption of the magma suddenly confuses a large number of undead creatures. Even the six or seven-order undead creatures dare not let the magma fall on themselves. For a time, the pace of their offense has slowed down. When the magma is sprayed, the concentration of the fire element in the air suddenly rises sharply.

It can be seen that around the holy sun at the top of Lin Xin, there is a circle of fire shrinking, and the light of Shengyang has become even more hot.

The power of heaven and earth is what the magician is best at, and it is absolutely horrible that a magician with a field can play a role in the enemy's numerous battlefields.

Lin Xin’s attack began, and a seemingly small blue Mars began to fly out of the holy sun. These Mars were small when they first appeared, but during the flight, they quickly absorbed the elements of the fire in the air, and the volume became larger at an alarming rate. When they are bombarded on the ground or in the air, they have become horrible fireballs with a diameter of more than one meter.

The heart of the holy mantra is a meteor shower.

The roar of horror began to burst in this black and red world. In a deafening roar, a large blockbuster of undead creatures fell like a wheat.

Because the nearby undead creatures were all cleaned up by Ya Ting, Lin Xin’s heart-shaped meteor shower flew in a farther direction. Every heart-fired meteor falls, and at least a 100-meter-diameter land will be opened, and more magma will be sprayed out from the ground. And Lin Xin's heart disease meteor shower is more like no end. In the midst of the mad bombardment, Long Xiaochen’s hills were gradually becoming an island in the sea of ​​fire.

Looking at the fighting power of Lin Xin and Ya Ting, Long Haochen’s eyes became more confident. The light of the morning hunter demon group, the powerful is not just him alone. However, he also knows that the battle has just begun, and the real powerful undead creatures have not yet appeared. The horror of the last time, even summoning the Lich King of the Bone Dragon Legion.

The eyes penetrated the flame and looked farther away. Long Hao’s heart suddenly sank. Under the attack of Lin Xin and Ya Ting, the undead creatures are decreasing at an alarming rate. However, in the distance, there are more undead creatures coming to this side. Overwhelming.

Could it be said that all the undead creatures in this world have been mobilized for the evolution of the moon?

Looking back at the moon. At this time, it is like a sculpture. The purple-gold scales cover the whole body, and the six big heads are intertwined with a special silence.

My good brother, no matter how difficult, I will certainly protect you, and never let the scene that was interrupted when you evolved six heads.

At this time, in the distance, a wave of power is on the rise. The pressure does not appear in one direction, but from all sides.

Lin Xin’s bright and incomparable Shengyang immediately became dim in the face of this terrible pressure. Even the Sanyang field that he had just realized could not compete with this pressure, and had to interrupt the attack and fall back to the protection of the sun and the moon.

Compared with Lin Xin, Ya Ting's cultivation is much stronger. Looking into the distance, the sword of the king returns, still hanging high in the air.

coming. The real strong enemy finally appeared.

The black sky gradually became a gray in the horrible change of the horror, and the horrible oppression even made the whole space slightly distorted.

In the distance, the undead army, which was constantly moving forward, stopped the pace of progress. Even the flying undead flying in the air quickly fell back to the ground.

They are worshipping, kneeling, and sincere worship. And from different directions, nine light and shadows also appeared.

Long Haochen’s eyes were slightly stunned, “Ya Ting, come back.”

Long Yating's figure flashed, and the sword of the king was withdrawn. She also returned to the mask of the sun and the moon.

Long Haochen whispered: "The nine regiments have a ten-member atmosphere. The weakest one has more than 200,000 spiritual powers. The strongest, the spiritual power is probably about 700,000. These guys should It is the rule of the world of Haoyue. They should also feel the evolution of Haoyue to the last moment, this time it is a nesting."

The sound of Long Haochen is not big, but everyone in his partner can clearly hear it. However, no one has revealed a nervous color.

Ten undead strongmen, all repaired to more than 200,000 spiritual power, this strength has been completely above them. It is a world of undead, and their spiritual power is much more troublesome to recover. However, are they afraid?

As early as when they helped the resurrection of the dragon in the Aion, they were not afraid of this word. Although the enemy is strong, they have more confidence in themselves. Moreover, they also have more confidence in Long Haochen. He is the **** of glory and the leader of the Indian Knights! With the recognition of super artifacts. What if the enemy is stronger? They can also stick to the moment of winning.

The nine figures gradually became clearer.

Long Haochen saw the Lich King who had played against the evolution of the last Haoyue. Still can't see the appearance, but the smell of the Lich King seems to become more powerful. Just floating there, there seems to be countless grievances around her body.

However, her breath is so strong, in the nine figures, the strength is not in the top three.

Long Haochen's gaze flashed across the Lich King, and then fell on his frontal figure, which is also a combination of two powerful atmospheres.


The outbreak in **, for the evolution of the moon, the new month, the first day, the monthly ticket. Six starts, this is the first.


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