Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 267: Ten kings (below)

The undead trial knight did not dare to neglect, and the giant sword in his hand pointed to the air and released his own field. The purple-black halo spread, enveloping him and the bone dragon king. The two major fields suddenly collided in the air.

"Oh..." A lot of light and fog filled the air, no collision, but it was like ice and fire. Within a radius of a few kilometers, it is purple and black mixed with colorful golden light and fog. It can be clearly seen that the purple-black color is clearly suppressed by the colorful gold, and the colorful golden light consumes a little, and the purple-black light consumes at least three times.

Domain suppression.

The confrontation between light and darkness should have been evenly matched, not to mention the undead trial of the Knights who still repaired themselves far more than Long Haochen. But he never imagined that in the case of a collision in the field, it would be his own loss. The opposite of the two attributes appears to be attributed to the situation, which can only prove a problem, Long Haochen's field is much higher than his field at the level.

However, Long Haochen is not very good. The domain of the Light God is far superior to the other side of the dark trial field. But in the same way, he is indeed inferior to his opponent in repairing. Above the 9th level, one step at a time. The repair of the undead trial knight has just broken through the 9th and 7th grades. It is the first strongman of this plane. His field is not as good as the domain of light gods at the level. But in terms of total volume, it is more than three times stronger than the domain of light god. Therefore, Long Haochen did not take advantage of the collision in this field. What's more, don't forget, under the undead trial knight, you are also riding a bone dragon that is equally strong!

“吼,吼,吼—” The Dragon King made three roars in a row, and three ice blue breaths spewed out at the same time. It is not a spurt to the dragon. Three breaths form a triangle in the air. Ice blue light is emitted from each of them, connecting the fulcrums formed by the three breaths. Then, the ultimate chill appeared on Long Haochen. In the center of the ice blue triangle, a dark blue black hole appears. A little blue glimmer. In the next moment, a dark blue light that looked like only the thickness of the arm had already been fired toward the chest position where Long Haochen was locked.

Domain skills. This is clearly the domain skill of the bone dragon king!

At this time, Long Haochen did not dare to have a half-point reservation. The layer of silver-white light that was released from the body was blazing, and the scent of the scorpion turned into a white light column suddenly bursting out of him. Then. In the void, a strong colorful flame spurts out from the white light column. The flame shrinks rapidly in the air. When it touches the ice blue ray of the bone dragon king, it has shrunk to the same thickness as the other party. .

"Boom--" The sky and the sky flashed, and the ice blue triangle that the bone dragon condensed instantly broke. And the colorful light is also turned into a layer of rainbow luster in the air.

At the same time that the white light column appeared, the dragon's field of light and **** was instantly blazing, so that the original trial in the field had gradually suppressed him by the magnitude, and the undead trial knight who was ready to attack was shocked. I have to change to the full force to contend with the field.

A huge throne appeared in the void, and the white throne itself released a magnificent nine-colored light. On the back of the chair, the subtle reliefs at that place give an indescribable beauty. top. It is the sun, the moon and the stars, the middle section is the bird and the beast, and the connection to the seat is the scene of nature.

A pair of seat armrests. They are the sacred dragon statue and the twelve-winged angel. It just appeared, and the circle of nine-color halo released by the body immediately became the focus of the audience. Fortunately, the undead creatures below are still far from here. Not directly affected. Still, when it appears. This black and red world is like being purified, and the air has become much purer.

Long Haochen’s body is suspended in front of the throne. This is the first time he has inspired the power of the eternal and creative **** of the throne. That feeling is wonderful, just like you have an invincible backing, no matter how powerful the enemy is, when the eternal and creative **** of the throne appears, all the pressure is turned into nothingness.

The undead trial knight and the bone dragon king were indeed shocked. The breath of the eternal and creative gods on the throne is too horrible. They are all undead creatures. The most powerful power is the fire of their own soul. And when the eternal and creative gods of the throne appeared, the fire of their souls trembled fiercely. Even the strength of the undead trial Knight is no exception. The shudder from the soul made them want to turn around and run, instead of continuing to fight.

However, they can't run. Austin and Griffin are about to evolve, and once they are upgraded, then no one in the world can restrict it. At the same time, with its habits, all the undead creatures present may not have the chance to survive anymore, and it will be completely destroyed sooner or later. In this case, it is better to fight.

The calm voice of Long Haochen came, "The undead monarch, I have no intention of being an enemy with you. As long as you retreat, no longer disturb the evolution of the moon, we will not hurt any of you any more."

The undead trial Knight is cold and cold: "Recession and death are the same ending. Do you think that with a super artifact can stop us? No, you are wrong. This has been covered by darkness and fire, we are It is the real master."

As he spoke, the purple-black sword in his hand slowly lifted up. On the ground, all the fearful knights simultaneously uttered an angry roar, and then saw that countless dark air flows swept from below, hitting the body of the undead to judge the knight. And his breath has become stronger and stronger. In the face of the pressure of the eternal and creative God of the throne, there is a strong indomitable. With the help of his subordinates, he re-stabilized the fire of his soul. In the roar of the bones, the bone dragon king once again attacked Long Xiaochen with the undead trial knight.

Words can't stop opponents, then only the strength can be relied on. The eternal and creative **** of the throne is instantly turned into a thirteen group of white light, which is broken down after the dragon's morning.

Time seems to have become slow at this moment, and the speed at which the Undead Knight and the Dragon King advance is greatly reduced in this strange time shift. And that group of milky white light is like a sea of ​​rivers, looking for a different position of the dragon's body.

The first group of white light fell on the chest of Long Haochen. Suddenly, a huge transparent gem appeared in the chest and the chest. It is like a complete round gemstone divided into two parts, which are embedded in his chest and back.

The diameter of the gemstone is close to half a foot, almost protecting most of the position of the dragon's chest. When its mosaic is complete. Immediately, the white light spread to the surroundings, turning into a special metal covering the front and rear of Long Haochen. Presented on the metal is the pattern of the sun, the moon and the stars, as well as the imprint of countless strange textures.

The second group of white light falls on the dragon's morning head and turns into a white crown. There are nine jewels in the crown, which are shining red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple, black and white. Rays of light. The nine colors shine, and the nobleness exudes an atmosphere of absolute domination.

The crown confined a blond hair in Long Haochen behind her head. When it landed on the head of Long Haochen, the front side of the head was covered with a pair of white masks. The position of the eyelids was two golden gems, shining with dazzling brilliance. . The mask fell, and Long Haochen was suddenly filled with endless majesty.

The third group and the fourth group of white light fell on the shoulders of Long Haochen, and the white light shone downwards, perfecting the necklace with the chest. The left shoulder is presented as a huge faucet, and the right shoulder is a twelve-winged angel statue. It is clearly the handrail of the eternal and creative **** of the throne.

The white-white armor spreads to the arm and completely covers the arms and hands of Long Haochen. The above is engraved with a fine pattern composed of countless creatures. Because there are too many kinds of creatures, if you don't watch them at close range, you can't see the pattern of the pattern at all, you can only feel the honor and the gorgeous.

The fifth group of white light fell in the morning waist of the dragon, and the waist armor was fish scales. Each scale was engraved with a pattern, which seemed to be a kind of plant. The waist squats down and the pleated skirt is derived. The battle skirt seems to be a pattern of the sacred dragon, which turns into a white ring.

The sixth and seventh groups of light are respectively placed on the legs, with the embossed pattern of countless plants to completely cover the dragon's legs and feet.

At this point, the dragon's body has been completely covered by this eternal glory. After the eternal card was covered, the eighth and ninth ray was behind him.

The original six golden wings of Long Haochen disappeared. Instead, they were a pair of white wings. This pair of wings is bigger than the previous three teams. It will completely protect the back of the dragon, even when it is folded, it will also be highly explored from behind him.

The light of the tenth group fell on the hands of Long Haochen. Turned into a sharp white sword. The style of the giant sword is very simple, without any gorgeous decoration. Not even a little pattern. However, on its white body, it shines with nine colors!

This is the only weapon that the eternal and creative **** of the throne brought to Long Haochen, the sword of eternal.

The last three groups of white light hit the huge girth gemstone at the chest of the dragon's morning, and then rebounded. In the process of rebounding, only a group of white light remained white, and the other two groups became seven colors and aquamarine. The three light groups are like loyal guards, hovering around the body of Long Haochen, reciprocating.

The whole process is very complicated to say, but it is actually completed only a few breaths. This is the power of the super artifact, the eternal and creative **** of the throne.


Super artifacts appear, Xiaolong finally wants to use his own **** of the throne. Vote for the monthly ticket. Thank you. (To be continued)


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