Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 269: The bald-headed man pushed down the fat man? (on)


A huge silver light column skyrocketed, and the silver light door that opened in the air also swallowed it. -----<>------..----Wonderful start---Twisted space fluctuations make everyone on the battlefield shock, and see the space fluctuations in the same place go with.

The silver light slowly weakened, and a huge figure did not know when it had already appeared. The figure is ten meters high and the whole body is covered in silver armor. Outside the armor, it is not the silver mans, but the **** red blood. .

At the beginning, in order to save the dragon, the morning of the light, when the people in the light of the eternal tower contend with the sacred Guardians, Wang Yuanyuan used the method of blasting to ignite the spiritual power of his own space, thus completing the **** of the giant spirit. Defeating a sacred guard, and because of the danger of the war, it was Zhang’s life sharing that made her survive.

At this moment, Wang Yuanyuan did not repeat everything in the past. Now she is already a real nine-order powerhouse with her own blood. She is fully qualified to display the shield of the giant spirit. An immortal shield. That's right, after the real seven inlaid silver crystals, the shield of the giant spirit is immortal, not epic.

This time, the giant spirit of the coming is obviously different from the original. It is clearly a female warrior, which is also an enlarged version of Wang Yuanyuan.

In the double eyes, the silver light flashes, and the spiritual fluctuations in the body are completely blood red. A thick bloodthirsty breath rushes out, and the fierceness is even feared by the undead monarchs.

At this time, under the fierce attack of the King of the King, the detachment of Zhang Fangfang could not resist, and many of his bodies were injured, just by the monarch.

The avatar of the second life spirit furnace will disappear in advance if the injury is too heavy, and this is also the case. I saw that the avatar was turned into a little bit of gold in the air and disappeared.

When the silver light flashed, Wang Yuanyuan’s body was in front of the king. Even if he is transformed into a giant spirit, Wang Yuanyuan's height is less than half of the king. However, her Giant Spirit Shield is taller than herself. The huge shield swept across, and the smashing smashed with the bone knife of the king.

This time, Wang Yuanyuan did not retreat. In the fierce roar, the body of the monarch was shaken by the shocked body. Then, Wang Yuanyuan’s right hand also magnified countless times of **** storms and burst into a madness with a strong blood color.

As soon as it comes up, it is the strongest skill dimension storm that the **** storm can perform.

Wang Yuanyuan, who was incarnate after the giant spirit, not only increased himself, but even reported weapons. The attack power of the **** storm itself has not increased, but as the volume becomes larger, it is equivalent to a large increase in the coverage of the attack power. In the air. I saw a ray of thousands of storms that madly tore the air. The monarch is struggling fiercely in it, but he is constantly being traced by the sharp jaggedness of the **** storm.

After the two played against each other, this is the first time that Wang Yuanyuan has taken the initiative.

but. This monarch is indeed powerful. His skeleton does not know how to cultivate it. Its hardness can be compared with epic equipment. Under the violent and crazy collision. It has not yet hurt the roots.

The fields collide in each other's attacks, weapons, and even the body, and they continue to burst into violent collisions. This time, Wang Yuanyuan was inseparable, and after the incarnation of the giant spirit, her strength was also improved, and she did not lose to her opponent. The hard top and the king are hard.

The undead trial knight was somewhat disappointed. He had already found a breakthrough, and he was ready to take care of the dragon. But who knows, the enemy is so tenacious. Hard to withstand the pressure.

However, he still has a bit of disdain in his heart. He knows the king of the king. He wants to say endurance. The king is definitely the strongest of the undead monarchs. He has no more skills, but he is physically and mentally integrated and extremely solid. And Wang Yuanyuan now seems to be able to share his autumn. But it is obviously only a momentary outbreak. Once this outbreak is over, the monarch will still be the last winner.

Moreover, the breakthrough can be more than this one.

At the same time as Wang Yuanyuan’s hard-hitting 骷髅王王, both Chen Yinger and Sima Xian were in a hurry.

At this time, Chen Yinger has completed the second call. Another thirty-sixth-order nine-order creature rushed to the door of the birth spirit, and fought with the bone dragon summoned by the Lich King.

The number of bone dragons is also being consumed. But it is much less expensive than her summoned beast. After all, these bone dragons are of the same kind, and they have been summoned by the Lich King not once or twice. They have the same attributes and have a degree of offense and defense. And Chen Yinger here, she summoned no problem, can also use the field to increase these Warcraft. But in order to speed up the recovery of spiritual power, there is some tension in the command. If it weren't for the triple call of the Time's Stacking Furnace, she would have been unable to hold it.

In fact, Chen Yinger and the Lich King, who have the field of beasts, should not have been so different from each other, mainly because the battlefield in front of them is not suitable for Chen Yinger to fight. Here is a plane full of undead. If she wants to summon, she must summon creatures from other planes instead of random summoning on the plane. This is not only expensive, but also more time for magic singing. long. So it was completely suppressed in the downside.

However, McDull's performance is very eye-catching. When it started, it turned into a demon dragon, and it resisted the attack of the Lich King many times. At this time, the situation was somewhat unsatisfactory. It turned into a four-headed Chimera twice, and the four attributes were simultaneously launched. It can also be regarded as helping Chen Yinger to barely maintain the situation.

The fire of the soul of the Lich King’s eyes violently beats, and the front of the bones in the hand points, and a sharp scream of screams keeps ringing. Suddenly, the attacks on those bone dragons became even more crazy.

The Bone Dragon King became his mount because he was surrendered by the undead judge. Therefore, he originally belonged to these bone dragons and became the subordinates of the undead trial knight. The Lich King and the Undead Knight are closely related. They were a couple before they were born, so the Undead Knights gave these bone dragons to the Lich King. Otherwise, it is impossible to summon so many bone dragons with the current strength of the Lich King.

The Lich King itself is only ranked fourth among the top ten kings, but with the addition of the Bone Dragon Legion, it is second only to the combination of the undead trial knight and the Bone Dragon King.

Not only did the bone dragon in the air launch an attack, but even the bone dragons that were previously crushed began to slowly reorganize on the ground. As an undead, you want to kill these bone dragons completely, unless you completely extinguish their soul fire. How can Chen Yinger, who is falling behind in the wind, do this?

On the other hand, Sima Xian was also in a crisis, and the defense against the fat of the king was extremely embarrassing. Sima Xian had already had the upper hand when he just released his own field. With the strength of the light pill, the abominable king defeated. However, this abominable king is like a huge tumbler. Every time I looked at him, it seemed to be knocked down, but in the end it recovered. The body was constantly being crushed and blasted by the light pill, and there was a huge window, but these wounds soon recovered.

As time goes by, the erosion of the plague poison cloud on Simaxian has gradually begun to increase, although the light element can purify a part, but this is the field of abhorrent kings after all! After a long time, Sima Xian’s mind began to feel dizzy. Moreover, he has just had a field soon, although the outbreak is strong enough, but the field weapons consume a lot of spiritual power, and the time of maintenance must not be too long. Seeing that spiritual power is consuming more and more, the huge body of Sima Xian has become somewhat unstable.

The abominable king suddenly took out the big iron hook in his hand. This time it was not aimed at Sima Xian’s body, nor was it directed at the light pill.

A slamming sound, the iron hook was straight on the chain behind the light pill, and the front end of the iron hook suddenly closed, but it was directly locked on it.

The abominable king pulled back hard, and the iron hook glided close to the chain, bringing up a series of Mars, and finally stopped at the position of the light pill, suddenly caught the huge metal ball.

The abomination of the king does not look at the fat head, but in fact it is very scheming. Sima Xian’s attack is really painful. He can’t resist the power of the field weapon. But his biggest advantage is resistance to play, a fat meat comparable to the defensive performance of artifact-level armor, and finally he seized the opportunity. Moreover, he also took a fancy to Sima Xian's light pill, and he planned to **** it and make his own weapon. In his view, it is thought that the weapon itself has the ability to become bigger.

At the same time, the two giant forces pulled at the same time. Suddenly, the two chains were stretched straight.

The repairs of the two sides were placed there, and the pure power of Sima Xian was an opponent of the abomination of the king. His body was suddenly pulled a little.

And Sima Xian must not let go, Guangzhi Pill can be said to be his ability to settle down, once he gives up, the blow to him will be unparalleled. Even his field is based on this piece of equipment! When can you form a soul in the light of the pill, then this weapon with terror destructive power may even evolve into an artifact.

The fire of the soul in the eyes of the abominable king is beating, showing the light of the dead white, and the smugly pulling Sima Xian is getting closer and closer. The plague field is full of stench and erodes Sima Xian's body.

At this moment, a huge blue fireball suddenly flew across, and the slammed impact hit the chain of the iron hook that hated the king. The violent roar was accompanied by countless blue Mars, and the abomination king was also contaminated a lot. The burning oil of his body creaked. At the same time, in the burning blue flame, with a layer of sacred golden light, it is hard to cut the plague poison cloud.


In the morning, I didn't sleep. I only wanted a recommendation ticket and a monthly ticket. Thank you. To be continued..


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