Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 270: Long Haochen’s card, picking children! (on)

Contrary to the expansion of the body of the undead judge, the body of the bone dragon is shrinking at an alarming rate. Then, its blue-and-white skeleton actually disintegrated. The blue-and-white soul fire flew in an instant and fell directly on the purple-black giant sword in the hands of the undead judge.

The giant sword is like a ignited torch, and the blue-white flame rises instantly. At the same time, the skeleton of the bone dragon king opened like a skeleton of the skeleton, climbing the body of the undead trial knight, turned into a blue-white bone armor.

The darkness of the horror is like a blowout that erupts from the undead judge. As the true master of this plane, he naturally has the means to let other undead kings surrender.

The arrogant undead trial knight brought an illusion to Long Haochen, just as he was facing the demon god.

Perhaps, the repair of the undead trial knight can not be compared with the demon god, and there is no artifact aid like the demon pillar. But at this time, it is undoubtedly the strongest of the dragons and emlexes that Long Haochen has seen.

The suppression of the breath and the field of the eternal and creative **** of the throne was obviously weakened, and the eyes of Long Haochen became dignified. The other party is going to do whatever it takes.

"The silence, the invisible, the seal of the domain." The undead judged the low voice of the knight. Then, a huge purple-black symbol appeared behind him. At the same time, the same symbol appeared in the back of Long Haochen.

Long Xiaochen’s shocked discovery found that the field of eternal light produced by the fusion of the domain of the **** of light and the eternal domain actually lost its effect in an instant. The other side sealed his field? What is this ability?

After all, in the human world, no one has ever been trained to reach the ninth and sixth grades. Naturally no one will tell him that when he is to break through the 9th and 7th grades, he can have a special ability. Field seal.

Field seals can only be used against opponents who are lower than themselves. Generally, there will be battles in which the field level is not as good as the opponent, but the strength is stronger than the opponent.

The original trial of the undead trial knight is just to the seventh order. If the seal of this field is forcibly used, there is a great possibility of failure. At this time, he and the bone dragon king's strength are completely combined. Although they can't break through the solid bottleneck of the million spiritual power level, the use of this field seal skill becomes easy.

The influence of the eternal light field of Long Haochen on him is too great. Even if it is so increased. He also did not know how to defeat the dragon that released the field. Therefore, as soon as he came up, he sealed the Long Haochen area, although he could not use his field again. But each other has become a hard-nosed force, no longer subject to interference and influence in the field.

Not only did the undead judges erupt, but several other undead monarchs also launched a comprehensive and violent attack.

They all know that if you let these humans make their hands come out, even if they are a skill, they will bring a lot of casualties to their respective subordinates. It will also affect their willingness to destroy Austin and Griffin. At this time, do not go all out to wait for more time?

Long Haochen responded to the outbreak of the trial of the undead trial, and only made a simple movement. The original hands held the eternal sword and changed hands. The discovery of the undead trial knight was shocked. In the face of the comprehensive suppression of one's own side, this human being seems to have nothing like it, and the mood fluctuations are still very stable. Just locked in him.

Didn't he care about the life and death of Austin, Griffin and his partners? No, this is impossible!

No matter what is in mind, the offensive trial of the Knights will not stop. In midair, the epee with his ice blue flame in his hand slowly lifted up and made a vain movement toward Long Haochen.

This simple and simple blow has just been issued, and there is a very loud dragon roar in midair. The ice blue flame is turned into a huge bone dragon form, burning a purple-black flame, and heading for the dragon and the morning. This hit is issued. All the movements of the undead army underneath have become sluggish for a moment. All the dark elements in the air seem to have been sucked away by this blow, and everything has turned into a vacuum.

Long Haochen only felt that everything in front of him and around him was distorted, and a giant mouth like a bottomless abyss went straight to himself. On the eternal moment, there is a layer of purple-black light that wants to penetrate inward.

"Oh--" The strange squeaking sounds in the chest of Long Haochen, and the huge gemstone in the position of the protective mirror suddenly becomes milky white. Then, the eternal light shines out from the gem. The morning is in the void. Step by step, the eternal sword slowly leads.

In the process of citing the sword of eternal sword, the speed of the spiritual power of the undead to judge the knight seems to be slowing down. Until the dragon's sword was fully raised, and the eternal light that was sprayed out of the chest was all sucked into the sword, the huge faucet bite into the front of Long Haochen.

Nine colored golden light plucked a straight vertical line in the air. The huge bone dragon virtual image solidified. Seeing that the golden glow of light shines in the direction of your undead trial knight. The black and red world's masters waved their swords and split their relationship with the attack.

"噗 -" Bone Dragon virtual explosion. The nine-color golden light also passed away. Long Haochen stepped back in three steps to stand firm.

A powerful super artifact, the undead judge can not help but sigh in the heart. Long Yuchen, who seems to be retreating, released less spiritual power than he did in the previous collision. With the power of the super artifact, it is hard to resolve his attack.

However, this is only the beginning. The soul of the undead judged the fire of the soul in the eyes of the knight, and the body shape flashed. This time, there was no further attack from the distance, but it came directly to the front of the dragon, and the giant sword swept in the hand, and went straight to the dragon.

This sword is not only fast, but also follows the heavens and the earth. The beautiful trajectory can't help but change its face even in the morning.

The eternal sword vertical block, "When the bang" a loud noise, Long Haochen body full of golden light, but people were swept away 100 meters. Obviously it was a loss.

The super artifact does not mean invincible, and the gap between the two sides is completely revealed in this attack. However, although the super artifact does not mean invincible, it definitely means strength.

When the two swords collided together, the undead judges only felt a strong breath of life, which greatly disturbed the death of him and the bone dragon king, and the body could not help but lag. It was the lag of this moment, and Long Haochen had already returned to him again.

Without the collision of the field, the battle between the two became more intense. Every time a hard hit, there will be a strong glow in the air.

When the darkness reaches its utmost, it is not afraid of light. The undead trial of the knight's terror power of nearly a million spirits once again revived the dragon. But because of the powerful attributes of the eternal and creative God of the Throne, it is impossible to get closer to Haoyue. After both sides have continued to improve their strength, the situation is still in a stalemate.

However, apart from their side, there have been dramatic changes elsewhere. The first is the resurgence of Chen Yinger.

With the soul given, Chen Yinger let the Bone Dragon Legion into chaos, at least lost a dozen skull dragons. And her summoned beast is also a bit cheaper under the mad counterattack. However, her return-to-light attack is not sustainable after all.

After a short-lived advantage, the undead trial of the knight broke out, and the Lich King also broke out. The bone stick in her hand suddenly shattered, and then the remaining forty skull dragons in the air quickly retreated, and the Lich King himself flew to the forefront. The front of the bones pointed, muttering a few words, and then, from the ground below, there were tens of thousands of dark airflows rushing up. Sweeping over the body of the Lich King.

That is the power of the Lich King's corpse. The power of a corpse is nothing, but thousands of corpses also sacrifice their power to the Lich King, and it must be described as horror. After all, it is the home of people!

The Lich King's hands changed a complex symbol, and the fire of the soul suddenly burned into a strong white, and then a huge vertical eye appeared in the void. The vertical eye was 20 meters high and stared in the direction of McDull. Suddenly, a sky of color with a strange wave of fluctuating to find the body of McDull.

Although Chen Yinger has spawned the field of her own beasts to the extreme, and has completely released the spiritual power that has just recovered through the sacred furnace of the light, it has not blocked this blow. The Lich King is clearly not giving her a third chance to summon!

In order to protect Chen Yinger from serious injuries, McDull’s four-headed Chimera fell directly to the hillside where Haoyue was located. Chen Yinger himself is also a great loss of spiritual power, temporarily losing the ability to fight.

The breakthrough finally appeared. The Lich King led the army of the bone dragon and drove straight into the hillside. She seemed to see Austin and Griffin killing Huang Quan in their hands.

Not only did she rush into this breakthrough, but also rushed into the abomination king. After this period of time to absorb the power of the tribe, the abomination of the king to restore the huge body, although some uncoordinated, the strength has also weakened more than 40%, but he is still coming back. Going back to his big iron hook, he swayed and rushed toward the inside of the break with the Lich King.

However, at the same time as the breakthrough appeared, there was also a man who made a hand in the light of the morning hunter.

The children and the shadow king have been fighting, the shadow king is attacking, and her main defense. With the power of the Death Scythe, although the children have not been able to capture the other side of the figure, but also did not suffer.


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