Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 275: Life prophecy (on)

The calm of the demon **** finally broke, and he slowly raised his right hand and landed on the arm of the throne.

It’s just such a simple action, everyone who is attracted to it suddenly looks over. The five demon gods present at the scene looked at the demon gods subconsciously, but they saw a pair of incomparable squats, like the eyes of the sea. Five people couldn't help but shudder at the same time, and the inner fear and tremor were even stronger. .

A Bao standing next to the demon **** is completely another feeling. In the past few years, his cultivation has been leaps and bounds, and he has grown by leaps and bounds almost every year. Even he himself seems to be getting closer and closer to his father's realm.

But just now, in the half hour of the silence of the demon god, A Bao knew that he was wrong. Because he suddenly felt clearly that the gap between himself and his father is still like the sky and the ground, like fireflies and moonlight.

The demon **** slowly stood up from the throne of the emperor. It seems that he and the ordinary people did not seem to be any different. Actually, he still used his hands to support the throne and slowly got up. With his standing up, the following five demon gods almost fell to the ground at the same time, respectful words: "Your Majesty."

At this time, the demon gods in this state will never be called brothers and brothers, but the emperor emperor who is ruthless and invincible.

"Washak, you stand up." The devil's calm voice sounded, his hands behind his back, and gradually brightened his eyes to the star devil Wasak.

Washak trembled subconsciously, then slowly got up, but still bowed his head, respectfully said: "Your Majesty."

The devil smiled, his smile looked very calm, even with a touch of gentle color. Step by step from the high platform where the throne of the Emperor is located.

Almost without his step, the body of the star devil, Shashak, trembled slightly. That pressure is extremely suppressing his mind.

Walking to the front of the star devil, Wasak, the demon **** stopped, and the body of the Mozu prophet in front of him unexpectedly trembled unconsciously.

“Is it pre-feeling?” asked the demon **** with a chuckle.

Washak did not say anything, he did not dare to scream because. When he entered the main hall of the Magic Palace, he felt a bit of dead air, and this dead air was applied to him. How can he not be afraid?

The devil of the devil is faint: "I just don't know if your prediction is accurate. You guess, is it alive to leave here, or die here?"

"Your Majesty." Agarez, the moon demon who was still squatting, was shocked, and he raised his head and shouted. He and the star devil Wasak had the deepest feelings, but he did not expect that today's demon **** is so angry that it is against Washak. But he couldn't think of what the Star Devil did, and even let the Devil of the Emperor for hundreds of years burst into anger today.

"Shut up." The demon **** gave a cold drink. Lift your right foot. Lightning lingering on the shoulders of the moon devil Agarez. Suddenly, Agares’s body flew out like a cannonball, and it slammed into the wall of the main hall of the Magic Palace. A loud roar was heard. A large piece of gravel fell with the body of the Moon Devil.

The demon god's foot scared the devil, the **** demon and the bear demon all in the ground, and did not even have the courage to look up.

They all know. The devil's most trusted and best relationship is the Moon Devil and the Star Devil. And the two devils who rank second and third are always brothers. Today, I don’t know what went wrong. The demon **** was violently angry with the star god, and it was the moment to turn the face with the moon god. It should be known that the Moon Mozu and the Star Mozu have a pivotal position in the Mozu, second only to the Devil of the Devil!

However, even if it was the moon demon who was kicked by one foot, there was no such thing as a rebellion at this time. After falling to the ground, he fell over there again, but he never dared to scream again.

"Look up. Look at me." Devil said faintly.

Star Devil Wasak slowly looked up, his eyes only bitter, he can clearly feel the crazy killing in front of the demon king.

He is a great prophet and a prophet of the Mozu. However, even his language ability can not be applied to the demon god. Because no one among the Mozu is more aware than him that the Demon Emperor has surpassed all the existence of this plane and reached another realm. At the beginning. When the Devil's Emperor broke through, he stayed with him and witnessed the scene of the Devil's Breakthrough. It is even more clear that the demon king VII in front of him is the strongest person in the history of the Mozu. Any demon who wants to resist him will only be a joke.

Look at the front of Washak. The demon **** slowly said: "Washak, I trust you so much. I have always regarded you as the right arm. For my family, you have been doing your best. But, you know, as my prophet. If you make a mistake, will you ruin the future of my family?"

His voice is not high, but every word is said, there will be a layer of orange-red light flashing on the star demon. When the last question is over, Washak’s mouth and nose have already had orange-red blood seepage. Out. Although the demon emperor did not directly deal with him, but the means he applied to him was more horrible than the moon demon, it was direct soul damage.

Washak smiled and said: "If I didn't guess wrong, it should be because of the news more than a month ago. Your Majesty confirmed the authenticity of the news?"

The demon **** nodded, his eyes finally stopped calming, and the cold chill came out wildly. "Yes, he is still alive. Tell me, why?"

"No, that's impossible," Washak said in silence. At this point, he seems to have forgotten the horror of the demon god.

"Impossible? Is there something wrong with what I saw with my own eyes? He not only appeared, but also prevented me from grasping the natural deities. And talking to me. Listening is illusory, seeing is believing. What else can you say? ?"

The star devil Washak took a deep breath, and the fear at the bottom of his eyes suddenly disappeared. Instead, he was replaced by a special kind of magical color. "Your Majesty, I am not wrong. My prophecy is not wrong. He must have died that day." I have felt the existence of his life many times. For this reason, I have made many predictions, and the results are the same. It is impossible to predict a person's prophecy."

The devil's eyes are slightly stunned. "So, is it wrong for me to read it wrong?"

After a moment of silence, Washak seemed to decide what it was like, and his eyes sparkled like two stars, saying: "I am fainting, I understand my ending. In this case, I will make the final for the Mozu. One thing. I would like to use life as a sacrifice to make a prophecy restoration. Whether he is dead or alive, he has the breath he left when he was killed by his majesty. At the expense of my life, he should be able to see that he still exists. the reason."

"No. No!" The goddess Agares flashed and came to the front of the demon god. He fell there and pleaded: "Your Majesty, Wasak has been a family since he became a star god." If you pay a lot, you will not be able to recite your hard work. You will lead my family to attack the Temple Alliance and bring the dragon to the front of you and let you deal with it."

When I heard the three words of Long Haochen, the body of Abao standing next to the throne of the Emperor suddenly became a stiff, and suddenly the purple light was released in the hollow eyelids, and the fierce murder suddenly exploded.

"You?" The demon **** snorted. "Now you are still not his opponent. It is hard to say. Well, Washak, I will give you a chance. You can start now." As he said, he left The foot lifted up and kicked the moon demon Agales again. At the same time, a group of bright purple ray into bubbles will seal Agares. Let him not even hear the sound.

Looking at the regaining calm of the demon god, Washak flashed a desperate look, he knew, there is no other possibility. In addition to the Moon Devil, the other three devils are just there, not saying a word.

There was a smirk on the face of Washak, and he slowly fell to the front of the demon god. "Please also recite the people who died in my family and died."

Feng Xiu looked at him coldly. "Get started."

Washak did not get the answer he wanted, his eyes were a little sluggish, and he stood up again and walked to the entrance to the main hall. When he crossed the three devils lying on the ground, his footsteps paused a little. Continue to move forward for more than ten steps and then stopped.

The orange-red light gradually grew as he walked, and when he stopped, it became very bright.

The devil's cuffs waved, and a powerful spiritual wave swayed the dead spirit demon, the **** demon and the bear devil. The three devils fell to the side, and they were ashamed.

The moon devil Agares is in a hurry, but he does not dare to directly break away from the seal of the demon god. Otherwise, he will be angered. The demon **** can poison the star devil Wasak, and may not be able to treat him...

Washak's arms slowly opened to the sides of his body, his palms up, each with an orange-red crystal ball. The low-pitched spell began to sound, and the intense orange-red light from the body began to surge.

The demon **** looked at him so coldly, his eyes were cold and ice, and there was no meaning of mercy.

The curse that Washak sang gradually rose from low to high, and the intense orange-red light turned into a flame.

It was a strange flame, and Wasak's clothes gradually transpire and burn in this flame, and his whole body began to become transparent and bright.


Tears..., my poor recommendation ticket fell out of the list, brothers and sisters, give some strength! Please ask for a monthly pass and a recommended ticket.俺 Guarantee, the end must be written well, it must not be bad. About a month or so, the gods are about to end. The next book is expected to be returned. At the request of everyone, it will be written on the mainland.

Oh, yes, there is a good news to inform everyone that the Ice Fire Chef, published by Angel Culture, is on the market. This is a new version. When the ice fire was first published, I was deceived by the disgusting publisher, and the manuscript fee was not paid to me. Re-reprint this time, I hope everyone can buy ice fire. It is the kind that is priced at 15 yuan, so don't buy it wrong. The first one is already on the market, and the follow-up will be published one after another. It should be finished in a few months, a total of twelve volumes. The unit price is low and the number of words is large. Book friends who remember and like it, don't miss it.


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