Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 276: Legend of Eternal Heroes (below)

~.<书海阁>-~The 276th chapter of the legend of eternal heroes (below)

After listening to the words of Long Tianyin, many people are moving. Long Xingyu nodded in a row, Shen Sheng said: "I agree with the Dragon Lord's opinion. This matter must not be sloppy. There is too much danger to predict. I also think that the power of the eternal hero cannot be easily used."

The expression of the two great gods, the knights, suddenly caused the congressmen to fall into meditation. Long Tianyin and Long Xingyu's father and son are highly respected in the Knights' Temple and have great influence. Although Yang Yihan was the ally of the Temple Alliance, he was sitting in the headquarters of the Alliance, and the Knights Templar was on the side of the dragon, but it was always the father and son of Long Tianyin. With these words, the other temples Members have also been somewhat affected.

Li Zhengzhi said: "I think this is feasible. There is a limit to the revolving scroll used at the beginning, that is, the undead strong who recorded the curse on the reel of the scroll can only survive for a thousand years. It has been more than 6,000 years. Every generation of the six temples will actually go to these eternal heroes. From them we get news that the eternal heroes extend their sleep in the form of letting them sleep. Undead life. But about forty years ago, when they last news, they said that their time is running out. At most 50 years, they will sleep forever. They will never wake up again. They were then It is suggested that if the alliance needs it, they are willing to pay the last bit of heat for the alliance before they sleep forever. That is to say, even if we do not rely on the power of the eternal heroes, they can only live for at least ten years. I agree with Yang Dianzhu’s suggestion that eternal heroes can be fully trusted. As for how to use their power, I believe that we can always find a way to cover up. The number is also not much. I believe that these bits eternal heroes can play a role to reverse the situation on the battlefield. "

"I am skeptical." The opening is Ling Xiao. As the priest of the priest, he is the most abominable to the undead creatures. Shen Sheng said: "I agree with Lao Yang to say this, but I am not Recognize the use of their power. The undead is the undead. Think about how the undead creatures survived. They need to use the dark power to deal with the body, the darkness and all the evil atmosphere. Although these eternal heroes are our ancestors, And they have made tremendous contributions to mankind. But they have become the undead for thousands of years. The two dragon masters said that if there is a problem, it is likely that the federation will be overwhelmed."

Listening to Ling Xiao's words, Yang Yihan couldn't help but frown. He knew that he would be controversial when he raised this matter, but he did not expect the controversy to be so fierce. Ling Xiao’s opposition was still in his expectation, but the strong opposition of Long Tianyin and Long Xingyu’s father and son was beyond his expectations. Originally, he believed that even if the father and son of Long Tianyin did not support it, it would not be too objectionable. But who knows, they turned out to be the first to speak out.

The opinions of Long Tianyin and Long Xingyu are very important because they are relatives of Long Haochen, and their attitudes are likely to affect Long Haochen, who is the Federal President.

Perhaps, Long Haochen now has no influence in the entire federation compared with the old masters of the six temples. However, in today's meeting, he can at least influence everyone in the Light Morning Hunting Devils! In addition to his role as the Federal President, there are also three vice-chairmen of Cai Er, Chen Yinger and Wang Yuanyuan. Perhaps their prestige is not big enough, but if the vote is finally voted, the light morning hunter demon occupies nearly one-third of the votes. Therefore, whether Long Haochen supports this proposal is crucial.

The star sacred knight Yang Haoyu suddenly spoke at this time. He coughed and suddenly caught everyone's attention. As the first strongman in the league, his attitude is also very important.

"This is right or wrong. It is good or bad. At present, no one can make a conclusion. It is a good thing to discuss. But I must remind you that it is not the time of the Temple League, but the temple. The federation. The current discussion is a discussion, but are you overstepping before the chairman has spoken?"

Yang Haoyu did not directly support Yang Yuhan, nor did he show his attitude. Instead, he maintained the majesty of Long Haochen as the president of the Federation. In fact, some people in his heart did not understand what happened to Long Haochen today. Long Haochen has always been smart, and he is very able to control the scene. Today’s meeting is so important. As a federal president, how can he be silent, just listening to everyone’s arguments?

After listening to Yang Haoyu's words, Yang Yihan nodded and said: "I mean this too. Let's listen to the chairman's opinion first."

Long Tianyin did not react. In his mind, Long Haochen is also his grandson, and his proposal to Yang Yuhan is indeed a heartfelt objection. Otherwise, he will not immediately disregard the relationship of friends for many years.

Long Xingyu brows slightly wrinkled, do not know what to think about, everyone's eyes are also unconsciously concentrated on Long Haochen.

Long Haochen smiled lightly and said: "Since a new federal government has been established, any issue will ultimately be decided by everyone. The final vote will represent the will of the vast majority of people. However, more people will express their opinions and vote. Before, I want to tell you a story. Yang Dianzhu, the scrolling scroll you mentioned just now, can have the name of the producer?"

Yang Yihan stunned. He didn't expect Long Haochen to ask this question. He subconsciously shook his head and said: "There is no record in the classics. It just means that this scroll is probably the undead mage who made the life of the mainland." It was made. But I don’t know why it survived. It may also be the spoils that the Holy See won when he defeated him."

Long Hao nodded and said: "So, who knows the name of the undead mage?"

Long Tianyin’s brow wrinkled and said: “Chairman, it doesn’t seem to make sense to say this. Moreover, the original necromancer was still in the dark ages. It’s at least six thousand and five hundred years old. There are very few records about him. It’s just that there is such a powerful and evil Necromancer. There is hardly any circulation about his specific situation."

Long Haochen said: "So, everyone knows? Well, let me tell you."

As he spoke, he slowly stood up, his body flashing slightly, and came to the front from behind the table. The powerful people sitting on the podium were surprised to find that it was the moment that Long Haochen actually shuttled through the space. Visually, he seems to go straight through the table. In fact, it is the ability to perform similar to instantaneous transfer.

His strength has improved a lot! Yang Haoyu couldn't help but secretly marvel. Moreover, he found that he now has some inability to see how much the dragon's cultivation has reached.

Long Haochen stood in front of the rostrum and said: "The undead mage who made the reel of the scroll, his name is Electrolux, that is, the one you saw from history, before the dark age, brought it to The one who has a great human catastrophe. He gave himself a nickname, the Holy Spirit of the Dead, the undead Scourge, Electrolux. If it was not because of his existence, he caused human disaster, perhaps, in the initial fight against the devil At the time of the family, we will not encounter such a catastrophe, nor will we have the dark age of more than 6,000 years."

"However, the Necromancer is also cultivated by human beings. I have never heard of any other creatures that directly cultivated into the Necromancer, right? Then, why should he start with human beings and cause charcoal?"

The priest of the priest's temple, Ling Xiao, said subconsciously: "This kind of undead master must be sexually evil and aim to destroy the world."

Long Xiaochen smiled. "Ling Dianzhu, the idea of ​​preconceived is not allowed. If I am here to tell you that this undead wizard who once brought disaster to humanity is itself a light attribute. All his undead magic is also Based on the light properties, will you believe it?"

"Impossible." Long Tianyin, Long Xingyu, Ling Xiao. Even Yang Haoyu and Yang Yuhan’s brothers all said in unison. They are all representatives of the light system.

Long Haochen shook his head and said: "No. I am telling the truth. Because this undead mage was not only a light magician, but also a bright child like me."

As soon as this statement came out, the audience was stunned. For a time, everyone looked at Long Haochen's gaze as if he was watching a madman. Only the morning of the Light Hunting Demon Group remains stable.

Long Tianyin stood up fiercely and angered: "Long Haochen, do you know what you are talking about? Are you defending the necromancer? And still use this reason that is impossible to do?"

Long Hao morning looked at the dragon's seal with a burning gaze.

"Dragon Lord, reason is not high. Please sit down first. Since I am the Federal President, then I hope that before I finish, from now on, no one will interrupt me. Otherwise, I will ask him to go out. It is."


Come to the welfare, give everyone a huge hundred words. Can I get a few recommended tickets?



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