Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 279: test? Or teach? (in)

During the period, Shu Shu asked questions several times, and Long Haochen answered them one by one. He realized that although these ancestors were sleeping here, they still know something about the big things happening on the mainland for six thousand years. Because every few decades, the Lord of the Knights in charge of the Holy Mountain will come here to bring the news outside.

"Well, a good sanctuary. It is a success. Unfortunately, we can't leave here easily. Otherwise, I have been going to find the troubles of the little guys. In order to self-interest, I will not strengthen the strength of the alliance. Finally, they are not aware of it. It’s too late.” Shu Shu is very supportive of the establishment of the new federation, and listening to her meaning, she seems to have made similar comments when Yang Xiaohan came here 30 years ago.

At this moment, an old man came to the side of Shu, and said to Long Xiaochen: "Children, you just said that the Knights' Shrine is now full of six gods and knights?"

Long Hao nodded and said: "Yes, the Knights Templar is now a talented person. It should be the most powerful time, including me. The six gods of the throne have their masters."

"Okay, great." The mood of the old man was obviously a little excited. "At the beginning, when I decided to concentrate on the power of all human beings to make the five gods of the throne, I made a great deal. When one day humans could control the six gods of the throne, It is a good opportunity for us to counterattack the Mozu. It seems that God is not thin to us! When the fire of our soul is about to dissipate, bring this good news to us. Let us witness the counterattack of humanity at the last moment. In one scene, we are not sleeping for six thousand years at this place, waiting for six thousand years."

Shu Shu introduced to Long Haochen: "This is Xiao Huo Xiao Lao, when the Temple Alliance was just established. He was the first lord of the Knights Templar. He also made a decision to make five gods of the throne. It can be said that it is the true ancestor of your Knight's Temple. Xiao Lao is far-sighted, and many of his original decisions were fulfilled later."

Long Haochen rushed to respect the ceremony, "Long Haochen has seen the ancestors."

Xiao Hu Shen Shen said: "Child, I want to hear about your growing experience. At the beginning, I witnessed the eternal and creative God of the throne, and witnessed it coming to the world. I said it at the time. The existence of the super artifact means that God did not abandon our human beings. However, I never think of what kind of strong person can gain its recognition. I even believe that its existence is more symbolic than the actual meaning. Unexpectedly, one day a knight can become its owner. I am very curious about your growth experience, and I am curious that this eternal and creative **** of the throne is the process of recognizing you."

Until now, Long Haochen did not ask for these eternal heroes to go out. These are the real heroes of human beings, and the ancestors of the six great temples. Before he came, Yang Yihan told him that he must first get the approval of these eternal heroes and then ask them to go out. They have been sleeping here for six thousand years. No one knows what they think about going out. At the same time, their mood swings can sometimes be very intense, even unappealing.

From the words of Yang Yuhan, Long Haochen heard that the lord of the Knights’ temple had certainly suffered from losses in the face of the eternal hero. The specific situation of Yang Yihan did not say, but he has always faced these ancestors with caution and caution. And until now. He did not feel anything wrong with these eternal heroes.

In fact, what he did not know was that his attitude played a big role. He is different from the lords who came here before the Knights Templar. Can become a **** of the Knights, and the Knights of the Temple, the first **** of the Knights, control the Holy Mountain Order. At least the old man of five or sixty years old.

Moreover, in the process of growing up, the authority is getting bigger. Naturally, the temperament and mentality of the superiors are produced. Come here, listening to the eternal heroes, a child's call, sometimes even unceremonious reprimand. How much will be rejected in their hearts. Respectful in attitude, there is no such thing as Long Haochen’s posture is so low.

Long Haochen is different. He was young and only twenty years old. Although he has already taken charge of the Temple Federation, he has not had much power over his power, and he has not given orders. Coupled with his eternal heroes from the heart of the ~ ~ - update the starting ~ ~ admire. Therefore, the sincerity in attitude can be said to surpass all the former Knights of the Knights who came here. Naturally, these eternal heroes have a great affection for him.

"Yes." Respectfully agreed, Long Haochen began to talk about his own growth process. He said in great detail, how to teach his father how to improve his strength step by step, become a hunter, lead the light morning, the demon hunter to build merits step by step, and under what kind of opportunity is the strength breakthrough. Even the secrets of the Aion are not concealed, and they are completely told.

When he said that he was dying, and the children took him back to the process of resurrection in the Aion, these eternal heroes who had lived for more than 6,000 years could not help but be moved. Especially when they heard the story of Electrolux, the feelings were much greater than the people who saw the images in the current Federation of the Temple. After all, the years they used to live are very close to the Electrolux era. How can you let these ancestors feel uncomfortable when they hear about the process and cause of Electrolux’s becoming a natural disaster?

Saying that the eternal and creative **** of the throne recognizes his process, Long Haochen also has no concealment. The process is very detailed. In particular, in the end, how do you turn defeat into victory, and the battle to break through the eternal angel is more detailed.

"The son of light, a son of light! I have not been active in this old bone for a long time. Young people, would you like to learn from me?"

What Long Xiaochen didn't think of was that when he talked about the whole process, Xiao Hu actually proposed to discuss with him.

Long Haochen subconsciously thought that this was the test of his predecessors, and naturally he would not retreat. After respectful dedication to Xiao Huo, he said: "Please enlighten the ancestors."

Other eternal heroes slowly retreated to the surroundings, giving Long Haochen and Xiao Hu plenty of room.

Although the layout in this cave is simple, the area is quite small, at least one-third of the sacred trials. Of course, this area is certainly not enough for the strong players of Long Haochen and Xiao Hu. But since they only learn from each other, they naturally shrink their strength and will not destroy it.

Long Haochen did not take out the eternal sword behind him, his hands were on the left and right sides of the body, each condensing a golden giant sword, the volume is almost the same as the eternal sword.

Looking at the behavior of this young man, the eternal heroes watching the battle could not help but nod.

Xiao Huo's body is very tall, but it also looks very stiff. When he and Long Haochen face it, Long Haochen feels that his heart is like a heavy pressure.

Is this the pressure from the soul? Long Haochen was greatly surprised in his heart. He knew that his spiritual power had been upgraded to an extremely powerful level after the fusion of the eternal and creative God of the Throne and the Little Tears of the Night. Even if you can't compete with the demon god, it is definitely the first person in mankind. However, in the face of Xiao Huo, his spiritual strength did not prevail, but was suppressed.

However, Long Haochen is a dragon, after all, after a brief surprise, he has already understood.

The power of Xiao Huo's soul may not be stronger than him, but the purity of his soul's fire makes no impurity in his soul, and the power of the soul is the core power of the undead. This made him feel bad in the senses. But Xiao Hu can't do anything to him because of his power.

At this time, Xiao Huo’s dull and dull eyes suddenly lit up, like the two clusters of stars that suddenly appeared. It was a clear and awkward golden, and the discovery of the dragon’s morning shock, in the light attribute To the purity of this, the Knights of the Knights are not inferior to him.

Even more shocking is still behind, Xiao Hu’s eyes are lit up, and a golden light is shining on the chest. The color of the golden light is more vivid, and then there is a golden liquid flowing from his chest. , quickly covered the body.

this is……

The golden liquid is thick and sturdy, and where the golden color passes, all the undead breaths are covered up. The pure and strong light attribute smells like a blowout from his body. Under the action of the golden liquid, Xiao Hu’s body exudes a faint golden mist.

Liquid spirit release?

Long Haochen did not know what it was necessary to do, but he could not do it with his current nine-level and five-level revision. He can make the spiritual force instantly form in vitro, condense into a hyperthyroidism, and condense into a double sword in his hand. But it is so liquid, but he can't do it. Even if it is a simulation, there is absolutely no such real feeling.

The golden liquid quickly flowed through Xiao Huo, and he instantly became a golden man. Then, the liquid began to look like a plastic. An unpretentious golden armor will cover Xiao Hu.

Fine gold pedestal battle!

Long Haochen suddenly understood why he had such a strong sense of familiarity with this body, because Xiao Hu’s armor, which was self-condensed by liquid spirit, was not exactly the same as the Jingjin base. Where?

Undoubtedly, the existence of the fine gold base warfare, I am afraid that this ancestor can not get away with it... Can Long Haochen defeat this legendary powerhouse? Guess it. Well, there are still recommended tickets, and I have to help everyone. Seek monthly ticket, recommended ticket. (to be continued...rq


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