Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 281: Active attack, sharp knife army (below)

~ Date: ~ October 18~

Xiao Hu nodded and said: "Yes. It is attack. It is just a passive defense. Of course, we will suffer big losses. The Mozu wants to knead us how to knead. But if we put the battlefield in the Mozu In the territory of the territory, fighting in their provinces is almost zero, and at the same time, from several directions, the genius is first launched to the Mozu. How do you deal with the demon god? Does he dare to ignore us? Absolutely not afraid. What he fears most is to plant them to shake their roots. At that time, it is not that they bridge our noses, but we are in turn to contain them. Is it only that the Mozu will not destroy? The Mozu has never been Are we all arranging heavy troops near our six fortresses? Then we will take the garrisons of the Mozu. See who is better than anyone."

Yang Yihan on the side hesitated: "But, on the frontal battlefield, can we defeat the Mozu? We have always relied on the defensive power of the fortress to reluctantly resist the attack of the Mozu!"

Xiao Hu snorted and said, "There are six thousand years of self-restraint. Your thinking is still so fixed. Do you think that the demon **** led the anti-dragon dragons, and what is the role of the fortress defense? The strong, the legion based on the nine-order repair, the fortress can only become a cage that limits our efforts to exert their own strength. Moreover, I have never said that I want to face the Mozu on the plain. ”

"I understand, thank you, Xiao Lao." Long Yin morning eyes flashed, he has fully understood the meaning of Xiao Lao.

Since the war is inevitable, the first thing to do is to seize the initiative. Who is more proactive, who has fewer problems on the battlefield and more chances of getting opportunities. Pure defense is the unstoppable force of defense. The final outcome can only be tragedy.

The most serious problem that has been bothering him has finally reached a breakthrough. This makes Long Haochen overjoyed and no longer delays the time. He immediately returns to Yulongguan. He wants to express Xiao’s thought in the parliament in the first time. . If everyone thinks it is feasible, then it is necessary to start the action immediately.

The preparation time for the Mozu to launch a holy war will never be too long. Even if it is to go all out, it should not be more than a month.

Caier did not follow Long Xiaochen to return to Yulongguan. She transferred her cool ticket to the vice chairman directly to Long Haochen. It’s not that she doesn’t want to go, she’s not letting her go!

After seeing the children, Shuo was very fond of her. Although she was an undead creature, the heroes of Shuheng were somewhat afraid of the purifying atmosphere of the children, but after talking with the children, they were in the beam. It seems that the talent of the children is no worse than the dragon.

Perhaps in the first day of spiritual power, the children are not comparable to Long Haochen, but as a reincarnation of the saint, she is also better than the leader, the best assassin, when the child is cultivated from an early age, the basic ratio Long Haochen played a stronger mouth. Therefore, she left her, and she couldn’t wait to pass on her ability to Caier. What makes Long Xiaochen crying and laughing is that the ancestors who have lived for more than 6,000 years have to let the children call her a bunch of sisters. This generation is chaotic, and Long Haochen is afraid to count.

Unlike the idea of ​​Long Haochen, Yang Yuhan is in a good mood. Long Haochen, Caier and the eternal hero are beaten into one. The strength of these more than 60 superpowers can be said to be solid and solid. backing. The benefits of jihad can be imagined.

Back to Yulongguan, Long Haochen did not take a moment to rest, immediately convened all the members of the parliament to meet, and announced Xiao Hu’s suggestion.

"..." Xiao Lao’s suggestion is like opening a window for me, let me see this jihad and we completely defeat the demons. In fact, similar tactics we have been using against the Mozu, that is the hunting magic group. However, the size of the hunting magic group is too small, and the overall strength is negligible compared to the monster of the Mozu. Since the demon **** wants to lead the army, it is meaningless to us to stick to the fortress. Therefore, I fully recognize Xiao Lao’s statement. We must launch a counterattack before the arrival of the demon god, and burn the war to the territory of the Mozu. ”

Li Zhengzhi nodded and said: "This proposal is too timely. I agree. Passive and passive will not only allow us to seize the opportunity, but also be able to force the devil to be taken by our bridge. At that time, even on the front of the battlefield. We are not good enough, we can also withdraw to the fortress and fight against the Mozu.

The main force of the Mozu will attack according to our ideas. ”

Long Tianyin nodded and said: "I also agree. The devil must not think that we dare to take the initiative. Waiting for the counterattack has been going on for too long. Let us do a big job. If the Mozu is going out of the nest, it is true. It is a huge threat to us, but if we can defeat the main force of the Mozu, then it will be a battle to break the dark age."

The last time Long Haochen swept his face at the meeting, he completely established the authority as the Federal President. After the meeting, Long Tianyin silenced several meetings and gradually resumed the ride. A discerning person like Li Zhengzhi naturally understands the play of the grandson and the grandson, but he is helpless. Anyway, the authority of Long Haochen was established. Because the Knights' Templar already has six great knights, the status will never be shaken by the reprimand of Long Tianyin. Therefore, the Knights Templar is still the largest winner of the Federation.

Although Li Zhengzhi has always been somewhat unconvinced, the situation is stronger than the people, not to mention the upcoming Mozu army. Now everyone can do only the same enemy. Where is the mind that fights for power?

Not everyone supports the initiative to attack this proposal, and the pastor's temple has raised the opposition temple and several members have proposed it.

The fairness and authority of the parliament emerged in the final vote. The powerful influence of the Light Morning Hunting Demon Group is by no means a change in the minds of several Members.

More than two-thirds of the votes cast in favor of this strategic resolution, the historic battle between the Temple Federation and the Mozu, is finally about to begin.

Strategy and tactics have a direction, followed by specific details. After discussion, it was finally decided to launch an active attack on the Mozu from both the point and the face.

The six temples quickly began to mobilize and integrate the power of the six temple professions. Each temple is divided into five roads, and each of them goes to the other five great temples, thus forming a full professional match of the six temples. After each fortress is matched, it is not allowed to be run by the local sanctuary. After the occupation is completed, the six temples will attack the Mozu army stationed outside the fortress at the first time. The announcement of the full beginning of this holy war will take the initiative to burn the inside of the Mozu.

The Emperor of the Devils summoned fifty-four demon gods to gather together to have a meeting. There are advantages and disadvantages. At least in the army of the Mozu who is outside the six major fortresses, there is no devil to sit in the town. The Mozu is obviously never thinking about the problem that humans will counterattack.

At the same time as the launch of the full jihad, there are still some breakthroughs, and it is also a real restraint on the main army of the Mozu. The army responsible for the breakthrough is the first and second legions of the Federation that have been integrated. And Long Haochen will lead the light of the morning hunter demon group to personally lead this army, the Federation also transferred all the returning hunters to this army by Long Haochen commander.

Their goal is to go deep inside the sage like a sharp knife and give the Mozu a heavy blow.

Of course, the war initiated by this army will never be blind. First of all, they will try to avoid the direction of the devil. When the light of the morning, the hunter will be accompanied by the same. Sixty-three of the eternal heroes will have eighteen. The bit follows the battle. Among them are Xiao Huo and Shu Shu, and the remaining 16 are the 16 super strong players who are more than 9th and 5th.

The power of such an army has even surpassed the overall strength of the Devils. Moreover, if it is deep, it will certainly not go too far. The army is flexible and has the ability to withdraw at any time. With their destructive power, they will be able to greatly restrain the main force of the demon king. The Emperor of the Devil did not dare to let Long Haochen lead the army to destroy inside the Mozu! What's more, his fundamental goal is Long Haochen.

In addition to the 18 eternal heroes who followed Long Haochen, the remaining forty-five eternal heroes were divided into five groups, each to the Assassin's Temple, the Temple of the Magic, the Temple of the Warrior, the Temple of the Soul and the Temple of the Pastor.

The Knights' High Court is not assigned to the eternal hero to help the war, because the sword-knife army commanded by Long Haochen will start from Yulongguan and start the offensive. When the final retreat, the Yulongguan will be chosen. Have enough strength.

As for the simultaneous attack of the other five great temples, there is only one purpose, that is, the demon gods divide. Let him not be able to bring all the main forces around, thus reducing the pressure on the side of Long Haochen.

As long as the position of the main body of the demon **** is finally determined, there will be follow-up measures on the side of the Temple Federation.

The Mozu is already doing its best, and how can the Temple Federation dare to have it again? Some hidden forces and treasures that can be used in war have all been prepared for this war.

The plan has been set, and the next step is rapid integration. If someone can look at the entire Federal Frontier from the sky, it will be found that there are signs of a large army movement throughout the frontier. Each temple is divided into five roads and goes to other temples. As for combat orders and real purposes, they are in strict secrecy.

In the six temples, when they are still assigning professional players to each other → this morning, this sharp knife army has already smashed the Yulongguan in the night, just like the tigers who rushed to the defensive army .


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