“Manager Chen, Manager Chen, it seems that someone is coming to trouble, and people have already entered.”

Chen Yong, who was in the bar, heard the sound from the walkie -talkie, frowned.

To be honest, he did not believe that someone would dare to come to respect the emperor.

You know, in the entire Yangtze River Delta, no one does not know the name and strength of Zunhuang Entertainment City.

When Zunhuang Entertainment City was just opened, there were also many jealous groups who had come to work.

But there was no row, and those group leaders ended very miserable in the end.

Either the illegal things that have been done in the east windows are prison, or they were chopped to death on the street and home.

Some accidental deaths happened more.

Gradually, the prestige of Zunhuang Casino was spread out, and no one dared to make trouble again.

Last time Wang Qiang’s younger brother Wang Ye made trouble in Zunhuang Entertainment City because he was just a child who was spoiled by his brother and didn’t know the depth.

Now that I heard that someone came to make trouble, Chen Yong was very unbelievable.

But he didn’t believe it or not, he still called the general manager Gao Jian.

The wolf is staring at Du Yueer in Qingshan Saniosaire, so now the affairs of Zunhuang Entertainment City are in charge of Gao Jian.

In the monitoring room upstairs, Gao Jian’s hands around the chest, watching Wu Zhengyi gambling with the electronic screen with interest.

Today, Ye Chen brought Wu Zhengyi to let him indulge.

At this time, Wu Zhengyi was not just a chip of tens of millions of chips in front of the table, but also with beautiful women beside him.

And all these things were photographed by Gao Jian.

Seeing the time, Gao Jian notified to the headset.

The beauties next to Wu Zhengyi began to move their feet, Jiao Di became charm.

Wu Zhengyi also moved through alcohol.

Subsequently, two women were supported by two women to the guest room area.

As for what happened in the room, men knew.

Although Wu Zhengyi was middle -aged, the bravery was not diminished.

On the spot, Gao Jian staged a live broadcast.

At this moment, the mobile phone in Gao Jian’s pocket rang.

Seeing that Chen Yong came, he couldn’t help picking up.

“What’s wrong?”

Gao Jian said lightly.

“Mr. Gao, the security guard at the door said that someone was coming to trouble, and I notified you.”

“Where is the boss?”

When I heard someone going to make trouble, Gao Jian looked gloomy.

The boss is still there, isn’t the trouble here for him?

No matter who it is, as long as he is making trouble today, he will definitely make him unable to eat.

“Old, the boss is in the bar area, and he is chatting with Xiao Duer.”

“Okay, I know, I will take someone to see it now.”

After hanging up the phone, Gao Jian saved all Wu Zhengyi’s videos and turned away.

After Murong Long walked into the bar, he smelled the turbid air and frowned slightly.

Take out a white handkerchief and cover it on the mouth.

“What breaks, this kind of place is also treated? This environment dares to call it the first in Asia?”

Then he waved his hand disgusting, and the men behind him were scattered to find Xiao Duoer.

A Murong Long saw Xiao Duoer where Ye Chen was located, and he was guarded by the surrounding suit as soon as he came forward.

“What do you do? It’s not a mess here.”

“Step aside.”

Murong Long said coldly.


The bar raised his brows, but before he had a movement, he was kicked out by Murong Long’s foot.

The movement happened here instantly attracted the attention of the people around.

More than a dozen bars welcomed.

But Murong Long’s men should be a trainer, and they were not afraid of more than a dozen trained internal insurance.

A few moves overturned the five or six internal security.

The movement also attracted the attention of Murong Long and others.

In an instant, a few of Murong Long rushed over.

Those internal insurances are very difficult to deal with, let alone a few more people.

More than a dozen internal insurance was beaten only the power of defense, and there was no ability to resist.

Little Duoer, who was drinking one after another, heard the movement and stopped.

As for Ye Chen, he just glanced back and retreated.

The response of Zunhuang Casino is very fast.

The conflict here just happened, and dozens of suits on the second floor rushed down.

Those suits are all holding a long knife, and they look cold.

Mu Ronglong, accompanied by the old housekeeper, stood in the distance and looked at the lively.

Murong’s family, one of the four major families in the Northeast.

It is said that Ancestral is a Grand Qing Bailer.

Because the name was too eye -catching, it was renamed Murong Fu.

So far, the Murong family has passed on for hundreds of years.

The family has many leaflets and many members, distributed in various fields.

The business community, political circles, and underground forces exist in the Murong family.

After a century of development, the Murong family has grown into a towering tree in the northeast.

Even the city where the family is located can achieve the economic development of the city.

Even many new officials have to say hello to Murong’s family after taking office.

Compared with Ye Chen’s status in the magic capital.

In fact, the most powerful Murong family is the heritage of ancient martial arts.

Many lost martial arts have been preserved in Murong’s house.

In the previous era, martial arts were definitely murderous skills, but because of the current checks and balances of law, martial arts can no longer appear to have glory.

One slap has to pay eight, who is still practicing martial arts? After practicing, let people lie on the ground to understand the car app?

But all subordinates of the Murong family are all pregnant with martial arts.

In the face of dozens of internal insurance holding the knife, Ling Ran was not afraid.

Finally, Ye Chen looked at the two parties in the battle.

Looking at the skills of those under the Murong family, there was a touch of interest.

“Well, just a bunch of garbage, that’s it?”

“Don’t you say that the magic goes around, do you see the whole China see the magic capital?”

“This is too useless, what is the use of more people and can’t fight.”

Murong Long fanned the wind with a handkerchief and said disdain.

“Master can’t be careless, these are just ordinary people, you haven’t encountered the real master.”

“If you take it lightly, you may suffer in the future.”

The old man reminded carefully.

When he heard the old man, Murong Long looked at him with a fierce look: “Are you teaching Master to do things?”

Seeing Murong Long’s bad eyes, the old man dared not speak anymore.

In Murong Long’s younger generation in Murong’s family, although not a leader, it is also the No. 3 figure.

The owner is the owner, and he has to bear a servant with humiliation.

The Mu Rong family is the most talked about the rules.

Follow the Qing nobles.

In the Murongjia Manor, the suppressed atmosphere can suffocate all the people.

Waiting for the master to drink tea, there must be a warm bed girl and so on.

Even marrying a wife is divided into two rooms, but it is not known for outsiders.

However, the salary of the Murong family is very high, and ordinary people have 50,000 wages per month.

A little bit of qualifications can even earn 100,000 a month.

However, it is difficult for ordinary people to bear the living habits and atmosphere of Murong’s family.

At this moment, Gao Jian led a public security personnel out of the elevator.

Seeing the momentum like a rainbow, Murong’s family who pressed the inner -Baojie, pulled out the cold sound from his arms: “Give me a hand.”

Chen Yong started to clear the field long ago. After Gao Jian pulled out the gun, there were no outsiders except for the two people in the bar.

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