The cold voice of the wolf came: “Let Wang Qiang answer the phone.”

“Who are you special?”

Hearing the tone of the opposite side, the younger brother was dissatisfied.

“My name is Cang Wolf.”


The younger brother almost didn’t hold the phone.

“Brother Wolf, I will give the phone call to Qiang.”

After speaking, the younger brother whispered: “Boss, Brother Wolf’s phone.”

Wang Qiang answered the phone in surprise: “Ah Lang, what’s wrong? Why do you have time to call me so idle today?”

The wolf didn’t talk nonsense, and said directly: “My boss lets you come over to see him.”

“Your boss?”

Wang Qiang suddenly sat up and looked dignified.

“Your boss is …”

The wolf said lightly: “The person you think.”

“What’s up?”

Wang Qiang did not dare to agree directly, but wanted to explore the bottom.

“Your brother has caused trouble here, and still makes your boss and friends.”

“You’d better come over soon, don’t let me go to you.”

“Otherwise you know the consequences.”

Dudu! Intersection Intersection

After speaking, there was a busy voice in the mobile phone.

“Oh shit!!”

Wang Qiangqi directly dropped his phone on the ground.

“Call people right away, go with me a trip to the Emperor Casino.”

Chapter 86 Do you try to call Du’s family?

In the Emperor Casino.

The people in the bar have been cleared.

As for Xiao Duer’s standing on DJ, I don’t know what to do.

She didn’t know if she should go now or should I stay.

Because she was invited by the emperor’s money, and the service was not over yet.

At this time, the guests in the bar have left, leaving only Ye Chen and others.

Pull over a chair, Ye Chen sat down and smiled: “What do you think, then play music, and then dance.”


Xiao Duoer heard Ye Chen’s instructions and asked carefully, “What kind of music do you want to hear?”

“It’s a little gentle, it’s too strong, I’m afraid I can’t stand it.”

“Ha ha……”

Xiao Duoer heard Ye Chen’s words, and couldn’t help but laugh.

“Okay, sir.”

Xiao Duoer already knew Ye Chen’s identity and dared not neglect, and found a disc to put it into the machine.

With the play of music, a soft song rang in the bar.

Ye Chen sat there closed his eyes, his fingers tapped on his leg gently.

Qin Yao rolled his eyes: “You can solve it by yourself. It’s not too early. Let’s go first.”

“Well, go back first.”

“Wolf, find two drivers to send my friends back.”

Qin Yao and others do not want to stay here.

But their identity is a bit sensitive, and what happens next, they know.

After Qin Yao and others left, in the entire bar, only Ye Chen and Wolf, Gao Jian, Ayong, and hundreds of security were left.

These security security was adjusted from upstairs.

Wang Qiang is not an ordinary person. If you come over this time, you will definitely not come by himself. It is also good to make some preparations in advance.

Without a long time, there was a roar of the engine outside the Emperor Casino.

The front Mercedes -Benz S480, followed by a pentagram.

After coming to Zunhuang Casino, the door opened, and a group of small mixed fish holding sticks went down.

Wang Qiang walked down from 480 and waved his hands, and his younger brothers followed him into the entertainment city.

As soon as I walked into the bar, Wang Qiang saw two rows of security standing in the door.

Those people do not squint, even if there are fifty people in Wang Qiang’s side, they have not made them move.

Following Wang Qianglai’s younger brothers, seeing this kind of row, he was a little scared.

At first glance, these people are not the crowd of Wuhe.

At this time, on the dance floor of the bar, Ye Chen danced a soft dance and disappeared to Wang Qiang who came in.

“A Lang, I’m here, what do you want to draw?”

The wolf said faintly: “How do you want you, today is not what I can say.”

When the words fell, I saw that the wolf pulled out the gun directly on Wang Qiang’s head.

Wang Qiang moved his fingers, but he didn’t dare to resist.

“Wolf, I don’t believe you dare to kill me.”

“I am now the Du family, you move me, the Du family will not let you go.”

After hearing Wang Qiang, he had already relying on the Du family, and the wolf hesitated a little.

The Du family controlled half of the underworld in the Demon Capital, and he couldn’t afford it.

“Du family?”

Ye Chen, who was dancing, stopped in shape and smiled slightly: “Don’t you call the Du family and ask them if they can help you?”

Jumping down the stage, Ye Chen came to the closer, took the gun in the wolf’s hand, exited the magazine skillfully, leaving only one bullet.

“Don’t say that I don’t give you a chance. There is only one bullet in this gun. You can only go out to go out with your brother today.”

“You choose your own brothers.”

The wolf walked over and took the gun between Wang Qiang’s waist.

After all, people of their status will bring their guys with their body.

“What do you mean?”

Wang Qiang asked with a dignified look.

Ye Chen shook his head: “No interesting, you can call the Du family first. If it doesn’t work, you can only make this choice.”

Wang Qiang took the phone and directly called Du Rufeng’s heart and blood eagle.

But now the blood eagle is dead or alive, and the Du family’s confidant has been controlled, and even Du Rufeng is estimated to have been resolved by Tang Yi.

How could it be connected.

After playing three times, no one was connected, and Wang Qiang couldn’t sit still.

“What’s the matter in the end, no one can answer the phone.”

Ye Chen smiled: “Okay, don’t waste time. After today, the Du family has become history.”

“Impossible, absolutely impossible.”

Wang Qiang didn’t dare to believe.

The wolf and others also changed their faces, and looked at Ye Chen in fear.

Is it true that the Du family is really …

They dare not want to go on.

If it is true, how terrible the power behind their boss should be?

“Even if I can’t contact the Du family, but so many brothers are here, do you think you can eat me?”

Ye Chen smiled at his fingers.

In the instantly, there were more than ten figures on the second floor of the bar, and the muzzle of the black hole was directly facing Wang Qiang and a group of younger brothers.

Looking around, Wang Qiang took a deep breath: “I don’t believe you dare to kill us all.”

“Well, if you say that, you can be regarded as a character, a little brain.”

“I really don’t dare to do the massacre, but if I kill one or two people, there is no problem.”

“You ask your men, who wants to die first?”

Ye Chen seemed to smile.

Wang Qiang heard that he turned his body: “Brothers, who would be willing to kill with me today, and he will have 10 % of his shares in the bar in the future.”

Hearing this sentence, I also thought about it.

“No no, no, today, a street in the bar is not yours. Do you think you escape, will the magic still have a place you can do?”

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