Chapter 111 111. Journey to Crystal Valley (12) DEB celebration party

After the DEB press conference, Lei Luo and a group of DEB executives held a grand party at DEB to celebrate DEB’s new life. Champagne and wine, buffets were dazzling, social celebrities, film and television superstars contending with each other, it was dizzying. For Lei Luo This person who has never attended this type of party is fresh and unique.

After Lei Luo and DEB executives greeted each other, they wandered leisurely among the crowd of handsome men and women…

Lei Luo picked up a small piece of pastry and threw it into his mouth. The only problem with such a party was that he couldn’t fill his stomach grandiosely. Lei Luo could only pretend to be looking for someone while putting pastries on different plates and throwing them into his mouth. inside…

“Uh~”, Lei Luo just slipped to the center of the hall, about to pick up the last small cake on a certain plate, and a clip was stretched out next to it, the goal was the same as Lei Luo.

“Please,” Lei Luo hurriedly retracted the clip in his hand and put it on the table.

“Thank you”, this is a sexy female voice with a strong EN accent.

“Ruth?” When Lei Luo turned to see the owner of the voice, he couldn’t help being stunned. Isn’t this the heroine of the Titanic? 1998 was when the film became popular in China.

“I’m Kate”, the owner of the voice has put the little cake in her tray and stuffed it in her mouth with a fork, and said vaguely. It seems that she is not full, and she is like Lei Luo.

“Lei Luo, nice to meet you”, Lei Luo couldn’t help laughing when he saw that Kate didn’t look like a big star at all, and boldly stretched out his hand and introduced himself.

“Nice to meet you”, Kate had to put down the dinner plate and shook hands with Lei Luo.

“You ruined the noble Ruth in my heart. I only saw a greedy little cat.” Lei Luo was indeed taken aback. Now Ruth is wearing casual clothes, like a student at school.

“Really? What should I do?” Ruth said with a smile. Lei Luo is one of the hosts of this party. She still knows this. Although he is a Chinese, capital knows no borders.

Lei Luo picked up her tray, then used a fork to pick up the remaining piece of cake and put it to her mouth.

“Are you sure?” Kate looked around, saw that no one was paying attention, and quickly took the little cake into her mouth with one bite.

“That’s it,” Lei Luo said with a smile. Kate glanced strangely at the mysterious young man from the East, as if feeling the soul of a middle-aged man.

“Waiter, give me a piece of paper and a pen,” Lei Luo said to the waiter next to him.

Kate looked at Lei Luo suspiciously, wondering what he was going to do? It doesn’t need to be so troublesome to ask for her phone!

Lei Luo wrote on the paper

“You build a blog here, we have many of your fans in China, and I am one of them,” Lei Luo said with a smile.

“Blog?” Kate said blankly.

“Yes, many movie stars in China have blogs on it, which makes it easy to interact with fans,” Lei Luo said.

“Okay, I’ll try it, but you know, my computer skills are terrible, so…” Kate said.

“It doesn’t matter, this is my business card. My team and I can provide you with all the technical support.” Lei Luo handed the business card to Kate.

“Sorry for your mercy, can you lend me this man?” Behind Lei Luo, a familiar female voice heard.

“Of course, please,” Kate said.

Lei Luo turned his head and saw that it was Lisa in a veil skirt, and not far behind her, a capable middle-aged man with deep eyes, short hair and beard was walking towards this side, and Thomson happened to stop him, and he Chatted.

“Is this Qiao Busi?” Lei Luo was taken aback.

“Lei Luo, dance with me?” Lisa said to Lei Luo.

“Hello, Lisa, you are so beautiful today, but unfortunately, I can’t dance,” Lei Luo said helplessly.

“It’s okay, I’ll teach you.” Lisa turned her head to see, Qiao Busi was about to come again, and quickly took Lei Luo’s arm and walked onto the dance floor in the middle.

Lei Luo glanced at Kate apologetically, and left with Lisa. Kate smiled back and shrugged to be okay.

“Your left hand holds my hand, your right hand wraps around my waist, and your steps follow me, yes, that’s it”, Lisa patiently taught Lei Luo.

Lei Luo waltzed for the first time, a little tied up, even though the summer was over, he was still sweating profusely. But Lisa, who has always been indifferent, doesn’t know what’s going on today, but she is very patient.

Fortunately, the pace of the slow waltz is simple, and Lei Luo gradually found a touch of feeling…

“Ah”, Lei Luo suddenly felt a twitch in his head, feeling something being pulled away from his body, his feet were soft, and his head fell forward involuntarily, just resting on Lisa’s chest. However, Lei Luo didn’t have any unreasonable thoughts, and the feeling at this time was only pain.

“Ah”, Lisa hurriedly backed away. Lei Luo was about to fall to the ground softly and was caught by Joe Busi next to him. He just thought that Lei Luo was going to indecent assault to his daughter Lisa. Lei Luo fainted and almost misunderstood.

The moment Lei Luo was held by Qiao Busi, that feeling suddenly disappeared. It really came and went fast.

“Thank you”, Lei Luo shook his head, he was lying in Qiao Busi’s arms now.

“You’re fine,” Joe Busi said.

Lei Luo hurriedly stood up straight, and the two big men’s posture was a bit ambiguous under the public.

“Hello, I’m Qiao Busi.” Seeing that Lei Luo was really fine, Qiao Busi introduced himself.

“Hello, I am Lei Luo”, Lei Luo sincerely thanked him.

“Are you Lei Luo? The Chinese who established the Linux software ecosystem?” Qiao Busi was stunned.

“Yes”, Lei Luo didn’t expect Qiao Busi to remember him, and it was a great honor. This is a real big cow, alive in front of him. However, Lei Luo didn’t dare to ask him for a signature, because he had just plagiarized the design of the iPod and applied for the patent of the mp3. He was imagining it!

“That’s my daughter Lisa, do you guys know?” Although Qiao Busi was surprised, he didn’t care too much. He cared more about his daughter Lisa, who was always at odds with him these days.

“I’m her client. She is designing a product for me.” Lei Luo was taken aback. He didn’t expect Lisa to be Qiao Busi’s daughter. He was also hesitating in my heart, do you want to change another person? Too much implicated with Qiao Busi, he always felt a little bit in his heart!

“Oh? What product?” Qiao Busi was interested.

“This is confidential.” Lei Luo really didn’t want to discuss the mp3 player in front of Qiao Busi, because one of the design patents he applied for was an iPod. Although this is a fist product launched by Pingpan in 2001, Qiao Busi should not know the iPod at all.

“By the way, I’m a little uncomfortable. I’m leaving first. Thank you so much today. This is my business card.” Lei Luo didn’t give Qiao Busi a chance to ask further questions. He hurriedly left. Before leaving, he also took it. Arrived at a business card of Qiao Busi.

After Lei Luo left, Qiao Busi could no longer find Lisa.

“This kid is really not worrying,” Qiao Busi shook his head helplessly.

“Qiao Busi, just now your proposal, iMac uses our beta chip architecture, we DEB are very interested, this is our chairman Brown”, then Thomson brought Brown over.

“Really? That’s great.” Joe was not happy, and it seemed that it was not in vain this time. A long time ago, Qiao Busi contacted DEB’s former CEO Omar, but the arrogant Omar simply didn’t like the pan. Now the major adjustment of DEB has made Qiao Busi once again on the big tree of DEB.

In the original historical trajectory, the Pingpan iMac used chips from the American Int company, but now, all this has changed…

~~ Dear book friends, if you think the writing is okay, please recommend and give a reward. I would like to thank the old lion~~

~~ The new book “Shenhao Hacking Technology Software Developer” (not a book, the name of the book is “Shenhao Hacking Technology Network Developer”), please support! ~~

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