Chapter 127 127. Legendary Internet Cafe (Part 2)

Wan Tie put an advertisement on QQ, and the students gradually learned that there is such a legendary Internet cafe, which contains such an online game called “Hot Blood Legend”.

Yesterday the Internet cafes were relatively few people, but today after noon, they are all full.

“If we can maintain today’s attendance rate, we will be able to make a profit of 30,000 this month,” Zheng Dangmin said with joy.

The entire Internet cafe has 200 computers, with an investment of 2.4 million, which is depreciated for one and a half years, which is 24,018 = 133,300 per month. The current charge of Internet cafes is 2 yuan per hour. If the attendance rate is 70%, it is almost 200*2*24*0.7*30=201600 yuan a month.

After excluding 10,000 months of internet and labor costs, and excluding 30,000 months of rent, the profit is almost 30,000 months.

This is much higher than his income from watching places in Guancheng. Although it is not all his, this is only the first Internet cafe.

They are choosing a location for the next one, and they are planning to open it near Wujiaochang. There are also several colleges and universities in the magic capital. The more famous ones are Guanghua University and Tongji University.

“Hush hush hush,” Lei Luo hurriedly made a silent gesture, motioning everyone to go upstairs to talk.

After Lei Luo led a few people upstairs, he entered an office, and a Ge You lay, comfortable! Several other people also found a seat at will.

“30,000? Brother, you underestimate this business”, Lei Luo said with a smile, and looked around at everyone around him.

“Are you saying that drinks and snacks can make money?” Han Xiaole thought for a while and said.

“This is one piece, but the profit is not big, about 20,000 yuan per month,” Lei Luo said with a smile.

When Zheng Dangmin and others first heard Lei Luo say that the profit was not big, they felt a sinking heart, and when he said that the profit was 20,000 per month, they felt happy again. It makes everyone itch.

“This is not a big profit? The entire Internet cafe is only 30,000.” Zheng Dangmin laughed from ear to ear.

“Internet cafes are more profitable,” Lei Luo said with a smile.

“Oh?” The others looked at Lei Luo expectantly and continued.

“We now charge a uniform fee of 2 yuan per hour. The 200 machines are the same. If some of the machines are configured a little higher, they can be charged more expensive, such as 3 yuan per hour, or 5 yuan per hour,” Lei Luo said with a smile.

Others have not reacted yet. Han Xiaole first figured out this account. Adding a memory stick is only about 1,000 yuan, which is equivalent to 10% of the total cost of the machine, but the charge has increased by 50% or even 150%, so that each machine is certain. You can make more money.

When Han Xiaole told everyone, everyone immediately understood it, and couldn’t help but enjoy another meal.

“I said, this is not a big head”, Lei Luo continued.

“Ah? Is there another way to make money?” Everyone looked at each other for a while, really wondering how else to make money.

“Equipment trading,” Lei Luo said while looking at the plateau. In fact, the legendary game can sell some cards, but this is directly changed by Lei Luo. It is too ugly to eat like this. He does not rely on games to make money, it is completely unnecessary. But the equipment is different, only for the wealthy users. For most netizens, it is relatively mild!

“Yeah, Yang Xingyu is currently developing. I want him to hurry up and get online as soon as possible.” The plateau suddenly realized. Others have also reacted, they have all played legends, of course they know the importance of equipment! For a while, the whole conference room was stirred up…

“Then how much income do you estimate?” Zheng Dangmin looked at Lei Luo expectantly and asked after waiting for everyone to yell for a long time.

“It’s hard to say, I can’t guess the specific data,” Lei Luo said with a smile, because he knew it was an astronomical figure for them, so he didn’t dare to say it.

“But I know that from now on, you will start to promote our legendary server in Internet cafes,” Lei Luo said while looking at Wan Tie and Zheng Dangmin. The purpose of promoting Legend is to promote QQ and Internet cafe management systems. This is Wan Tie’s work. But now the owners of Internet cafes are more or less of a gangster nature, so Zheng Dangmin also wants to join.

“Why is the legendary server? I don’t understand. Isn’t our legendary server already online? Other Internet cafes just need to install our QQ, you can download the legendary client in it, and you can play after installation”, Han Xiaole asked .

“It is not time for other Internet cafes to connect to our legendary server. Because the internet speed is too slow, we have to give them a legendary game server in other Internet cafes,” Lei Luo explained patiently. In fact, he talked about it before going to Jinggu, but it’s already November. It’s too long, and everyone may have forgotten it.

“Then they buy a server by themselves, and let’s install the legendary server software for them, isn’t it all right?” Han Xiaole still had questions, and continued to ask.

“No, if it’s just a few people playing, there is no problem with ordinary PC computers currently on the market as servers, but there are at least dozens of machines in an Internet cafe? If all of them are connected to a PC computer server, it will definitely crash.” , Lei Luo continued.

“Our legendary PC server is the motherboard and CPU that I specifically looked for in the United States. There is no such high-quality and inexpensive server in China,” Lei Luo smirked.

However, Lei Luo didn’t tell the truth. This is a batch of high-performance computers he redeemed in the points mall. It will be a configuration that will only be launched two years later. Now let alone domestic, there are none in the world.

“I’m Cao, aren’t we exclusive?” Zheng Dangmin was about to exclaim in excitement.

Zheng Dangmin knows the meaning of exclusiveness very well. The first time he came to Guancheng was in a small town, and there was a hotel in the town that provided Guan-style services. As there was no competition, the business was so hot that guests had to queue up, even a few days in advance. Reserve. After a few more shops were opened in the town, the business was much worse, and the profits shrank more than ten times.

Zheng Dangmin hurriedly shared his understanding of the exclusive with everyone, saying that Wan Tie, Gao Gao and other people screamed out loud, and the public sentiment aroused anger for a while…

“This is the case at the moment, but it is not easy to convince these Internet cafe owners. Zheng Dang, your brothers are going to come in handy. Every time you talk to Wan Tie, you must have Zheng Dangmin’s brothers present.” Lei Luo waited for everyone to finish venting, and solemnly ordered.

“No problem,” Wan Tie cast a seductive look at Zheng Dangmin, and Zheng Dangmin returned an ambiguous look, making everyone present a chill.

“Let’s go, let’s go out for dinner.” This time Zhou Yaohui couldn’t bear it. The little thing he just ate seemed like a spark, igniting his hunger and even more hungry!

“Okay”, Tao Renxian raised his head at this moment, just in time to see Lei Luo walking in, this time he could see clearly. But Lei Luo looked inside.

“Wait a minute, sit down first.” Tao Renxian thought Lei Luo was here to get on the plane and was looking for a vacancy. Now that they go out, aren’t they just giving him a seat? Quickly said to Zhou Yaohui.

Zhou Yaohui sat down again inexplicably. Tao Renxian watched Lei Luo walk out before greeted Zhou Yaohui to leave.

“What kind of cow? Just don’t give you a seat, so you can’t play a legend, hehehe”, Tao Renxian found a little satisfaction in his heart, secretly proud.

“By the way, Hu Jun, when you introduce someone over again, you must make it clear that you can’t skip class and come here to do part-time jobs. You can only do it in your spare time.” At this time, Lei Luo returned.

“F*ck”, Tao Renxian trembles at his feet. It hasn’t been long before he is proud, and the kid has returned.

“I see, boss,” Hu Jun smiled and nodded in agreement. Lei Luo quickly made a silent gesture.

“Boss? Is this Internet cafe opened by Lei Luo?” Tao Renxian was just in a bad mood, but now it’s like a bottom.

[Congratulations, you succeeded in pretending to slap your face for fifteen consecutive beatings in social activities, points +1638400]

Lei Luo turned around in surprise, just in time to see the dark-faced Tao Renxian and another unknown classmate approaching, he couldn’t help laughing, looking like [So]…

~~ Dear book friends, if you think the writing is okay, please recommend and give a reward. I would like to thank the old lion~~

~~ The new book “Shenhao Black Technology Software Developer” (not a book, the name of the book is “Shenhao Black Technology Network Developer”), please support! ~~

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