215 Chapter 215

“If you don’t contract, you won’t contract.” Huang Xiaoying was drinking a bowl of hot water. Before she finished drinking, she poured a bowl in front of Sun Changfa.

Sun Changfa hurriedly retreated and collided with Sun Ligang and his son. They were embarrassed and caused the surrounding crowd to laugh.

“You~” After Sun Changfa stabilized his mind, he was about to come up to Huang Xiaoying for theory.

At this time, an old watch that came to pay a New Year’s greetings immediately rushed over and stood in front of it.

Just kidding, when it’s time to behave, you must stand up to it.

Looking at other old watches, they quickly followed, and some took their family members, and nearly ten people came up at once, which shocked the three of Sun Changfa.

“Why? This matter is the decision of the village committee, no matter how many of you are,” Sun Changfa quickly took a step back and collided with Sun Ligang and his son again.

“We know, you go back and wait for the notice,” Lei Luo walked over and said to Sun Changfa with a smile.

“Okay, let’s go.” Sun Changfa turned his head and left. Sun Ligang and his son were a little dazed.

Why did we go back and wait for the notice?

Didn’t we come here to inform you?

But the surging crowd squeezed them away early, and the performance began again.

Sun Ligang and his son had to follow Sun Changfa dejectedly.

“Now there are so many people here, we will come again in two days.” Sun Changfa walked out of the crowd before throwing down a sentence angrily.

“Good, let’s come again in the third year,” Sun Ligang said excitedly.

Sun Changfa waved his hand without looking back, and walked away. If Sun Ligang were his relatives, he wouldn’t bother to care about it!

However, since it has been in charge, it must be managed to the end. Although the village head is small, he is also a national cadre, and his dignity cannot be tarnished!

“Mom and dad, don’t rent that fish pond. What are you doing so hard?” Lei Luo said.

“If you don’t raise fish, can you have fish during the Chinese New Year? Besides, your tuition for school has been subsidized by selling fish,” Lei Quan glared at Lei Luo.

“Okay, I’ll find someone to say hello. The fish pond will definitely be okay.” Lei Luo nodded helplessly. It seems that his father still wants the entire fish pond, so he can only help think of a solution.

“It’s fine if you have a way,” Lei Quan said happily, and then he went to watch the show with confidence. He blindly trusts Lei Luo, after all, the Lei family only came out of this college student for three generations.

“Virtue”, Huang Xiaoying glared at Lei Quan.

But when he saw Lei Luo, his eyes were filled with love, and his son really grew up. For her son, she also trusts blindly!

“Later, they beg you to find work. You can come according to your actual situation. If you can help, don’t be embarrassed if it doesn’t work. Just tell them directly,” Huang Xiaoying whispered Lei Luo.

“Okay, I see,” Lei Luo said with a smile.

After watching the performance, everyone in front of the door dispersed, and the family returned to the house.

Sure enough, these old watchmen surrounded Lei Luo and exchanged “enthusiastically”.

“Cousin Lei, is there any good way to survive for us?”

“Yes, that is, we don’t have anything else, we still have a lot of strength”

“Don’t worry, we have grown up together since we were young. If nothing else, we are absolutely sincere and will not cause you trouble.”

“It really can’t, I can drive you a car.”

“You don’t have a driver’s license yet?”

“Can I go to school right away?”

“Cousins ​​and cousins, let me first talk about my work here. Let’s see what you have done before and see if you can do it.” Lei Luo was surrounded by everyone, his head was almost noisy, and he stopped quickly.

Everyone was silent.

“I heard that you are high-tech, we don’t have any culture,” a cousin said timidly.

“It doesn’t matter, I still need some work that doesn’t require too much culture”, Lei Luo said with a smile.

For these relatives, he can provide them with a chance, but whether he is competent, he will not favoritism, and naturally there will be professionals to manage.

This is the limit he can do, otherwise his business will be chaotic.

In fact, the people he introduced, under the same conditions, will get some preferential treatment, and they still have to take some advantage.

“Don’t be too serious, everyone, it makes the atmosphere so heavy, I leave it here, as long as everyone is willing to work hard, they can find their own competent positions”, Lei Luo looked at everyone holding their breath, and hurryed. Dispel everyone’s concerns.

“Oh, it scares me to death”

“That’s right, why is Cousin Lei talking murderously now”

“Yes, I’m so nervous”

“Aren’t you the one who jumps the most? Are you scared too?”

“It’s not afraid. It’s respect. Do you know respect?”

Suddenly the crowd became babbled again.

Taking advantage of this moment, Lei Luo also thought carefully about the places that needed manpower.

First, Moluo Precision.

Those who are big people and don’t require high academic qualifications are of course Huang Fuchun’s mastery.

She has already begun to acquire the precision manufacturing plant in the magic city, and a large number of people are needed at any time.

Second, Internet cafes and snack delivery.

Now the Internet cafe model of Modu has matured, and it has undertaken several major functions:

1. Internet, games

2. Takeaway snacks

Now the entire snack operation has also adopted centralization and specialization.

The raw materials of snacks are purchased in a centralized manner, processed in one place, and then sent to the flagship stores of Internet cafes.

Greatly save costs and increase efficiency.

Lei Luo currently rents a large house near the legendary Internet cafe in Xihui District as a processing center for snack raw materials and semi-finished products.

Some people are hired to cut vegetables, mix noodles, mix stuffing, and make.

The finished or semi-finished products, such as wontons and pangui noodles, are delivered to flagship stores.

In this way, the food stall of the flagship store is only responsible for the last process such as cooking, frying, and frying, which greatly reduces the requirements for personnel.

For example, the chef who used to make Guogui only needs to make noodles in the snack center, while the food stall owner of the flagship store of the Internet cafe only needs to process the noodles a little bit and put them in the oven.

Therefore, the quality requirements of the food stall owners are very low. As long as the master chefs in the snack center are retained, all the snacks will be able to guarantee the taste.

3. The receiving location of the online shopping mall.

Now the users of online shopping malls and the users of Internet cafes are greatly overlapped, so if users are willing to receive goods in the Internet cafes, Moluo Technology can directly deliver the goods.

In other words, the delivery scope of online shopping malls, which used to be campuses, is now expanded to Internet cafes.

You know, the Internet cafes in the magic city have basically covered the prosperous urban area.

Lei Luo simply built the logistics sub-center warehouse of the online shopping mall in several flagship Internet cafes.

When Zheng Dangmin’s motorcycle team gave out snacks, they gave out online products, and they did two things with one stone.

This also greatly increases the manpower requirements of the motorcycle team.

And this model, Lei Luo will be promoted throughout the country, just this year! This is also a big employer.

Third, to build a research and development base in Xinzhuan County, a lot of manpower is needed on the construction site.

Fourth, the government of Modu Xintiandi has notified local residents of the demolition and relocation, and Moluo Technology will intervene in the next year.

From demolition to infrastructure construction, a lot of manpower is needed.

After clarifying the general idea, Lei Luo began to explain to everyone one by one.

After listening to everyone, they feel that they are competent for many positions, and Lei Luo said, it doesn’t matter, there is a master or special training.

The only requirement is to study hard and do things down-to-earth.

At this time, the old watchmen’s various sentiments were agitated, and they wanted to hurry to Lei Luo to come to work.

“Don’t worry, don’t worry, those who are interested can first go to Brother Lei Sheng to register for the position they are interested in”, Lei Luo hurriedly pulled Lei Sheng over as a shield.

“What do you remember? It’s time for dinner, come over and set the table quickly”, Huang Xiaoying walked over at this moment and directly blasted the crowd away.

“Oh Si, what kind of wine is this?”

“It’s not Moutai, right?”

“Don’t know the characters? Can you recognize the five characters of Kweichow Moutai?”

“It’s not fake, is it?”

The talking cousin saw the despised expressions around him, and realized that he had said the wrong thing.

“Can I fine myself three glasses?” The guy picked up the bottle and poured it for himself.

“Fuck, I don’t know you drunkard, want to drink for such a bad reason”

Almost everyone on the three Eight Immortals table poured white wine!

Even those who don’t usually drink are also poured!

Just kidding, it’s not Lei Luo’s place. You may not be able to drink this wine in your life.

If someone asks about the taste of Moutai, you have tasted it somehow, you can show it off!

Although everyone is very excited, the rules still have to be followed.

The first cup must be to respect Lei’an, then Lei Ting and Lei Quan’s couple, and then free activities, catching each other and fighting each other.

“Dad, take your time.” Lei Quan held Lei’an’s cup, and he almost drank the wine in the cup at once.

An uncle and nephew of Lei Quan came over to toast. Lei An was so happy that he almost did it.

There are a lot of people here today, more than a dozen people, if everyone comes to toast, Lei An is so bold, then his stomach can’t stand it!

Lei An had to smile and make a grimace with his grand-nephew who came to toast…

We were full of wine and food, and everyone was satisfied, and we started fried golden flowers.

“Never go back?”

“Isn’t you going to come here for dinner tomorrow?”

“Yeah, then I won’t go anymore, fried golden flower”

“All stay here and sleep with Lei Luo brothers later.” Lei An is also very happy. It hasn’t been so lively for a long time.

Huang Xiaoying and Lu Guifang also took care of them, organizing everyone to make some temporary beds.

Now there is no worries, no one left.

The rules for New Year greetings here are: New Year greetings to immediate family members and relatives on the father’s side on the first day of the junior high, and the mother’s turn on the second day of the second year.

Originally, these cousins ​​should have come to pay the New Year’s greetings tomorrow. Although they have come to worship today, tomorrow is the right day.

“I’m going, fireworks”, at the card table, an old watch looked at the gorgeous fireworks in the night sky and cried with excitement.

“It seems that Lei Luo and the others are playing”

“Walk around and set off fireworks”

“Hey, don’t go, I’m just having a good hand”

“Come on, you, when will you not play cards? How many times have you seen this firework?”

For a while, people at the table go empty…

Tonight, Lei Luo has nowhere to put it!

There were people everywhere in the house, and his bed was crowded with four people. He couldn’t find a place to sleep by himself.

“I’m going, it seems I can only see the stars.” Lei Luo took out his phone and walked outside the house.

Tonight, another sleepless night…

~~ The sparkling stars in the sky, with recommendation tickets and rewards hanging one after another, Lei Luo is very excited, book friends, thank you! ~~

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