Chapter 237

“Master, I know you don’t need a comb”

“But if I can’t sell this comb, my boss won’t pay me.”

“Without a salary, I will starve to death”

“You are a master, so be merciful, just buy one.” Liu Lina looked pity at me.

Lei Luo really wanted to say, in case the monk is not honest, if you are like this, not only will you not be able to sell combs, but people will also have to get in.

“How is it?” Liu Lina looked at Lei Luo expectantly.

“It’s okay, I should be able to sell a few,” Lei Luo took a sip of milk and said with a smile.

“Then tell me the standard answer,” Liu Lina said with a smile.

“There are a lot of answers, there are six in total.” Lei Luo put down the cup and wiped the corner of his mouth with a tissue.

“Ah? Great, I want to study hard.” Liu Lina quickly pushed aside the milk in front of her, sat with her hands flat on the table, and looked at Lei Luo seriously.

“Six answers, I’ll use six people to describe it.” Lei Luo saw Liu Lina being so formal and straightened her back and looked at her gently.

“The first person, he cursed when he went out, what kind of shit boss, it’s just shit, no monks have hair, what combs are they still selling?”

“So, he found a tavern, set up a table of wine and food, and drank boring wine.”

“After a good night’s sleep, I went back and told the boss confidently: The monk has no hair and combs can’t be sold!”

“The boss sneered coldly. Does the monk have no hair and still need you to tell me?”

“The second person, after going out, went straight to a temple”

“He found the monk and said to the monk, I want to sell you a comb”

“The monk shook his head, pointed to his shiny head, and looked at him like an idiot.”

“The man didn’t give up, just like you just now, and said to the monk sadly.”

“Said that if the comb cannot be sold, I will lose my job, and I will starve to death if I lose my job. Master, please be merciful, buy one!”

“So the monk bought one”

“The third person went straight to the temple when he went out, looking for a monk to sell combs.”

“Of course the monk refuses”

“The man was not reconciled, he walked around in the temple, and then said to the monk, is it to be sincere to worship Buddha?”

“The monk said yes”

“Does sincerity need respect? The man continued to ask”

“The monk said, of course”

“The man said, look, so many pilgrims come here from far away.”

“They are very pious, but they are dusty and unkempt. Is this a bit disrespectful to the Buddha?”

“If the temple prepares some combs for these pilgrims, let them comb their hair neatly and wash their faces, wouldn’t it be a respect for the Buddha?”

“The monk thought it made sense, so he bought ten of them”

“The fourth man came to a temple to find a monk to sell combs”

“Still rejected by the monk”

“The man said to the monk that if some combs were prepared as gifts for the pilgrims in the temple, it would be affordable and meaningful, and the incense would be more prosperous.”

“The monk thought about it and found it reasonable, so he bought a hundred of them”

“The fifth man also came to a temple to find a monk to sell combs”

“The monk still refuses”

“So, the man said to the monk, you are an eminent monk, and you are very accomplished in calligraphy.”

“If you engrave your words on a comb, and engrave some’peace combs’ and’good combs’ for pilgrims, would you not only promote the Dharma, but also promote calligraphy, will it kill two birds with one stone?”

“The old monk smiled slightly and said Immeasurable Buddha! He bought a thousand combs”

“The sixth man also came to a temple to find a monk to sell combs, but was rejected by the monk.”

“The man said something to the monk, but sold 10,000 combs.” Lei Luo paused and took a sip of milk.

“Wow, it’s an eye-opener, there are so many ways to sell.”

“I don’t know if there is a better way for this last person? I’m looking forward to it.” Liu Lina quickly slapped her ass.

“He told the monk that combs are necessary for good men and women, and they are often carried by men and women pilgrims.” Lei Luo smiled and looked at Liu Lina and continued.

“If the master can consecrate these combs and become their amulet, it will not only accumulate virtue and do good, but also protect peace.”

“The pilgrims not only need them, but they can also buy a handful for their relatives and friends, bless peace, promote the Dharma, and promote the name of my temple. Isn’t it a great good deed?”

“So, is there any reason for the master not to do it?”

“Amitab, goodness! Goodness! Master puts his hands together, and the benefactor has such a good intention, how can Lao Na not follow it?”

“In this way, the monastery bought 10,000 combs and named them’Jishan comb’ and’Ping’an comb’. The master consecrated the pilgrims personally, and they were very popular with them.”

“Of course, the money donated by the consecration is not cheap!”

“Awesome, awesome, sure enough, the last person sold the most. Isn’t this the highest level in Flicker?” Liu Lina clapped her hands excitedly.

“Okay, I’m finished, Manager Liu can comment on these six people.” Lei Luo took another sip of milk and said to Liu Lina.

“Okay, then I will show my ugliness.” Liu Lina’s emotions were also mobilized by this story, and she rolled up her sleeves.

“I listen to my ears,” Lei Luo made a please gesture.

“The first person, there are two problems”

“The first one is the attitude problem. If he feels that the comb can’t be sold, he should communicate clearly with the boss in person. How can he ran to drink after he agreed?”

“The second is an ideological problem. It is too severely restricted by traditional concepts. It is not suitable for sales to consider sales with common sense,” Liu Lina finished speaking and looked at Lei Luo.

Lei Luo nodded and motioned for her to continue.

“The second person, this is showing off sympathy. This is the lowest level of sales method, called ‘knock marketing’, or ‘begging marketing’, which cannot last long.”

“Of course, I chose this method this time, because I really can’t think of a better way.” Liu Lina’s face was slightly hot, but it quickly returned to normal.

Lei Luo continued to drink milk without making a sound.

In fact, many people are like this. It is difficult to find a way by yourself, but if you want to comment on other people’s methods, it is all right.

He may even be more professional than the person who came up with the solution, which is normal for ordinary people.

But to be a good seller, it can be said that it is necessary, so there is nothing wrong with it!

“The third or fourth person?” Liu Lina thought for a while and said:

“They think about the customer, think about the problem from the customer’s point of view, and fully explore the pain points of the customer”

“It can be said that the’Customer Satisfaction Strategy’ has been fully implemented and good results have been achieved, which is expected.”

“The fifth person can not only satisfy customers, but also cater to customer psychology, and the result will naturally not be bad.”

~~Want to buy a comb? A recommendation ticket or a 100-point reward, take this comb away~~

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