He consumed a lot of physical energy today and also suffered some injuries. Although he lost some nutrient solution and Jiang Yan brought some food when he went out, Xiao Yang was still a little hungry.

Seeing that Chu Jiayu brought these food, he couldn't help but growl in his stomach.

"Have you eaten yet?" Xiao Yang asked politely.

"Woooooo, the goddess still cares about me, of course I have eaten it, don't worry!"


Xiao Yang was speechless.

You can also play with this.

Forget it, you can't talk nonsense with her, she is too good at talking.

Xiao Yang didn't speak, and stretched out his hand directly to bring the things over, but there was another stabbing pain in his back, and he gasped suddenly, grinning his teeth in pain.

Seeing this, Chu Jiayu quickly came over: "It's all right!"

"It's okay." Xiao Yang shook his head.

"Sit up, let me feed you!" Chu Jiayu immediately stretched out his hand to help Xiao Yang up.

Xiao Yang quickly waved his hands: "I'll do it myself..."

The main reason was that there was still someone hidden under the quilt, so naturally Chu Jiayu couldn't help him up.

He moved his body slowly, and sat up with difficulty.

Qing Xuantong didn't dare to move, biting her red lips, wondering what she was thinking.

Seeing Xiao Yang like this, Chu Jiayu couldn't help feeling distressed.

"Goddess, let me do it!"

"I'll feed you!"

Chu Jiayu first picked up the chopsticks, picked up a piece of chicken, and then pulled it lightly, instantly separating the flesh from the flesh.

"Open your mouth!"

The corner of Xiao Yang's mouth twitched, and she had brought the chicken to his mouth.


The chicken was delivered to the mouth.

Xiao Yang originally thought that Chu Jiayu and Lin Qiyue were on the same level in cooking, but who knew that the chicken was so delicious.

The chicken is extremely delicious, and after eating it, it will linger on the lips and teeth, and it is extremely refreshing.

Originally, he had planned to be prepared to be salted to death. Who would have thought that a rich girl like Chu Jiayu could cook such good dishes.

"Is it tasty?"

Chu Jiayu said proudly.

"Not bad." Xiao Yang praised others' cooking skills in a rare way.

"Do you want more?" Chu Jiayu frowned slightly.

Xiao Yang gave Chu Jiayu a blank look, that's enough!

Seeing Xiao Yang's expression, Chu Jiayu couldn't help smiling, and continued feeding.

Qing Xuantong at the bottom didn't know what happened, nor who the speaker was, but listening to their conversation, she couldn't help feeling a little angry.

Especially Xiao Yang!

How can I let other women feed me!

He agreed that it would be nice to have Lin Qiyue and Jiang Yan, but he also rejected himself.

As a result, when I turned around, another woman delivered the meal, and even fed it myself!


Qing Xuantong was furious.

Especially when Xiao Yang swallowed something, she could feel it.

Made myself a little hungry!

Qing Xuantong frowned slightly, and immediately stretched out her hand.

Meow, I'm still here, can you drive people away first, this quilt is so boring!

Thinking about pinching Xiao Yang's old waist.

But who knows, the hand just retracted, as if it hit something...

She blushed instantly.

And Xiao Yang, who was drinking soup, almost spit out the soup in his mouth!

"What's wrong?"

"It's okay, it's okay!" The corners of Xiao Yang's mouth trembled slightly, he didn't know whether it was comfortable or uncomfortable.

"Did you touch the wound?"

"No...no!" Xiao Yang let out a long breath.

That feeling can only be described as "Wuhu".

Xiao Yang put down his hand, went deep into the quilt, and pinched Qing Xuantong.

Didn't I tell you not to move?

Besides, you can just move, don't grab things randomly!

But at this moment, Qing Xuantong also knew what was in her hand, her face was hot, but she hesitated for a while, and she didn't let go.


"Stop, pour me a glass of water!" Xiao Yang said to Chu Jiayu.

"Is the soup salty?" Chu Jiayu asked in surprise.

"No, I just want to drink some water..." Xiao Yang gasped, his voice trembling slightly.

"All right."

The moment Chu Jiayu turned around, Xiao Yang turned over the quilt, gave Qing Xuantong a hard look, and said softly, "Release."

Seeing Xiao Yang like this, Qing Xuantong was not in a hurry to let go.

"Hurry up and drive people away, I want to come out!" Qing Xuantong opened her mouth, but said nothing, but Xiao Yang also knew what she meant.

He spread his hands: "I'll try my best, you let go first!"

"I won't let go until the person leaves!"

Qing Xuantong suddenly understood, she had caught Xiao Yang's weakness!

How is this so loose, otherwise, wouldn't I be bored in the quilt until tomorrow!

At this time, Chu Jiayu had already poured the water. Turned around and said lightly: "The water is poured!"

Xiao Yang quickly pressed down the quilt.

"I'll do it myself!"

"No, don't move, it will hurt your wound, I'll feed you!" Chu Jiayu said with concern.

"Okay... okay!"

As soon as Xiao Yang finished speaking, he felt that Qing Xuantong added some strength.

He gasped suddenly.

"Don't...don't move." Xiao Yang said softly.

"Ah? Goddess, what did you say?"

"...No, I said you don't move, I'll do it myself." Xiao Yang quickly reached out to take the water glass and drank it down.

This was naturally said to the person under the quilt.

Xiao Yang's fingertips trembled slightly.

What he didn't expect was that what he said had the opposite effect.

At this moment, Qing Xuantong is just like a naughty child, her rebellious period has come.

Xiao Yang didn't let her move, but she had to.

With a strong feeling, Xiao Yang almost spit out the water he just drank.

"Enough, enough!"

Xiao Yang's voice trembled slightly.

"Ah?" Chu Jiayu was stunned for a moment.

"I mean, enough, I'm full, I'm full."

"Thank you."

Xiao Yang made a pun, with a helpless expression on his face.

"You don't need to be polite to me." Hearing Xiao Yang's thanks, Chu Jiayu was very happy.

"By the way, I heard that you paid for our hospital expenses. How about this, you give me an account number, and I'll call you the money!" Xiao Yang said as if nothing happened.

"No need, the important thing is that you are safe!" Chu Jiayu waved his hand and refused.

"By the way, don't call me a goddess anymore, I..."

"Yes, yes, I've wanted to ask for a long time, what's your name, goddess?" Chu Jiayu asked hastily.

"My name is Xiao Yang."

"It's such a poetic name. Is it the poplar that hangs down the poplar tree when the spring breeze is not warm, but blows away so many clouds?"

"It's not...it's Yang Yang..."

"Hmm..." Chu Jiayu froze for a moment.

Why does it sound a bit familiar, and also a bit like a boy's name.

He glanced at Xiao Yang~www.readwn.com~ and shook his head suddenly, how could there be a boy who is so beautiful, so good-looking and so charming, aren't all men big pigs!

"And you, what's your name?"

Xiao Yang held back his pleasure, and asked without a word.

"My name is Chu Jiayu, the charming Chu, Jia who speaks kindly and does good deeds, and Yu who holds Yu Huaijin!"

Xiao Yang froze for a moment, then gave Chu Jiayu a blank look, can you stop adding so much drama.

Meow, those who don’t know think it’s in the water!

"Hey, sounds good!"


"Good to hear!"

Suddenly, Xiao Yang bit his lower lip violently, and stared straight at his eyes.

It's over!

It's rough!

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