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At this moment, Jiang Yan waved her hand, and everyone immediately surrounded her.

"team leader!"

"Captain, we might lose." The girl who had just entered the stage shook her head helplessly.

"The outcome is uncertain."

After the words fell, several girls looked at Xiao Yang in surprise.

Xiao Yang glanced at the boys, tried his best to replay the scene when the opponent was playing just now, and tried his best to incorporate the knowledge he had just acquired into it.

Jiang Yan looked at Xiao Yang and didn't speak. She knew Xiao Yang well and knew that Xiao Yang was thinking of a way.

"Actually, the two boys on the other side don't have a tacit understanding at all, and their steps are disordered. They are just holding on with their own strength. You are different. You have a high degree of cooperation and can win." Xiao Yang said something first.

Several girls immediately looked at Xiao Yang, frowning slightly.

You must know that Xiao Yang asked them some basic tennis questions earlier, and now he is going to guide them?

Isn't this nonsense?

But seeing that Xiao Yang is Jiang Yan's boyfriend, he didn't say anything, instead, he looked at Jiang Yan in unison.

Jiang Yan was also anxious, but she believed in Xiao Yang, so she just said slowly: "Continue."

"I've observed it for a long time, Yang Wei."

"His gait has a big problem. His physique is not tall, but every time he strides and shakes a lot, the chassis is very unstable."

"This is Yang Wei's flaw, and we can use it to make a fuss."

"It can be seen that Yang Wei's racket grip is a Western grip. The advantage of this grip is that it can hit high and powerful topspin shots and keep opponents beyond the baseline."

"But the downside of this grip is that it's very difficult to hit the ball low."

"Which of you two is better at handling high balls?"

Xiao Yang suddenly asked.

The girls froze for a moment, but they didn't answer Xiao Yang's question.

Xiao Yang's words don't look like a person who knows nothing about tennis, although these are the basics, but before that, Xiao Yang was asking all kinds of questions, and he didn't even know anything about golf.

But now you even know the advantages and disadvantages of the grip method?

Seeing this, Xiao Yang couldn't help repeating: "Which of you two is better at handling golf?"


Finally, a girl stood up.

"Although Yang Wei is a boy, in fact, his physical strength is not good. I have observed that basically after the first three beats, the main rhythm is in charge of the captain."

"This is another shortcoming of Yang Wei."

"I observed it. The characteristics of the two of them are fast and offensive. They use fast, precise and ruthless as the scoring method. They use the serve to hit the net and strive for the first three shots to score."

"In the tactics they adopted, Yang Wei was the main actor."

"The reason why you lost earlier was that you were following his golf rhythm, and you were basically defeated by his three-axes."

"So the key lies in Yang Wei's early rhythm."

"His high ball is very characteristic, and the landing point is very fixed. You have to move the position in advance, wait until the ball bounces to the highest point, which is basically above the shoulder, and then go extremely high. The first is that it is easier to exert force. , which means you need to use more leg strength."

"In terms of physical strength, you should be fine."

"No problem, just doing this?" The girl was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously asked.

"You have been blindly defending, that is your weakness."

"This is already the last game. You don't need to defend to save energy. What you need is to break the boat and take the initiative to change their rhythm and break Yang Wei's high ball rhythm."

After the words fell, the girl was slightly taken aback.

And Jiang Yan also looked surprised when she looked at Xiao Yang.

He actually knows how to deal with high balls?

He didn't know when Xiao Yang learned tennis.

Xiao Yang naturally didn't have time to explain Jiang Yan's confusion at this moment, but the girl just nodded slowly.

Xiao Yang continued: "As I said just now, Yang Wei's base is unstable, and his main advantage lies in the rhythm of the three-axes in front, which can break his rhythm and make the two of them single-handed."

"Single out?"

"But it's not enough to win the game."

"His foot is unstable, and you need to keep changing the landing point, but it must be hit near the baseline."

"Your skills are higher than theirs, but the difference is in physical fitness. I have also seen it. Your control over the landing point is quite good."

"By constantly changing the landing point to catch Yang Wei's three axes, then he will be useless."

"But changing the landing point all the time has a great impact on our rhythm!" Jiang Yan frowned.

"We don't need rhythm."

"Technical crushing, what rhythm is needed?" Xiao Yang suddenly said.

"you mean?"

"literal meaning."

"But there is Li Chun, his ability is enough to reverse their offensive rhythm."

"Their tacit understanding is insufficient, right? Li Chun, he has always been in the middle line. If they cooperate tacitly, it's okay, but if they are like this, Yang Wei will definitely try to be brave and prevent Li Chun from getting near the bottom line."

"The ever-changing landing point and the bottom line that Yang Wei is in charge of all the time, he will never allow Li Chun to help!"


"Because of people."

Xiao Yang let out a long breath.

Men are like this. In fact, this is not only a doubles match between men and women tennis, but several people in men's tennis are also fighting.

Judging from Yang Wei's facial expression, it was clear that he had some disdain for Li Chun.

This is playing against the women's team again, how could Yang Wei ask Li Chun to help when he was soloing with the opponent.

Wouldn't that be a shame.

Xiao Yang still remembers that Yang Wei was so shameless when he was in Caida.

This is a psychological game.

"I seem to understand."

"It helps you win the first goal."

"But they will definitely change their strategy later."

"At this time we have to adopt the double bottom line play, which is the main pass in the defensive system, actively defend, and don't rush to attack first."

"Both of them are impetuous. If they can't win the score quickly, they will definitely be impatient."

"At this time, defend the center and counterattack, seize the opportunity to go online, and change into a tandem and a rear formation."

"The fight is over."

The expressions of the girls were suddenly full of astonishment.

Eyes full of disbelief.

Xiao Yang's words seem to have some truth after careful consideration.

At least it is absolutely feasible.

And these words don't look like a person who doesn't understand tennis at all.

"The third ball, you have to keep the formation..."

Xiao Yang continued to speak quickly.

At this time, several girls also withdrew their underestimation and savored it carefully.

On the side, Jiang Yan inserted a few words to add something.

The two cooperated tacitly~www.readwn.com~ and completed all the tactics for the last three goals.

Already behind by two goals, these three goals must be won.

"time up."

The whistle sounded, and it was time for a timeout.

There was no communication on the boy's side, but Xiao Yang's side was hurrying to finish everything.

The two girls played again.

Xiao Yang let out a long breath, and Jiang Yan bit her lower lip and gave Xiao Yang a hard look: "When did you learn tennis?"

"Watch the game first." Xiao Yang showed his white teeth and changed the topic.

ps: I don’t know tennis either, I hope I won’t be blown away by my brother who knows tennis, then I’m embarrassed, I should write about badminton, at least I can play it, I don’t know if it’s because I watched The Prince of Tennis when I was young , I can only say that I checked a lot of information and watched a lot of videos, but I can only say that my brain is not enough, please forgive me for the poor writing, okay.

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