Shenhao: Confession 99 Times, the School Belle is In a Hurry

Chapter 303: Everyone is Prime Minister Cao

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After confirming that there was no problem with the prescription, several experts urged Li Qiang to go for an examination as soon as possible.

It was just an ordinary exam, and these busy old scholars should have given the marks and should have withdrawn.

But no one has mentioned this matter now, they would rather just sit here and wait for the results of the examination.

But Wang Ze was a little impatient and walked up.

"Seniors, shouldn't it be time to score?"


"Oh, that's right, it's an exam."

Only then did a few people suddenly realize that they were so shocked by Xiao Yang's methods that they all forgot that this was an exam.

"100 points!" Cai You was the first to say his own score.

Next, several other people also gave their own scores one after another.

"100 points!"

"100 points!"

There is no minimum score and no maximum score, all are 100 points.

After all, their original request was only for Xiao Yang to find out the patient's symptoms through the means of Chinese medicine, and he completed all of these without any problems.

Wang Ze's complexion suddenly became extremely pale.

The written test and the sitting consultation are all 100 points?

Doesn't this confirm the fact that he is licensed to practice medicine?

Then in turn, he is a clown!

He couldn't accept it, but he couldn't refute it, and was speechless for a while.

But Xu Jiyun was very happy, so it meant that Xiao Yang had real skills, and he didn't just practice medicine casually like Wang Ze said.

Thinking of this, Xu Jiyun had some plans in mind.

Since these authoritative experts recognized Xiao Yang so much and rescued Xu Fan back then with a few silver needles, is there a chance for a radical cure?

After all, Li Qiang, who is known as terminally ill and barren, has a little hope! --

Everyone didn't leave, and Li Qiang, who went to check, also opened the back door, so he finished the check soon.

The first time Li Qiang saw Xiao Yang when he came back, he almost fell to his knees on the ground, but fortunately Xiao Yang had quick hands and quick eyesight, so he directly helped him up.

Everyone looked at Li Qiang, a little surprised. Before seeing that he was different, his complexion was much better, and his steps seemed to be much lighter.

The same is true for Li Qiang himself. Originally, he only felt that his body seemed to be dragging a lot of heavy objects all the time, but after acupuncture this time, he only felt light in his body, as if he had an unprecedented experience and was reborn.

"Little doctor, I feel really good now. I don't feel dizzy anymore, my kidneys don't hurt anymore, and my breathing is much smoother than before. Over the years, I also know that I have many problems and have taken a lot of medicine. , but it’s never been as immediate as it is now.”

Li Qiang was very excited and grateful.

This remarkable effect was completely beyond his imagination, and it was really amazing.

Then, he said: "Then my illness is cured now?"

"Not yet!" Xiao Yang shook his head.

"This acupuncture treatment is just to help you dredge the blood vessels and help you detoxify. After all, the illness for so many years cannot be cured by acupuncture and moxibustion. Moreover, you know your body's problems yourself, and long-term treatment is indispensable."

"Didn't I write a prescription for you before? You just follow the prescription. The fertility problem should be solved soon. As for other problems, I will go if I can, but you still have to talk to the hospital. Cooperate and accept treatment slowly."

When Xiao Yang's voice fell, Li Qiang was not disappointed, but felt that Xiao Yang was more reliable.

After all, although he has physical problems, he still has brains.

Even if there is a genius doctor, it is impossible for one's body to be cured by acupuncture.

It would be great if it can be cured, and long-term treatment is definitely indispensable.

But even so, Wang Ze on the side was still full of disbelief.

How is it possible that a single acupuncture treatment can restore a patient to such an extent?

I'm afraid it's just that it makes people feel comfortable in a short time, and it can't be cured at all!

There are so many diseases, each of which is a headache for doctors and patients. How is this possible? It's not like that!

Thinking of this, Wang Ze also stood up in a timely manner: "Xiao Yang, the test results haven't come out yet, so your words are a bit big."

"Then wait for the result!" Xiao Yang didn't bother to pay attention to Wang Ze, and said directly.

Hearing Xiao Yang's words, Wang Ze was also speechless.

On the other hand, Xu Jiyun pulled Xiao Yang aside.

Xu Jiyun's dress is very strong, with a bumpy figure, she looks more like a strong man in the workplace, exuding the smell of a mature woman.

Xiao Yang can be regarded as someone who has seen the world.

But Xu Jiyun's style is still rare.

The one who is closer to her is Wan Qian.

But unlike Wan Qian, Xu Jiyun is the daughter of a big family. She behaves very elegantly and has a strong aura. She is so mature that it makes people intoxicated.

When the scent came from his body, he was very close at hand, and unconsciously, Xiao Yang had a little reaction.

Xiao Yang suddenly remembered a sentence.

When I was young, I didn't know how to be a rich woman, and mistakenly regarded young girls as treasures.

Xu Jiyun should be regarded as a proper rich woman, with an elegant temperament, which makes people get closer to her.

Sure enough, everyone is Prime Minister Cao!

Xiao Yang let out a long breath, smelling the tangy fragrance, he couldn't help asking: "Miss Xu, what's the matter?"

"Student Xiao Yang, I don't want to be a joke anymore. I want to ask, is there any cure for Xu Fan's illness?"

Before Xiao Yang could reply, Xu Jiyun added another sentence: "I'm talking about radical cure."

"Yes." Xiao Yang said firmly without hesitation.

Seeing Xiao Yang's expression, Xu Jiyun immediately became excited.

Xu Fan is the child of her fourth brother, but both the fourth brother and the fourth sister-in-law died young because of a car accident, leaving behind a child like Xu Fan, who was brought up by her since she was a child. I myself have been running around because of Xu Fan's illness since I was a child.

But after reading Chinese medicine and Western medicine, almost all of them got an answer. The child's disease is terminally ill, which can only be controlled, not cured.

But now, hearing that it can be cured, how could he not be excited.

Xu Jiyun sorted out her thoughts, and said quickly: "Then Xiao Yang, can I ask you to be Xu Fan's attending doctor? Xu Fan has been tortured by this disease since he was a child. I really hope that he can recover."


Xiao Yang hesitated.

I don't have much Fan's illness is not a minor illness, and requires multiple injections, and it takes a long time.

I really can't guarantee it myself.

And I don't know how many times I have been in the hospital during this time, so what about next time.

You know, if you miss an injection, all previous efforts will be wasted.

Although Xiao Yang was willing to help others, it was really embarrassing for him.

Seeing Xiao Yang's hesitation, Xu Jiyun also hurriedly said: "I know Xiao Yang, your family background is not simple, and you are not short of money, but I still hope that you can help me cure Xu Fan's illness, just treat it as I, Xu Jiyun, owe you this." Favor, can you?"

Xu Jiyun's face was full of confusion.

Among the people present, she was the one who knew Xiao Yang better.

Can a person who can spend tens of billions of funds at the auction dinner be short of money?

So money can't impress Xiao Yang, there is only one way, and that is to empathize with him and understand him with reason.

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