, the fastest update of Shenhao: Confession 99 times, the school girl is in a hurry for the latest chapter!

"Sorry, we charge according to the rules, unless you clean up the food you brought here now." The waitress still smiled.

Several people looked at the ingredients on the table.

Some are still on the grill, and some they put out on purpose.

It was for the last shot of the photography, the shot to prove that they didn't move anything, and the one that was put on the grill was the protagonist of today.

How could the meat be so mushy that they would go back to eat it.

Besides, they are Internet celebrities with millions of fans in Tandian.

Generally speaking, they are invited by other restaurants to explore the store, and they are not charged the same as theirs, and they still have to pay.

Immediately, Gong Na took out her mobile phone and opened Douyin.

"Take a look, what is this!"

"1.36 million followers!"

"Do you know if I expose your current service attitude in a video, what will happen to your store?"

The waiter frowned slightly, but after thinking for a few seconds, he shook his head: "Madam, no matter who you are, we must follow our rules."

"We charge reasonable fees. If you have any problems with my service attitude, you can complain to me!"

Gong Na didn't expect that this one waiter would be so stubborn, and the man behind her also came out: "This is a buffet, and we have to pay extra, are you kidding me!"

"I don't even say that your service is bad, the environment is bad, your ingredients are so unpalatable, and you still ask us to pay extra money!"

"Unscrupulous shopkeepers, I don't believe I can't rule you!"

"Let your store manager come over!"

As he said that, the man turned on his camera and shot directly at the other person's face.


The waitress doesn't know what to do, it's beyond her scope of service.

At this time, many diners have noticed the situation here, and the matter should not make a big fuss. After thinking about it, she still said slowly: "Then please wait a moment, I will go and invite our store manager to come over."

"Go ahead, toast and not eat fine wine!"

Several people snorted coldly and sat down.

Xiao Yang frowned slightly, even Lin Qiyue at the side couldn't stand it.

Xiao Yang glanced at his mobile phone, not in a hurry.

At the same time, the three of Gong Na laughed out of anger.

"I want to see if she still wants us to pay!"

"What's the point of paying? Have we ever paid for the meal? This time, it's not bad to pay for the buffet for their face."


Several people looked at each other and smiled.

"Wouldn't it be great to earn the money of two families?" Another girl hesitated.

"What are you afraid of? Poor service attitude and bad environment. These are indisputable facts. If they want to continue driving safely, they have to treat us like their ancestors!"

Several people chatted happily, but their voices were not loud.

But Xiao Yang has excellent hearing ability, so he can hear clearly.

After a while, the waiter came back, followed by a girl.

The girl is young, wearing a work uniform, and the label on it also proves that she is the store manager.

"Are you the manager of this store?"

"I'm the manager of the Xinghua Branch of Xingyang Gourmet Buffet Store. May I help you?" The girl seemed to be in her early twenties, but she didn't expect to become the manager at such a young age.

Seeing her attitude, several people couldn't help but beam with joy.

Much easier to handle than imagined!

"We want to complain, what kind of garbage is your stuff, is it for people to eat?"

"What we eat is the service and the atmosphere."

"This is called service, is this called ambiance? It's our fault if the food is burnt and you can't eat it. Okay, let me not talk about other things. Why should we pay for these leftover ingredients? This is compulsory secondary consumption. It is a fraudulent customer, do you understand?"

"Don't look, we have cameras here, if you mess around, we won't be used to you, I will definitely expose countless merchants like you!"

After this pass, the female store manager was slightly taken aback.

But judging by their attitude, it seems that they want to blackmail Xing Yang to the end!

"The service in our store is okay, and this is not considered a second consumption. Before every customer enters the store, we have reminded the "Operation CD", and there will be obvious reminders on the table..."

"I don't care, we didn't see it, who saw your dim lights?"

"Besides, I'm here to eat, do I still need to read what's written on the table?"

"You are so unreasonable?" The female store manager's expression turned cold instantly.

"This is not called making trouble for no reason."

"We are fighting for our legitimate rights."

The corner of the girl's mouth was raised: "This store manager, I'm afraid you don't know who we are yet!"

"I've heard it, you guys are internet celebrities who are exploring stores, aren't you?"

The waiter on the way has already said it once, and the female store manager naturally knows it too.

"Since you understand, do you know what will happen if this video is exposed?" The girl approached and smiled slightly.

The female store manager looked around, and many people looked over at this moment.

After all, this was in the dining hall, and the unprovoked quarrel attracted a lot of attention.

People are curious animals, and countless pairs of eyes stare at them.

"Let me tell you the truth, our videos are played a lot, and we don't have to worry about no one watching them. I think you, the store manager, should know how much the influence of so many fans has on your store!"

"So?" The store manager looked at the three of them.

"You are just a small store manager. As far as I know, there are 50 such branches in Jiangdu. If their reputation is also affected, can you take responsibility?"


The next words are naturally self-evident.

The three of them looked at the young female store manager with a mature heart.

They have been operating the Douyin account for a short period of time, from tens of thousands of fans at the beginning to more than one million fans now, I don't know how many times they have played this game.

Pay for meals?

They've never done anything so cheap.

There is no problem in any store, as long as they gently magnify this problem, with the current size of fans, this shortcoming will definitely affect this store.

And they have always been invincible. Once they tell the other party the number of fans they have, most of the stores will make the big trouble small, and even compensate them for a sum of "spiritual damage" after the meal.

And this store~www.readwn.com~ they are also determined!

Mental damage costs, not a penny less.

On the contrary, the store manager was at a loss at the moment: "So what do you want to say?"

"We feel very uncomfortable after eating these things, and we are very dissatisfied with you, don't you understand?" Gong Na was also furious, why is this store manager like an idiot, insisting on picking things up Do you understand?

The voice fell, and the female store manager suddenly realized: "I understand, you are blackmailing me~www.readwn.com~ I will provide you with the fastest Shenhao: Confession 99 times, the school girl is urgently updated, Chapter 311 You guys Blackmail me! Read for free. https://

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