Shenhao: Confession 99 Times, the School Belle is In a Hurry

Chapter 315: The higher you climb, the harder you fall

As he said that, the interview scene of that day was cut into the video, while Yang Wei continued to talk on the sidelines.

"Bravely rescued the abducted girl, fought with the wanted murderer, was seriously injured but sent the strong person to the hospital, and finally entered the ICU directly, and the first thing she woke up was to care about the safety of others..."

"When a terminally ill boy was on the verge of death, he stood up to show his super-high medical skills and rescued the boy from the hands of the king of hell, and obtained a temporary exam from a group of authoritative experts to obtain a doctor's qualification certificate, and the experts were full of praise..."

"He is dedicated and gentle to his feelings, works hard in his studies, and has a clear distinction between love and hate for his classmates. He is a person with a fleshy temperament."

"Although I am a boy, my admiration for him is like the water of the Yellow River that runs continuously, and it is like the flood of the Yellow River that is out of control..."

After everything was over, Yang Wei stroked his chest.

He was almost disgusted by the manuscript he edited.

But there is no way, he wants to kill Xiao Yang directly, he is now creating a perfect personality for Xiao Yang. wΑp.kānshu Wu

The closer this character design is to perfection, the easier it is to be Isn’t there a man named Qi Shan, the king of health care? Hearing that even if he is arrested, the netizens will believe it, because the character design is so …

And he wants to turn Xiao Yang into a perfect male god, but once this perfect male **** collapses, his reputation will be ruined and he will be cast aside by others.

Every little thing can directly defeat him!

Not to mention that I still have a lot of evidence in my hands!

ps: Not dead, still I will provide you with the fastest Shenhao: Confession 99 times, the school belle is updated urgently, Chapter 315 The higher you climb, the harder you fall for free reading. https://

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