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Although Yang Wei's ship was turned over this time in the lawsuit, Xiao Yang's character design was still broken.

After all, he was affectionate and dedicated before, and he was a city hero.

But now, the image of a scumbag who beats a woman is probably completely established.

In the eyes of many netizens, Xiao Yang couldn't even wash himself clean by jumping into the Yellow River.

Besides, after this operation, Xiao Yang's identity was covered with a veil.

Local tyrants, rich people, the second generation of rich people, or a little boy who was adopted?

These guessed identities can't add much points to Xiao Yang, besides, many people have a hatred of the rich in their hearts.

Therefore, Yang Wei's overturning cannot affect Xiao Yang's continued being criticized.

"No matter what energy he has, no matter how big his background is, he can't do whatever he wants, and it's hard to guess how much a man thinks. If he really has deep affection for Lin Qiyue, then why make so many friends of the opposite sex? Isn't he a scumbag? "

"Do you think that if you have money and power, you don't have to pay for your actions? Is it because he is handsome and has a little money that you can corrupt your moral character and occupy so many beautiful women's resources?"

"He is a scum, no matter how rich he is, he can't hide the fact that he is a scum."

"Besides, beating women in the street, this is the pattern of this kind of man. He must be condemned by the society. This kind of person doesn't even have a gentleman's demeanor, so he should be cast aside by everyone. No matter how rich he is, he can't ignore his shortcomings. !"

"With all due respect, as far as beating women is concerned, no matter how powerful he is, or if he wants to send me any lawyer's letter, I'm not afraid. If you have the guts, come and sue me!"

"Indeed, boycotting scumbags starts with me."

"Besides, his company is getting bigger and bigger. If he is really that rich, why doesn't he donate some money to the impoverished mountainous area? On this point, he is still a capitalist through and through, and his character needs to be tested!"

"Indeed, it's all about being rich and unkind, who knows if his money is clean or not!"

In some circles, the scolding continues.

From any angle, Xiao Yang received a big punch from all directions.

Even after a day had passed, Xiao Yang's reputation did not improve, but intensified.

Anyway, you hit women.

It is said that a man is a man, how can he bully a woman.

Boys and girls do it, it's the boys' problem!

The boxers were dispatched one after another, let alone in the small circle, Xiao Yang was soon rushed to the trending searches again by the sisters.

All of a sudden, Yang Wei and Xiao Yang went hand in hand, firmly occupying the top three on the hot search list.

"I see men all over the world are the same, this Xiao Yang is just a microcosm."

"Yes, dogs and men are all the same. Last time, there was only one, a university professor, who beat his wife at home!"

"Yeah, I read that news too. It's hard for his wife to take care of the baby at home. I just complained a few times. A dignified university professor actually pushed his wife!"

"No, it's obviously his wife who did it first, and it's okay to take the baby full-time without going to work, but she doesn't even cook. The professor asked a few questions why he was slapped when he didn't cook. What's the matter?" Question?"

"What's the matter with being slapped, you won't be tired if you take care of the baby full-time, right? You men are thick-skinned, so what can't you beat? Women are weak and work hard to raise children. Why do you beat them?"

"Just push it lightly!"

"Isn't it beating someone if you push it?"

"Heh, isn't it just a joke to slap you? You haven't even made you kneel on the washboard yet. With this mentality, shouldn't men love their wives and let their wives dote on their wives, making you a domestic violence?"

"A man is a washboard, a slap is not domestic violence, a woman is pushed, is it domestic violence, right? Double standards are not so excessive..."

Originally, things were still focused on Xiao Yang. Who would have thought that the boxers would open up and close, and suddenly they would open the map cannon.

In just a moment, many master-level Ye Wen also came out.

For a while, the Internet was also a mess, and it was actually led astray.

But in the end, the boxer is still superior, Ye Wen struggled to support...

At this time, Xiao Yang had just finished playing a set of Wing Chun, and Jiang Yan wiped his sweat aside.

"Xiao Yang, what's the matter with beating a woman? Why don't I know?" Jiang Yan asked suspiciously.

"It's like this..." Xiao Yang recounted what happened that day.

"How can this be? It's too hateful. I'm not used to her!"

Xiao Yang shook his head: "I'm going to take a bath."

"Well, wait for you!"

An old husband and wife, Jiang Yan has nothing to be ashamed of.

Seeing that Xiao Yang went to take a shower, Jiang Yan also directly picked up Xiao Yang's cell phone and opened it to look at it.

Time flies.

There are still discussions online.

Until a video appeared, it immediately attracted the attention of countless netizens. www.kanδhu5.lá

"The full video of Xiao Yang's beating practice is actually related to Tandian..."

The video was viewed from a bystander's perspective, and they even saw Lin Qiyue's figure.

"Is this Xiao Yang and Lin Qiyue eating?"

"It should be, this is Xingyang Gourmet Barbecue Restaurant, the one that was hacked every day!" wΑp.kānshu Wu

"This is Gong Na, I remember!"

"It was Xiao Yang who hit her..."

In the video, Gong Na's trio's acting skills began to explode...

"This is a store exploration video, this is a showman!"

"Clearly saying this is bad, that's not good, but when I eat it, I am happier than anyone else!"

"Looking at the color of the decoration, it's obviously different from what Gong Na said. I watched Gong Na's store exploration video, and the filter was obviously turned on. I didn't expect that I would be so ugly, and the decoration style has also been modified. There is nothing in the original video. Not this kind of decoration style full of stars!"

"It's really pretending. You obviously eat it with great relish, but you turn your backhand and tell the camera that it's not delicious!"

"This Gong Na is also the same. She hasn't memorized her lines and has been ng!"

When the barrage reached here, Gong Na's trio was already a clown-like character in the eyes of many netizens.

After that, the video was still playing, and the netizens became more and more shocked.

It's fine with black people's stores, but they still want to blackmail them. The arrogance of swearing words is not as gentle and humble as in the video.

"Life is like a play, it all depends on acting skills!"

"This is the victimized woman you are talking about!"

"A slap for this kind of person is considered light, but he even scolded Lin Qiyue."

"Indeed, if I were Xiao Yang, if someone scolded my girlfriend like that, it would definitely be more than just a slap in the face, this whole is a sword mound!"

"I used to think that Xiao Yang's beating of girls was very tasteless, but now that I see the original video, I can only say that it's a good beating!"

"Where are the boxers, come out and speak!"

"Is this a store visit? This is blatant extortion. It's completely illegal!"

For a while, the direction of public opinion changed again.

Even the boxers couldn't say anything.

After all, he intentionally wanted a black man's barbecue shop, spitting out fragrance, and scolding Lin Qiyue.

Moreover, extortion is already an illegal act, even if the Heavenly King Lao Tzu comes, he will not be able to save him!

Among them, Xiao Yang has already restrained himself, he even cared about Lin Qiyue immediately, and retreated because the other party yelled indecently, and did not do any inappropriate behavior.

This is simply a role model!

Support justice and care for lovers.

Netizens also suddenly realized.

Good guy, this is a two-level reversal!

And those shop visit videos of Xingyang?

Originally, some netizens had doubts about these shop-exploring videos that popped up suddenly~www.readwn.com~ Now the truth is finally revealed.

For a while, many netizens also expressed a lot of interest in Xingyang Barbecue Restaurant.

As for the bloggers visiting the store, the video was full of abuse soon. Although they quickly deleted the video, the fans also dropped suddenly.

Of course not only that, they also received a letter from a lawyer from Xingyang Gourmet Company in the background~www.readwn.com~ I will provide you with the fastest Shenhao: Confession 99 times, the school beauty is urgently updated, No. 327 Chapter Two Level Inversion is free to read. https://

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