, the fastest update of Shenhao: Confession 99 times, the school girl is in a hurry for the latest chapter!

At this moment, Xiao Yang never expected that the system he had been immersed in for a long time would finally have a new task.

When he reads other online novels, the tasks are all one after another. How did he get here, like a salted fish.

In other words, the system was misled by myself, and it became a salted fish!

Xiao Yang let out a long breath, indeed, the system is not to blame, the main thing is that he is lying flat right now and doesn't want to do anything.

The company's affairs are handled by Jiang Shangxue, and she doesn't like to show off, so it's really embarrassing for the system.

After glancing at the task, Xiao Yang was a little surprised.

I don't know if it's because I have a lot of money recently and haven't spent it much. The system made me spend money.

Several missions came one after another.

[Mission: Independent mission of Dream Ambassador]

[Mission Description: Help Zhang Xin reach the top of the Doumao Platform Carnival, reward: random skill book]

[Remarks: A random skill book can randomly obtain a skill]

"That's it?"

Xiao Yang wanted to lie flat again, but thinking about how useful it was to add a tennis skill point earlier, it would be nice if this thing could unlock a better skill.

But when he thought that it would cost a lot of money to help Zhang Xin reach the top of the carnival, Xiao Yang immediately didn't want to move.

【Mission: Make a name for yourself】

[Mission description: The Internet **** is also the god, and he will completely raise the reputation of the general manager and become an Internet celebrity sought after by thousands of people]

[Task Reward: Randomly get 1~10 times cashback card]

"The Internet celebrity sought after by thousands of people..."

The corner of Xiao Yang's mouth twitched.

It has to be said that he is not very interested in this, but this cashback card...

Who doesn't want to double their assets!


Xiao Yang continued to browse the next task.

[Mission: Excellent Quality of City Heroes]

[Mission Description: Maintain your own personality, as a city hero admired by thousands of people, you should uphold justice and refuse to lie down]

[Reward: None]

[Remarks: People with good moral character will have good luck~]



? ? ?

"Goddammit Kuang Fuzheng refuses to lie down, you are playing with me!"

Xiao Yang's head almost split, he really wanted to have a good chat with the system.

I'm only twenty years old, I just want to lie flat What's wrong with me!

Kuang Fu justice, am I Spider-Man or Ultraman, poisonous, right?

And what the **** is good luck?

Is it because the cashback card above is easy to dismiss the high-rate card?

Thinking about it this way, it does seem like a reward...

After making complaints, Xiao Yang was about to continue watching dramas, but a phone call came in.

After taking a look, it was Wan Qian's call.

Xiao Yang didn't think too much, and picked it up directly.

"Mr. Xiao!" Wan Qian's voice came.

"What's up?"

"It's okay, I just want to ask Mr. Xiao if he has something to do tomorrow, can we meet?"


"Okay, then I'll ask you out tomorrow."

After making an appointment with Wan Qian, Xiao Yang also asked about the progress of the song recording.

The speed of Wanqian's side is still very fast, and the song recording and MV are being carried out simultaneously.

Of course, the most tiring thing is Zhang Xin, who has to live broadcast, record songs, and cooperate with filming the MV.

However, it is basically all green cloth shooting post-production special effects. Although it is not an outdoor shooting, it is also exhausting.

"If you need anything, just call me."

Xiao Yang casually said something...

On the other side, Wan Qian who hung up the phone was also compared with Zhang Xin.

Zhang Xin was a little puzzled: "What are you doing about Yang?"

"Tomorrow you will know!"

Wan Qian smiled, and already had a plan in her mind.

At the same time, an unexpected visitor came to Xiao Yang's side.

Chu Jiayu!

Chu Jiayu was also very angry at the moment. When he came here, he had thought of many lines in his mind, and even thought about the moves after the meeting, a set of taekwondo to send Xiao Yang back to the hospital.

But who knew that at the moment when she saw Xiao Yang, what she couldn't deny was that she didn't know what to say, and she forgot all about Taekwondo.

"That, Xiao Yang..."

"Why are you here?" Xiao Yang was shocked the moment he saw Chu Jiayu.

Never expected that this little girl came to her house!

Speaking of which, he had met Chu Jiayu several times, but it was the first time that he was wearing normal clothes. Speaking of which, Xiao Yang was not used to it.

But fortunately, Jiang Yan went out, so it's okay, so it's easy to explain.

"Why can't I come!" Chu Jiayu snorted, and went directly into Xiao Yang's house regardless of Xiao Yang's obstruction.

"After all, we've only met each other three times!" Xiao Yang said embarrassingly.

"You know it three times, three times, you lied to me three times!"

Chu Jiayu was so angry that he never thought that Xiao Yang was a man, and he was deceived by Lin Qiyue to death!

After all, who would have thought that such a charming "beauty" is actually a big man.

Also my sister's boyfriend.

"I didn't lie to you, I just didn't say I was a man, it was you who thought I was a woman."


Chu Jiayu was a little speechless.

Thinking about it, Xiao Yang never explained, but he obviously called so many goddesses!

She just felt a mess in her head now, and she didn't know what to say at all.

She really wanted to reprimand Xiao Yang, but for some reason, seeing Xiao Yang's face, she couldn't move her mouth!

He is obviously the champion of the campus debate competition, and he is usually eloquent, but at this moment he can't say a word.

"I don't care, it's your problem anyway, and I..."

Chu Jiayu actually stomped his feet, losing his girlish temper.

She didn't know how long she hadn't acted like a baby.

five years, ten years...

But there was no sense of incongruity.

She remembered the things she did to Xiao Yang.

wall dong.

sneak kiss.

Send chicken soup...

On weekdays, whenever there was a boy half a meter away from him, Chu Jiayu might feel chills in his heart.

But looking at Xiao Yang, he didn't feel disgusted at all, even...

Chu Jiayu blushed slightly.

"Since you know I'm a man, why are you looking for me?" Xiao Yang let out a long breath, and said like a straight man.

To be honest, he didn't want to provoke Chu Jiayu anymore, but this girl...

Well, there is a problem!

It's a pity that such a beautiful girl is a lily.

He frowned slightly, and suddenly remembered that there was such a case in Nine Turns Golden Needle...

Some girls don't hate boys so much, but they have symptoms of the disease themselves.

He glanced at Chu Jiayu and pondered for a while.

Could it be that this girl has this kind of disease?

But at this time, Chu Jiayu heard Xiao Yang's question, and wanted to **** off Xiao Yang, but found that he still couldn't get angry, so he could only pretend to be fierce: "You are my sister's boyfriend, let me see Look at you, after all, everyone on the Internet says you are a scumbag!"

"Slander, pure and simple is slander, I've already cleared it up!" Xiao Yang said without blushing and without heartbeat.

"The girl who went out from here just now doesn't seem to be Xiaoyue!" Chu Jiayu said.


Just as Xiao Yang wanted to explain, the door suddenly rang again.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and hurried to open the door. The doorbell was life-saving. At least this issue should be avoided for now.

The door opens.

A bottle of red wine fell into Xiao Yang's eyes first.

"I guessed that you must be lying at home, no, a friend sent a bottle of red wine, and the first thing I thought of was you!"

It was Lin Hanwen who came, and he said to Xiao Yang with a happy face as soon as he entered the door.

Speaking of which, he originally wanted the lawyer to help Xiao Yang. After all, he was also his father-in-law. Who knew if the help would not be helpful, but he would actually earn money.

Because of Xiao Yang's popularity, without knowing it, Hanwen Real Estate under his banner has gained a lot of fame.

Recently, several companies have come to discuss cooperation, and they are also happy today. They brought a bottle of red wine and prepared to chat with Xiao Yang.

He came to Xiao Yang's house more than once, and walked to the wine cabinet with ease, but only now did he see that there was another girl at Xiao Yang's house~www.readwn.com~Jiayu! "

Lin Hanwen naturally recognized Chu Jiayu, after all, she was Lin Qiyue's older sister, and he was surprised to see her here.

"Uncle Lin!" Chu Jiayu greeted without thinking too much.

The corner of Lin Hanwen's mouth twitched, and he turned his head to look at Xiao Yang, his expression was quite fierce.

"You boy, Jiang Yan and Lin Qiyue are not enough, why did you even get involved with Xiaoyue's half-sister?" Lin Hanwen whispered.

He shook his head.

This is a path I hadn't thought of at all.

Speaking of sisters, it seems that they are not.

But they are sisters...

this kid.


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