After a while, Reba chose her room..Her room is close to the inside and has its own bathroom.

This is not only for convenience, but also to avoid some embarrassing situations.

After all, she is a girl. If she walks in and out of the room, regardless of whether she cares about it, Ji Yun will feel very awkward.

"Ji Yun, I have chosen."

After choosing the room, Reba went to the living room to find Ji Yun.

At this time, Ji Yun was sitting on the sofa with Tuantuan in his arms.

Seeing Reba come out, Ji Yun made a silencing gesture towards Reba.

Reba was stunned for a moment, and then she saw Tuantuan sleeping in Ji Yun's arms.

Reba quickly slowed down and whispered:"Ji Yun, I have chosen. I will live in the room on the inside."

"OK, got it. Ji

Yun nodded lightly, and then asked:"Did your crew ask you to come over to gather?""

Reba was slightly startled. She didn't expect that Ji Yun would suddenly ask this question.

"Hmm... I mentioned that we would gather together in Suzhou and Hangzhou later, but that was said in the group, and drama manager Wang didn’t tell me specifically."

"But I think the drama manager Wang also wanted me to come over, but the drama manager Wang was too embarrassed to say it."

Now the entire crew knows about her relationship with Ji Yun.

As an important staff member of the crew, drama manager Wang is naturally more aware of this.

Originally, Ji Sining was a fashion queen, and drama manager Wang was already very polite to her.

Now I know this After hearing the news, Wang Drama Manager certainly didn't dare to make too many arrangements for her, so he could only remind her indirectly.

Ji Yun said:"Then you should hurry up and go there while Tuantuan is asleep now."

Reba nodded. She had this idea originally, otherwise Tuan Tuan would wake up and cry again when she saw her leaving.

"I'll go and be back soon, because we don't have to film today."

Ji Yun said lightly:"I'll have someone give it to you."

"OK, thank you."

Reba didn't refuse. After all, she was unfamiliar with Suzhou and Hangzhou, and she didn't even know how to take a taxi.

"Then I'll go downstairs and wait. Bye."

Reba waved goodbye to Ji Yun and then left the Sovereign Hotel.

…… at the same time.

Suhang, Linjiang Hotel.

This hotel is exactly the accommodation provided by the cast of"Phoenix Power" for the actors.

Although it is not as luxurious as the Sovereign Hotel, it is still a very famous hotel in Suzhou and Hangzhou.

At this time, Zhao Liying was packing her luggage in the hotel room.

As a popular female star and an absolute heroine, the crew of"Phoenix Power" specially prepared a single room for Zhao Liying.

While packing her things, Zhao Liying couldn't help but wonder if Reba had arrived in Suzhou and Hangzhou.

"Boom, boom, boom."

At this time, someone suddenly knocked on the door.

Zhao Liying put down what she was holding and walked over to open the door.

The next moment, Zhao Liying was stunned for a moment.

"Reba, why are you here?"

Zhao Liying

"Come and play with you.

Reba smiled and said,"Aren't you welcome?""

"Welcome, of course. Zhao

Liying smiled slightly:"I thought you would arrive in Suzhou and Hangzhou in the afternoon, but I didn't expect you to come here so soon.""

"Come on in and sit down."

Bringing Reba into the room and looking at the clothes thrown on the bed, Zhao Liying smiled awkwardly.

"Well...I was packing things just now, it might be a little messy"

"It's okay, Sister Liying, my room is even more messy."

Reba smiled slightly, then found a seat and sat down.

She took a look at Zhao Liying's room.

If it had been before, Reba would have been very envious.

In the past, when she went out to film, she always stayed in double rooms, and single rooms were reserved for starring roles. There are some configurations.

But now... just walking out of the presidential suite, looking at this room again, Reba suddenly felt that this single room was also very ordinary.

"Reba, when will you arrive in Suhang?"

At this time, Zhao Liying asked

"It's quite early. I arrived in Suzhou and Hangzhou more than an hour ago."

Reba replied

"You arrived more than an hour ago? That was indeed very early."

Zhao Liying was a little surprised. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Calculating the time, it was only half past nine. That is, it was only half an hour after they set off, and Reba had already arrived in Suzhou and Hangzhou.

"So where do you live? Are you going to live outside or stay with us at the Linjiang Hotel?"

Zhao Liying asked curiously.

When she said the two words"outside", Zhao Liying's voice became obviously stiff.

Although she already knew the big boss behind Reba, she accompanied Reba to Suzhou and Hangzhou this time..

But this kind of thing is not very good after all, so naturally we can’t say it directly.

".I live outside. Reba hesitated for a moment, but still didn’t hide it from Zhao Liying:"I live in the Sovereign Hotel."

Zhao Liying's eyes suddenly widened.

She had been to Suzhou and Hangzhou once before, and she had made some preparations before coming to Suzhou and Hangzhou this time.

So she was no stranger to the Sovereign Hotel and knew that it was the best hotel in Suzhou and Hangzhou..

Reba actually lives there.

But if you think about it carefully, it’s normal. After all, the big boss behind Reba is not short of money. Let’s not talk about anything else for the time being. I just want to talk about the crew of"Phoenix Power in the World" from Moving from Kyoto to the Magic City will cost a lot of money

"Re (Wang Qian's) Ba, it seems that you live better and are treated better than me, the heroine."

Zhao Liying joked with a smile.

"Sister Liying, why are you like this?"

Reba's face turned slightly red and she said angrily.

"Um? What's the meaning?"

Zhao Liying was a little confused.

"Sister Mi always teases me like this. Reba pouted and said,"I thought you were different from Sister Mi. I didn't expect that you would also like to tease me after we got to know each other.""

Zhao Liying smiled dumbly, but she didn't expect that Reba actually meant this.

Looking at Reba's red face, Zhao Liying was suddenly very curious in her heart, what kind of person was the big boss behind Reba.

Looking at Reba, she looked a bit like She is a little girl in love.

So, the boss behind Reba should be quite young, right? At least he must be very good, right?.

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