Zhang Li and Wang Dashan are the director and stage manager of"Phoenix Quan Tian Xia" respectively.

Naturally, it is impossible for the two of them to be strangers to Reba.

At this time, the two of them stood up one after another and greeted Reba enthusiastically.

That posture didn't look like a senior at all, but more like a junior than Reba.

Seeing the actions of the two of them, the several veteran actors sitting there couldn't help but be surprised.

He raised his head and looked at Reba, with a flash of curiosity in his eyes.

What is the origin of this little girl that makes Zhang Li even take the initiative to stand up and say hello?

You know, Zhang Li has a very high status in the industry.

He has directed"Toward a Republic"》,《Ming Dynasty 1566》,《"The Righteous Way in the World Is the Vicissitudes of Life" and other highly acclaimed classic masterpieces.

He has won the Best Director Award more than once, and has also won major awards at home and abroad.

If Chen Daoming can be ranked in the top five or even the top three among domestic actors.

Then Zhang Li is definitely the top one among domestic directors!

The veteran actors suddenly remembered some recent rumors among the crew.

It is said that there is an actor in the crew who is a person with big capital.

Considering the current situation, it’s not the girl in front of me that I’m talking about, right?

Thinking of this, the expressions of these veteran actors suddenly changed, and they all stood up to say hello to Reba.

"Reba, right? Hello"

"Reba, you are so polite. You even came over to say hello to us."

"That's right, so polite."

For a moment, these old actors put out their cigarettes and stood up, one by one, to say hello to Reba. Even

Chen Daoming, who had always been graceful and noble, became amiable and approachable at this time. Reba, who was already nervous, became even more nervous in an instant when faced with the warm greetings from these old drama stars.

"No, it should be. You are all my seniors, so I should come over and say hello to you."

Reba pulled a smile from the corner of her mouth, trying not to look so embarrassed.

Zhao Liying stood next to Reba, her eyes widened at this time, and the expression on her face had become particularly wonderful.

Good guy, she came to say hello just now At that time, these old actors were still sitting on chairs and smoking cigarettes.

But when it was Reba's turn to say hello, all these old actors stood up?

Wasn't this attitude change too big?

Of course, she didn't think this was the case. The old actors didn't respect her.

Originally, these old actors were the elders, and it was reasonable whether they stood up or not. Mainly because she didn't expect that the big boss behind Reba was so proud!

Not to mention other veteran actors, even Chen Daoming seems to be full of respect.

You know, although there is a lot of capital in the entertainment industry, there is very little capital that can make Chen Daoming respected!

Chen Daoming himself He is the chairman of the Film Association, and his status in the entertainment industry is not low.

After a while,

Reba finally said hello to these veteran actors and took Zhao Liying away. When she walked to a place where no one was around, Reba seemed to He breathed a sigh of relief,"It's finally over.""

"Sister Liying, you don't mean what you say. You said I just need to call someone. Why didn't you say a few words to me just now? Zhao

Liying's face was full of bitterness:"Reba, you really can't blame me. I didn't expect it to be like this.""

"Even if Teacher Ming and the others are talking to you, I can't get in the way. Reba snorted softly:"Okay, Sister Liying, then I forgive you.""

Zhao Liying smiled slightly, and then couldn't help but sigh:

"But Reba, to be honest, you didn’t go over to say hello to senior just now. You clearly went over to ask senior to say hello to you."

…… at the same time.

Sovereign Hotel. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In the living room.

Ji Yun was sitting on the sofa, holding a glass of water in his hand.

His mobile phone is on the table and he is talking to someone on the phone

"Mr. Ji, I am Ma Yu, do you still have an impression of me?"

A voice came from the other end of the phone. It sounded a little hoarse, as if it had stayed up for many nights.

Ji Yun took a sip of water and hummed:"Mr. Ma, how could I not have an impression of you? But a big celebrity. Ma

Yu smiled bitterly:"Mr. Ji, you are joking. I am just showing up. If we really think about it, you are the famous one.""

"I heard that Mr. Ji, you came to Suzhou and Hangzhou today? Not sure whether it is true?"

Ji Yun said calmly:"I just arrived in Suzhou and Hangzhou.

Ma Yu said happily:"That's great. I'm going to hold a banquet tonight. I hope Mr. Ji can come over and have a meal together.""

Ji Yun chuckled:"There's no rush."

"Mr. Ma, I know your recent situation and that you are in a very difficult situation."

"So I have to make it clear first, I will not interfere in your affairs, even if you tell the truth today, if I don't interfere, I won't interfere."

Although Ji Yun's voice was calm, it was unquestionable and firm to the extreme.

Ma Yu was silent for a moment, and then suddenly laughed:

"Mr. Ji, I understand that you are also in a dilemma. I want to make you a friend, Mr. Ji, so I don’t want to embarrass you, Mr. Ji."

"Don't worry, I'm just inviting you, Mr. Ji, to come over for a casual meal. Just treat it as Mr. Ji when you come to Suhang, and I will do my best to be a landlord.

Ji Yun also laughed:"If Mr. Ma said that, then I will definitely give him this face.""

"Mr. Ma, tell me some time. I have a lot of leisure these days and have a lot of time to make friends. Ma

Yu thought for a moment and said,"Then at seven o'clock today, I will wait for Mr. Ji at Zhiweiju.""

Ji Yun hummed.

Then he said a few polite words and hung up the phone.

Ma Yu... yes, he was the former richest man in the country and the chairman of Alibaba.

This time he came to Suzhou and Hangzhou. Firstly, Ji Yun came here to have fun with the group, and secondly, he wanted to meet Ma Yu.

Ma Yu was in a very difficult situation recently and was facing the crisis of being forced to retire.

So he asked Ji Yun for help, hoping that Ji Yun Can come forward to help him overcome this difficulty.

Ji Yun does have the ability to help him.

But helping him will not only bring little benefit, but also cause a lot of trouble.

So Ji Yun has no idea of ​​helping him.

But Ji Yun does I am still willing to make him a friend.

Ji Yun doesn't have many friends, but as long as they are qualified to be Ji Yun's friends, Ji Yun has friendship with them. He is not afraid of having many friends when he is away from home.

This is why in just three years , the reason why Ji Yun was able to develop Chuangji to its current scale.

At seven o'clock in the evening, Zhiweiju.

Ji Yun silently wrote down the losses in his heart.

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