at the same time.

On the other side, in the West Lake.

As the hot search for"Marry Young" became popular on scarves, it was edited by bloggers on major short video websites.

Ji Yun's enthusiasm is getting higher and higher.

The West Lake where Ji Yun is located in the video also became popular on the Internet.

West Lake has always been a famous scenic spot. In its early years, it was rated as one of the top ten scenic spots in the country, and later it was rated as a five-A tourist attraction.

There are too many people in China who know about West Lake.

Some netizens who live in Suzhou and Hangzhou can even tell at a glance that Ji Yun is in West Lake.

As a result, these netizens rushed to West Lake one after another, wanting to see Ji Yun with their own eyes.

It's a pity that Ji Yun has already returned to the Sovereign Hotel with Tuantuan in his arms.

It's getting late, it's almost noon, but Reba still hasn't sent a message.

Ji Yun"947" is not the kind of person who doesn't know how to adapt.

Besides, Reba herself said that she would most likely not come back for dinner at noon, so Ji Yun ordered a few dishes without waiting for news from Reba.

"Baby, daddy took you to play outside today. After lunch later, you have to sleep well, okay?"

After coming back, Ji Yun put Tuantuan on the cradle.

After ordering the food, Ji Yun talked to Tuantuan gently.

""Ouch (good)"

Tuantuan cried out.

At least she is happy now and her mood has become better, so she can communicate better.

"Then it’s settled, let’s pull the hook."

Ji Yun said, holding out his little finger.

Although Tuan Tuan didn't understand what"pull a hook" meant, when she saw Ji Yun stretching out her little finger, she thought it was fun, so she followed suit.

The father and daughter used this method to pull the hook. Making a promise in a childish way

"Tuantuan, you have to sleep well at noon. If you don't abide by the agreement, you will be a puppy that doesn't keep its words."

Ji Yun pretended to have a serious face and said.

Tuantuan chuckled, and it didn't matter whether he understood or not. He just liked the atmosphere."Yeah (no problem)"

A slight smile appeared at the corner of Ji Yun's mouth, and on Tuantuan's face Baji kissed her and said,"She is really daddy's good daughter."

At this time, the phone suddenly rang.

Ji Yun took the phone over casually, and then took a look. It turned out to be a call from Chen Momo.

The smile on Ji Yun's face gradually faded, and a bit of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Why did Momo call him?

Could it be that something big happened in the company that even Momo couldn't handle?

Or maybe the old people in the company had any ideas?

When Ji Yun answered the phone, he heard Chen Momo's slightly anxious voice. The voice came from the other end of the phone

"Mr. Ji, where are you?"

Ji Yun said calmly:"I'm at the Junhao Hotel. Chen

Momo seemed to be relieved, and then asked:"Did you take the group to the West Lake to play just now?""

How did Momo know this?

Ji Yun couldn't help but wonder, and said:"Well, I took the group to the West Lake to play for a while, and I just returned to the Sovereign Hotel."

"What's wrong? What happened? Chen

Momo said slightly bitterly:"It's like this. When you were playing with Tuan Tuan in the West Lake just now, someone must have secretly photographed you.""

"Now the Internet is full of videos of you and Tuantuan at West Lake. There are also related hot searches for scarves, and many people have begun to follow you."

Yes, Chen Momo called Ji Yun because of the video.

Just now, Chen Momo was at the company and was about to call his employees when he happened to see Ji Yun's video.

She felt like she was struck by lightning, and then hurriedly called Ji Yun There was a call. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Listening to Chen Momo's words, Ji Yun couldn't help but frown slightly.

He was secretly photographed?

"Tuantuan was also photographed? Do you have a positive face?"

Soon, Ji Yun thought of something and asked in a serious tone.

He didn't need to be too anxious about being secretly photographed.

But Tuantuan is still so young now, and Ji Yun didn't want her to be photographed in the face and posted online for others to see. Discussion.

If too many people pay attention, Tuantuan’s safety and life will definitely be affected.

"Don't worry, I didn't take any pictures of Tuantuan's face."

"In fact, I didn’t even capture much of your front face. I only captured most of your side face, and then the back of you hugging Tuantuan."

Chen Momo knew what Ji Yun was worried about and answered seriously.

Hearing this, Ji Yun breathed a sigh of relief.

It would be great if Tuantuan's face was not photographed.

If it was, then... a flash of light flashed in Ji Yun's eyes. cold light......

Chen Momo continued:"Look, do we need to handle it urgently now?"

The so-called emergency handling means contacting major Internet platforms such as Douyin and Bibo to remove those videos and hot searches.

Chuangji has shares in Douyin, but other platforms do not have shares.

But as long as Chuang Ji opens his mouth, they will agree no matter what.

Ji Yun asked lightly:"How popular is the video?"

Chen Momo said:"It's very popular, almost popular on the entire network."

"Your looks are too good. Nowadays, no girl would dislike boys with good looks, and then spread the word through those girls."

"The older generation may not know it yet, but I think there are not many young people who don’t know it."

Ji Yun hummed, and then said:"That's it, there's no point in removing the video now, but it will make the discussion bigger."

Such a popular video and hot search suddenly disappeared.

As long as you are not a fool, you will always wonder if there is something fishy behind it.

Once you are curious, speculation and fabrication will follow.

By then, even if there are no such videos and hot searches, the popularity will still remain high.

Chen Momo also understands this truth.

No matter how powerful Chuang Ji is, it is still difficult to block the opinions of all the people on the Internet.

"Mr. Ji, I understand, then I will notify 0.3 Douyin and Bibo to let them gradually reduce the popularity."

"Let them slowly disappear your hot searches and videos from the public eye without arousing suspicion."

Ji Yun hummed.

Chen Momo deserved to have followed him for so many years and could always understand his thoughts quickly.

"Then I won't disturb you and I'll go deal with it."

After Chen Momo said that, he hung up the phone.

Ji Yun put down the phone casually, and a hint of helplessness gradually appeared on his face. He really didn't expect that his video would be circulated on the Internet.

However, he didn't care and didn't care. How do people on the Internet talk about him?

Moreover, this may be just the beginning, maybe there will be a second or third time in the future. After all

, Tuantuan’s mother is a public figure...

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