Unknowingly, the time has come to half past three.

Listen to what's going on outside.

Ji Yun couldn't help but frown slightly.

Reba came back so soon today?

"After your dad and I clean up, you will stay here for the night when you come back from the Mid-Autumn Festival."

"Anyway, you are not so busy at work now, so just stay here for a few more days."

On the other end of the phone, Ji's mother was still urging her.

Seeing that Ji Yun suddenly stopped talking, Ji's mother asked:"Son, why are you silent? Did you hear me?"

Ji Yun came back to his senses, hummed, and said:"I know, I will definitely stay a few more days when I come back."

"Mom, I have something to do now, so I won’t tell you more. Ji

's mother said angrily:"Okay, okay, go ahead and do your work. Every time I call you, I'll be busy after a while.""

"You should take care of your health. You always have time to do your work. Don't be too tired.

Ji Yun nodded:"I know, Mom."

After finishing speaking, Ji Yun hung up the phone. At this time

, Reba opened the door and walked in. 26"Ji Yun, why are you outside?""

Seeing Ji Yun standing outside the door, Reba couldn't help but feel a little curious.

"I just made a phone call."

Ji Yun said lightly.

As for the fact that he was on the phone with Ji's mother just now, Ji Yun didn't say it.

Ji Yun doesn't want to tell Reba about this matter yet.

It's not too late to discuss it with Reba when he finds an opportunity.

He I plan to take a group back during the Mid-Autumn Festival, so I will naturally ask Reba for her opinion.

See if Reba is willing to go back with them, or if she has other arrangements.

Naturally, it is impossible for Reba to ask who Ji Yun is with. Call.

So she didn’t ask further questions.

"Is Tuantuan still sleeping?"

Ji Yun hummed:"I just slept for a while."

Reba nodded, and then said:"Ji Yun, I have something to tell you."

Ji Yun said calmly:"Tell me."

Reba said:"We have been in Suzhou and Hangzhou for five days, right? Today the crew wrapped up filming, and I'm going to attend the wrapping banquet later."

The reason why Reba came back so early today is because"Phoenix World" has been completed.

And according to the rules of the entertainment industry, it is natural to hold a finalization banquet when it is completed. At this finalization banquet, basically as long as there is some drama Actors will all attend when the time comes.

Although Reba is not very interested in these banquets in the entertainment industry.

But the wrap-up banquet is different.

It would be rude not to attend the wrap-up banquet.

After all, the director and producer will Seniors from the entertainment industry will also be present.

"I'm going to have a few bites and I'll be right back.

Reba said:"Originally I didn't want to go, but Sister Liying and the others were calling me to go, so I had to go and stay for a while.""

Ji Yun said yes. He would not object to Reba attending these banquets.

"Okay, I'll take the group out for a walk by myself then."

Ji Yun said lightly.

Reba thought of something and smiled:"By the way, the hotel we booked for the final banquet is not far from the place where we have been walking these past few days."

"When I finish my meal, I can come directly to you.

Ji Yun nodded and said,"Well, you just need to arrange your own time and don't be in a hurry." Reba shook her head and said,"No rush, no rush at all. I can finish the meal before seven-thirty at the latest.""

"Then let’s just say it, I’ll come find you after dinner"

"Then I'm going to take a shower now."

After that, Reba went back to the room.

Looking at Reba's lively back, Ji Yun's eyes were slightly thoughtful.

Should I take Reba back during the Mid-Autumn Festival?

If I take Reba back, will anything happen? Different impact?

…… after awhile.

When Reba came out of the shower, Tuantuan was still sleeping.

That’s fine. Reba won’t be seen by everyone when she goes out.

"Ji Yun, I'll leave first."

Reba came over to say goodbye to Ji Yun.

It could be seen that she was really just going to eat. She just dressed up casually and her makeup was very elegant.

She looked like she was having a meal with friends and didn't want to attend a grand banquet at all. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Ji Yun nodded lightly:"Go ahead."


After saying that, Reba left.

After leaving the Sovereign Hotel, she took a taxi directly to the hotel.

《The closing banquet of"Huang Quan Tian Xia" was booked at the Blue Sky Hotel.

This hotel is also quite famous in Suzhou and Hangzhou.

Although compared with Zhiweiju, there may still be some gaps.

But no one would say anything.

After all, the standards of Zhiweiju are too high.

If you are just entertaining a few leading actors and important staff, then there is no harm in having a meal at Zhiweiju.

But even the other minor supporting roles were invited, so a closing banquet at Zhiweiju would probably eat up a leading role's salary!

When Reba arrived at the Blue Sky Hotel, Zhao Liying happened to arrive as well.

At this time, Zhao Liying was also surrounded by several leading actors of"Phoenix Quan Tian Xia".

Huo Jianhua, Chengyi, Lan Yingying…

"Reba, over here!"

Zhao Liying was chatting with a few people. When she saw Reba coming, she immediately waved to Reba. Reba looked up and then walked to Zhao Liying

"Sister Li Ying"

"Brother Jianhua."

Reba greeted several people.

The leading actors also responded to Reba very politely. It is not an exaggeration to say that Reba's current status in the crew is the highest in the entire crew.

Although it was not stated explicitly, everyone has already Got it.

The big boss behind Reba is the biggest financial backer of the crew and the mastermind who moved the crew from Kyoto to Shanghai!

Although they are quite famous in the entertainment industry.

Especially Huo Jianhua, She also has deep qualifications in the entertainment industry.


In front of capital, no matter how popular or senior you are, you have to bow your head.

When Reba walked into their group, it was just a few leading actors chatting, We were talking, but with the arrival of Reba, other people came over to say hello one after another.

For example, director Zhang Li, and the veteran actor.

Even when the closing banquet was about to begin.

Huayi Brothers' The two bosses, Wang Zongjun and Wang Zonglei, came over.

They also walked up to Reba and said hello to Reba specifically.

With respectful and kind smiles on their faces.

At this moment, the place where Reba was seemed to become the entire place. The center of the closing ceremony!.

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