At this moment, everyone in Reba was stunned!

A look of surprise appeared on her face instantly.

What did Ji Yun call the person on the other side of the phone just now? mom! ?

No... you heard me right, the person on the other end of the phone is actually Ji Yun's mother!

Why did Ji Yun's mother call? ?

Before she had time to think about it, Reba quickly covered her mouth, fearing that she would make any sound and be heard by the other end of the phone!

I really can’t blame Reba for making such a fuss!

She was really frightened.

After living together with Ji Yun for so long, she found that few people called Ji Yun.

And the few people who called Ji Yun were either Chen Momo or some business partners!

But... like today, Ji Yun's relatives called, and this was the first time she saw them.

Ji Yun watched Reba cover her mouth and couldn't help but frown slightly, but didn't say anything.

"Son, what are you doing?"

On the other end of the phone, Ji's mother's voice came over.

"Just finished eating, now go for a walk outside."

Ji Yun replied softly.

"Oops, now everyone actually knows to go out for a walk after dinner. Ji

's mother was a little surprised, but she was also very happy and said:"Yes, this is very good. Remember to keep it.""

"After eating every day, I focus on work and my body is exhausted."

"Now that my career has improved, it’s time to take good care of my body. When I come back, I will give you some nourishment.

Ji Yun hummed, and then said,"Have you finished eating?" Where is my father and others?"

Ji's mother said:""Six Six Seven" has eaten. He has already finished his meal. Isn't it time to go back? Your dad went out to say goodbye to some friends. He has been very busy these two days.

Ji Yun asked softly:"What about you?" Do you stay at home? Ji

's mother said:"How is that possible? I'm going out soon. Some friends have invited me to go shopping together.""

"Do you think I'm just like you? I'm as bored as a gourd and don't know how to make more friends and go out and walk around."

A trace of helplessness appeared on Ji Yun's face.

Reba, who was sitting next to him, couldn't help laughing. Fortunately, she covered her mouth and stopped laughing.

Haha, it turns out that Ji Yun will also be criticized..

Meng Gourd...

I have to say that the word aunt is really accurate.

Ji Yun is indeed like Meng Gourd, not talkative, not very social, and even his expression rarely changes.

The word Meng Gourd seems to be for Ji Yun Ji

Yun asked:"Since you are going out to play later, why are you calling me?

Ji's mother said angrily:"What's wrong?" Can't I call you?"

"If I'm calling you, there must be something important."

"Your dad and I will go back tomorrow morning and arrive home around noon."

"Come back the day after tomorrow. Ji Yun was slightly startled:"

Are you so anxious?" Aren’t you going back the day before the festival?"

Ji's mother said:"I changed my mind. Your dad and I discussed it and I still think it's better to go home early so that you can come back early."

"Can you make time the day after tomorrow?"

Ji Yun did not answer hastily, but turned to look at Reba.

He originally planned to take Reba and Tuantuan back on the holiday.

But he didn't expect that his parents suddenly changed their minds. As a result, he would have to go back early. Take Reba and Tuan Tuan back in a few days.

Going back a few days early is completely different from going back on the holiday.

Go back on the holiday, have a meal, stay one night, two nights at most, and then you can come back.

But If you go there a few days earlier, you will have to stay there for a few more days.

So I don’t know what Reba thinks about this.

Sensing Ji Yun’s gaze, Reba blinked.

She doesn’t know whether she is She didn't understand what it meant to go back early, but she still felt it didn't matter.

She smiled and nodded, saying that she had no problem.

Seeing this, Ji Yun said nothing.

Since Reba had no objection, he would not have any objection either.

"Okay, then I'll go back the day after tomorrow. Ji

's mother smiled with satisfaction:"Then it's settled. If you regret it, see if I and your father will go over and catch you." After a pause, Ji's mother's smile suddenly deepened:"When you come back the day after tomorrow, there will be a good thing waiting for you."

Ji Yun asked in confusion:"What's the matter?" Ji

's mother thought for a moment and said,"It doesn't matter if I tell you now. Your Aunt Wang wants to introduce you to some girls.""

"Isn’t this because your career has become stable recently and you are almost old enough to start a family?"

"In addition to your Aunt Wang, your Aunt Zhang’s youngest daughter has also reached the age of marriageable age."

"She is a few years younger than you. She is pretty and has a good personality."

"I remember when we were kids, you went to the amusement park together."

Hearing this, a look of helplessness suddenly appeared on Ji's face.

He had a vague hunch just now that the good things his mother said must be related to his getting married.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be the case. No wonder he had to come back a few days early. It turned out that Mom started to worry about this matter again.

Reba next to her also widened her eyes when she heard this.

Urging... urging marriage?!

It turns out that big bosses like Ji Yun, like many single young people, have When being urged to get married by her family.


I don’t know why, but for this kind of funny thing.

Reba didn’t find it funny at this time, but felt uncomfortable and panicked in her heart.

Ji Yun was pushed to get married by her aunt, Among them is a childhood sweetheart who grew up with Ji Yun.

So when Ji Yun goes back, does he want to meet those people and develop relationships with them?

"Son, why are you silent again? Why are you so quiet every time I mention this to you?"

On the other end of the phone, Ji's mother said angrily:"Son, it's not me who said that you are almost thirty years old and it's time to get married."

"If you don’t get married now, it will be too late if you want to get married in the future."

"While your father and I are still young, we will get married and have a child within a year. When the child is born, your father and I can help you take care of it."

As soon as Ji's mother said these words,

Reba's face changed again, and she felt even more unhappy.

At this time, Ji Yun finally said:"Mom, I remember telling you last time that this matter will wait until the holidays. Let’s have a good talk when we go back"

"Don't be so anxious now, it's still too late to talk about this matter after you get back."

Ji's mother said:"Okay, okay, let's wait until you come back, but then don't give me other reasons."

Ji Yun hummed, and then was about to hang up the phone.

But at this moment, Tuantuan, who was sitting in Reba's arms, saw a beam of light coming from not far away, and let out a babble.

The sound was not loud enough. Small, full of energy

"what sound?"

Ji's mother on the other end of the phone was immediately attracted by the voice.

Reba was startled and quickly covered her mouth.

Ji Yun was also slightly startled. She didn't expect to hang up the phone, but here she is. This is what happened. (To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"The voice of a child."

Ji Yun didn't make excuses and said straightforwardly.

"There are children next to you."

Ji's mother didn't think too much. She just felt that it was normal for Ji Yun to be outside and have children around her.

Just hearing the child's voice reminded her that Ji Yun had a child. Ji's mother did not have such an ability to associate.

Ji's mother was right Ji Yun also knows very well. If Ji Yun has a child, he will definitely tell her.

"Okay, you can go for a walk, I'm going shopping with my friends too."

After Ji's mother finished speaking, she hung up the phone.

Ji Yun put down the phone and turned to look at the panicked Reba and the confused group of people whose mouths were covered by Reba.

"Well... I'm sorry, I didn't look at Tuantuan just now. Reba said timidly.

Ji Yun frowned slightly and reached out to hug Tuan Tuan.

"Don’t cover Tuantuan’s mouth next time, just do whatever Tuantuan likes."

Reba hummed and breathed a sigh of relief in her heart.

It seems that Ji Yun still loves Tuan Tuan very much.

But she is overthinking it. Tuan Tuan is Ji Yun's biological flesh and blood, and Ji Yun has always doted on Tuan Tuan.

For To take care of Tuantuan, Ji Yun is willing to give up his job and stay at home.

This time he went back to take Tuantuan to recognize his ancestors.

So, how could Ji Yun blame Tuantuan?

But, she…

"what's on your mind?"

At this time, Ji Yun's somewhat doubtful voice brought Reba back from her thoughts....

"No, I didn’t think anything of it."

Reba shook her head, but her face was a little gloomy.

She didn't know what was going on, but her mood was so low at this time.

It seemed that since Ji's mother talked about introducing someone to Ji Yun, she felt the air around her. Everything became thinner, and breathing became difficult.

An indescribable emotion spread in my heart.

"Are you sure you didn't think of anything?"

Looking at Reba's disappointed look, the confusion in Ji Yun's eyes deepened.

Is this nothing?

His eyes were all gone.

"Did you misunderstand something?"

After thinking for a while, Ji Yun asked


Reba shook her head, and then forced a smile on her face.

It's impossible to say directly,"Auntie introduces you to someone, I feel very uncomfortable."

"There is no best."

Ji Yun said calmly:"If there is anything, I hope you will say it directly."

"There are enough intrigues in business. I don’t want people around me to hide their thoughts."

"You did very well before. Although you were silly, you seemed very sincere and couldn't hide anything."

"Don't become too thoughtful."

Hearing this,

Reba looked up at Ji Yun.

Ji Yun's face was still calm.

These words were not blaming her.

But she suddenly felt that if she didn't make it clear to Ji Yun, she would never be able to do it again. Maintain the current relationship with Ji Yun.

Ji Yun will gradually drift away from her

"Okay, okay, I am indeed a little curious. Reba said a little coyly:"Didn't Auntie just say that you are old enough and will introduce you to someone when you get back?""

"There are several girls introduced by Aunt Wang, and there are also childhood sweethearts who have grown up since childhood."

"Then when you go back, are you going to go on a blind date?

Ji Yun raised his eyebrows,"So you are thinking about this." Reba

's face turned red and she quickly said:"Don't misunderstand me, I'm not thinking about those weird things, I just feel very curious.""

"It turns out that a good person like you can be forced to get married.

Ji Yun said:"Why not?""

"Since I graduated from college, my mother has often asked me to find a partner and introduced me to several girls."

"When I first started my business, my mother stopped for a while, but now that her career is stable, she has begun to worry about this aspect again."

After all, Reba did not become a person who thinks too much, so Ji Yun felt a little happy.

In exchange for Reba saying so many words, Ji Yun didn't mind telling her about himself. past things

"It is normal to be urged to get married. Parents will not treat you as a child just because of your identity."

"So speaking of which, have you been urged to get married by your family before?

Reba nodded:"Yes.""

"But I rejected them all"

"Because I just graduated from college not long ago, and then I got Tuan Tuan, but I had no idea of ​​falling in love at all! Reba said seriously, for fear that Ji Yun would accidentally misunderstand.

"Oh, I see."

Ji Yun nodded gently.

"So are you going on a blind date this time when you go back? Reba asked nervously.

"Don't go. Ji

Yun shook his head, and then said:"Do you think that after I take you and Tuantuan back, I will still have the idea of ​​going on a blind date?""

"In other words, do you think my mother will let me go on a blind date after seeing you and Tuantuan?"

Reha suddenly realized.

It seems to be the case.

How could she be so stupid just now? She and Tuantuan have gone back with Ji Yun. Auntie will definitely not introduce anyone to Ji Yun again.

Even if she has nothing to do with Ji Yun, even if she She is an actress by profession.

But Ji Yun took her back after all!

Not to mention that there was still Tuantuan there!

However, she still had a doubt in her heart

"Then why didn't you tell Auntie that you wanted to take me and Tuantuan back?"

Ji Yun thought for a moment and said calmly:"This is a good question."

"But I don't want to answer."


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